
Collie (Rough) Training, Dog Food, Types, Lifespan, Temperament, and Size

Collie (also referred to as Rough Collie or Long haired Collie) is a medium to large-sized dog breed from Scotland originally bred for herding sheep. There is also a smooth-coated variety referred to as Smooth Collie. However, AKC and CKC consider both Rough and Smooth-coated Collies to be variations of the same breed. Currently, Collies are bred as show dogs, companion dogs, therapy dogs, search and rescue as well as guide dogs for the blind.

Collie Dog Breed Introduction

Collie (also referred to as Rough Collie or Long haired Collie) is a medium to large-sized dog breed from Scotland originally bred for herding sheep. There is also a smooth-coated variety referred to as Smooth Collie. However, AKC and CKC consider both Rough and Smooth-coated Collies to be variations of the same breed. Currently, Collies are bred as show dogs, companion dogs, therapy dogs, search and rescue as well as guide dogs for the blind.

The long coat of a Collie has made it successful on northern Midwest farms as a guardian and able herder on the farm during the winter. Collies are loyal dogs that may bond with one person, even though they make exceptions for children. Collies are typically excellent with kids. Naturally, they are protective of small children. However, Collies rarely manifest aggressiveness or protectiveness beyond a visual deterrent and barking. Since this is a medium to large-sized dog, it needs a house rather than a small apartment.

Collie Origin | History

Collies were bred as herding dogs in Scotland. Reportedly, progenitors of this breed arrived in Scotland around 2000 years ago after they were brought by the Romans. Over the years, the local dogs were bred with the Roman Herding Stock. These dogs were later bred with the English sheepdogs producing a mixture of long and short-haired varieties. Following the industrial revolution, dog ownership became fashionable. It is believed that the early Collies were bred with Borzoi to get a longer muzzle.

Queen Victoria is credited for popularizing Collies as a fashion item among her courtiers and subjects. The continued breeding of Collies for show purposes changed the size of the breed in the 1960s. Initially, Collies were much taller than modern Collies. Albert Payson, an author, also made Collies popular for generations through the adventures of Sunnybank Collies. The first Collie came to the USA in 1879. The Collie Club of America was formed in August 1886 making it one of the oldest canine specialty clubs.

Collie's Photo
A Collie’s Photo

Collie Lifespan

A Collie has a lifespan of 12 to 14 years. However, some live past the age of 14 years.

Collie Grooming

Collies have a profuse double-coated that needs regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling especially behind the ears, in the pants, and around the collar. Regular brushing helps to keep the coat looking healthy, prevents mats or tangles, and removes dirt and loose hair. The profuse coat is likely to pick up grass burrs and seeds. Brushing keeps them at bay. Use a slicker brush to work on mats and use a stiff-bristle brush to work on the rest of the coat.

Spritzing the coat with a detangling spray or a water conditioner solution helps to prevent matting. Intact males shed heavily around their birthday while females shed three months after the heat cycle. Extra brushing and grooming is required during this period. Spayed Collies, shed heavily once a year.


Collies are clean dogs that need an occasional bath every 6 to 8 weeks unless they roll into something stinky. Before bathing a Collie, ensure the coat is brushed to remove loose hair and dirt. Use a hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner.

After a bath, thoroughly rinse off the grooming products with lukewarm water to prevent skin irritation. Dry off the coat using a dry towel before brushing the coat again to prevent mats or tangles. As for the face, use a clean damp washcloth or gentle canine wipes instead of soapy water that irritates the eyes.

Nail Grooming

Trim the nails twice a month if they don’t worn out naturally. The best way to know if the nails are due is when they produce a clicking sound against the floor. Use a grinder or nail clippers. Overly grown nails makes walking and running painful for a Collie. Brush the teeth of a Collie at least twice a week if not daily using a dog-formulated toothpaste and toothbrush. Clean the ears once a week using cotton balls and an ear cleanser solution to remove excess wax or debris.

Rough Collie Haircut

Resist from shaving a Collie. It has a double-layered coat which protects the dog against extreme heat and cold. However, owners may trim the hair between the paw pads, under the hocks, and on the rear end for sanitary purposes.

Rough Collie Grooming Tools

To fully groom a Collie you will need the following grooming tools; slicker brush and stiff-bristle brush, hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner, dry towel, nail clippers, ear cleanser solution, cotton balls, damp wash cloth or friendly canine wipes, dog-formulated toothpaste, and toothbrush.

Collie Shedding

A Collies sheds at moderate levels all-year round and heavily twice a year during spring and fall when experiencing seasonal change. It has a double coat made up of a straight and harsh top coat and a soft and dense undercoat.

Collie Hypoallergenic

Collies are not hypoallergenic dogs. They shed all-year round spreading dander and hair round the house. Apart from Collie’s dander and hair, it’s saliva, mucus, and urine also contain a protein allergen that triggers an allergic inflammation.

Collie Training

Collies are intelligent and eager to learn which makes them highly trainable. They are neither aggressive or nervous. However, Collies should be properly socialized to avoid shyness. This training starts from the age of 3 to 16 weeks. Collie puppies leave the shelter for their new homes at the age of 8 weeks. To socialize a Collie expose it to a wide variety of situations, places, people, animals, surfaces, smell, experiences, sights, and sounds such as lawn mowers, baby crying sounds, washing machine, vacuum cleaners, sirens, and whistles.


Enrolling a Collie in a puppy class also serve as a form of socialization. Puppy classes create a controlled environment where canines can interact. These classes also enable pet parents to identify and correct bad habits such as resource guarding the food bowl and toys. Collies respond well to a gentle hand and positive reinforcement methods such as playtime, treats, petting, and toys. This is also a sensitive breed that will shut down during training due to yelling or use of any other harsh correction method such as kicking, shoving, punching.

Points to note:

Remember to teach basic command words like come, sit, leave it, heel, stay, down, etc. from the age of 8 weeks. Teach one command word at a time until the dog understands before proceeding to the next command word. Owners should not issue a command while they are too excited or frustrated since the command words don’t sound the same for your pet. After the age of 6 months, Collies may start advance training since they love training and learning. Collies also excel in herding, agility, obedience, and lure coursing.

Keep the training sessions short and fun especially for puppies since they have a short attention span. The training span may increase as the dog matures to a period of at least 20 to 30 minutes. To effectively housebreak a Collie, crate training, potty training, and creating a feeding schedule is recommended. Consistency and patience are key when housebreaking a pet.

Collie Temperament | Traits

  • Loyal.
  • Eager to learn.
  • Protective especially to small children.
  • Sensitive.
  • Flexible.
  • Athletic.
  • Intelligent.
  • Gentle.
  • Friendly.
  • Sweet-natured.

Rough Collie Exercise Needs | Energy Level

A Collie is a generally athletic breed that requires daily exercise. They need to run, play, and do aerobic exercise. Daily walks, playing game of fetch, and running in a fenced yard will keep them happy and healthy.

Collie Barking

A Collie was bred as a herding dog and can fairly be vocal. Fortunately, some are easily trained not to bark. If isolated to a backyard for long periods of time, Collies may bark excessively due to boredom.

Rough Collie Height

A female Collie has a height of 21 to 26 inches ( approx. 53 to 66 cm) while its male counterpart has a height of 22 to 26 inches ( approx. 56 to 66 cm).

Rough Collie Weight

According to AKC a female Collie has a weight of 50 to 65 pounds ( approx. 23 to 29 kg ) while a male counterpart has a weight of 60 to 75 pounds ( approx. 27 to 34 kg ). However, the breeding of Collies for conformation shows has resulted to reduction in size with majority of female Collies weighing between 35 to 64 pounds ( approx. 15.8 to 29 kg) while male collies weight between 44 to 75 pounds ( approx. 20 to 34 kg).

Rough Collie Size

A Collie is a medium to large sized dog. Female Collies have a weight of 35 to 64 pounds ( approx. 15.8 to 29 kg) with a height of 21 to 26 inches ( approx. 53 to 66 cm) while male collies have a weight of 44 to 75 pounds ( approx. 20 to 34 kg) with a height of 22 to 26 inches ( approx. 56 to 66 cm).

Rough Collie Aggression

Collies are neither aggressive or nervous. However, if poorly socialized they have a shy temperament.

Collie Bite Force

Reportedly, Collies have a bite force of between 200 to 400 PSI.

Collie Eye Problems

One of the eye problems that affect Collies is Collie eye anomaly(CEA). This is a genetic disease that results in the improper development of the eye and possible blindness. Apart from CEA, this breed also suffers from progressive retinal atrophy(PRA). This is a group of degenerative diseases that affects the photoreceptors of Collies eventually leading to blindness.

Collie Health Issues

This is a relative healthy and resilient breed. However, it is affected by certain health issues including progressive retinal atrophy, Collie eye anomaly, Grey Collie Syndrome or Canine cyclic neutropenia, allergies, gastric torsion or bloat, hip dysplasia, skin problems, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, nasal solar dermatitis, Dermatomyositis, and drug sensitivity due to MDR1 mutation.

Rough Collie Names

A Rough Collie owner may decide to find a name for the pet before bringing it home from the breeder or after staying with the pup for a few days to understand the personality of the particular dog. Pet parents may get name inspirations from the profuse coat, Scotland origin of the breed, personality, celebrity Collies, books, movies, songs, food, nature, and historical figures.

Regardless of where you will get your name inspiration, ensure it freely rolls off your tongue and won’t make you embarrassed when uttered out loud in the public places. Collies and other dog breeds better understand a name that has vowels. If a pet parent settles with a long name, he or she is urged to find a cute nickname for the pet.

Giving your Collie a name that rhymes with the command words creates confusion. If a Collie shares a name with a family member or guests that frequent your home, it would be a recipe for confusion.

Female Rough Collie Names

  • Emma.
  • Lorna.
  • Nessie.
  • Fiona.
  • Isla.
  • Sadie.
  • Amber.
  • Layla.
  • Piper.
  • Chloe, etc.

Collie Colors

A Collie may have either have a blue merle coat, sable and white, tri-color, or white( except for the head that may be blue, sable, or tri-color).

Male Rough Collie Names

  • Laddie.
  • Mack.
  • Max.
  • Cooper.
  • Ian.
  • Gus.
  • Scotch.
  • Connor.
  • Pluto.
  • Bingo.
  • Pepe, etc.

Rough Collie Heat Cycle

The heat cycle of a Collie lasts for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. This process recurs after every 6 months. Rough Collies go into the heat season for the first time between the age of 5 to 8 months. Pet parents who have no intention of breeding their dams should schedule for a spaying surgery 6 to 12 weeks after the first heat cycle. Collie dams experience the estrus cycle throughout their lives. Therefore, it is possible for a Collie to get pregnant in its teen years.

The symptoms exhibited by a dam while on heat include increased urination, bloody discharge, swollen vulva, changes in eating behaviors, moody swings, tail flagging, and nesting behaviors. Before breeding a potential dam and sire, they should be screened for MDR1 mutation and Collie eye anomaly. Owners and breeders are advised against breeding a female dam before the age of 2 years. This is because it is likely to reject the puppies or experience dystocia which necessitates a C-section.

 Rough Collie Litter Size

After conception, a Collie dam may have a gestation period of 63 days before whelping a litter size of 8 to 12 puppies. Some may also give birth to a litter of up to 16 puppies.

Rough Collie Collar

Rough Collies owners have reported that this dog will easily slip off a regular collar due to its narrow head. Therefore, most of them prefer to walk their dogs in a Martingale collar.

Rough Collie Muzzle

Although a Collie is neither nervous or aggressive, it may be muzzled in certain situations especially when the owner is not sure of how the dog will react to a new stimulus. Collies may also be muzzled while in pain since they are likely to nip or bite.

Pet parents are urged by AKC to create positive associations with the accessory through treats and verbal praise. This will reduce the risk of Collies reacting aggressively when it is muzzled. However, a muzzle is not used for correcting behavior issues such as biting, excessive barking, or chewing.

Rough Collie Feeding Guide

The amount of food that a Collie feeds on depends on its age, metabolism, activity level, body build, and size. A pup tends to have a high metabolism rate as compared to adults and seniors. Therefore, puppies should be fed 3 or 4 times a day from when they start weaning until the age of 6 months. From the age of 6 months, a Collie puppy should feed two meals a day for the rest of its life.

Apart from Collies, other breeds of dogs include:

English Bulldog

Australian Cattle Dog.

Yorkie Poo.

Yorkshire Terrier.




Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Bichon Frise.


Irish Wolfhound.

Dogo Argentino.

Great Pyrenees.

Bernese Mountain Dog.

Newfoundland Dog.

Saint Bernard.

Jack Russell Terrier.





Rhodesian Ridgeback.



French Bulldog


Pit Bull.

Boston Terrier.

Alaskan Malamute.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


German Shorthaired Pointer.

Labrador Retriever.

Golden Retriever.




Great Dane.

Shih Tzu.

Chow Chow.




Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Siberian Husky.

Belgian Malinois.


Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.


Collie Dog Food | Food

A Collie is a medium to large-sized dog that is prone to gastric torsion. This is a life-threatening condition that may claim the life of a dog. Therefore, pet parents should not feed their dogs one large meal a day, allow the pet to take large amounts of water after feeding, or exercise vigorously one hour before or after meals. For optimal health, Collies should feed on vitamins, proteins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and water.

A Rough Collie may feed on dry, wet, home-made or raw food depending on the budget and time of preparation. For commercial food, ensure the first three listed ingredients are proteins. Avoid purchasing dog food that has generic meat products, fillers, additives, chemicals, and meat by-products. Once a Collie pup comes home, chances are that the owner will want to switch to another quality food than the one it was previously feeding on.

They should gradually do this by mixing 3/4 old food with 1/4 new food during the first week. On the second week, Collie pup should feed same amount of old and new food. During the third week, it will feed on 3/4 new food and 1/4 old food. On the fourth week, totally switch on to new food. Feed a Collie food formulated for medium to large-sized puppies, adults, and seniors depending on the age of your pet.

Collie Types

According to AKC and CKC, there are two varieties of Collies, Rough Collies and Smooth coated Collies.

Rough Collie Genetic Diseases

Some of the genetic diseases that a Rough Collie may suffer from include epilepsy, hypothyroidism, collie eye anomaly, progressive retinal atrophy, gray collie syndrome, and drug sensitivity( due to mdr1 gene).

Rough Collie Skin Problems

A Rough Collie may suffer from certain skin conditions including dermatomyositis, is a rare condition that results in skin rash and muscle weakness. Apart from dermatomyositis, a Collie also suffers from skin allergies and Pemphigus foliaceus( a superficial skin disease).

Rough Collie Allergies

A Collie is predisposed to various forms of allergies as discussed below:

Contact allergies – This allergy causes inflammation to the skin of a Rough Collie once it comes in contact with the allergen. Some of the contact allergens that affect Collies include bed linens, medications, plastics, latex, grooming products, lawn chemicals, and carpet cleaning detergents. Commonly affected body parts include paws and feet.

Skin allergies – Collies are predisposed to skin allergies due to certain skin problems as well as food, contact, and environmental allergies. These allergies affect the skin causing hives, lesions, itchiness, sores, rashes, dermatitis, and a dry flaky skin.

Food allergies – Although rare, Collies are also affected by food allergy that results in an immune response that is normally accompanied with a wide range of symptoms varying from skin issues symptoms and gastrointestinal stress.

Environmental allergies – A Collie has a profuse coat which is prone to collect a lot of allergens including grass, pollen, ragweed, house molds, mites, fleas as well as dust and dust mites. Flea’s saliva cause flea allergy dermatitis that results in excessive scratching on the back legs and underneath the tail until the skin around the bite area is raw. Signs of environmental allergens include sneezing, nasal discharge, congestion, and itchiness on various body parts include groin, muzzle, feet, around the eyes, and between the toes.

Rough Collie Eyes

A Collie has medium-sized almond shaped eyes that are dark in color.

Rough Collie Ears

Collies have tipped or semi-prick ears with the upper third folded over.

Rough Collie Head

A Collie has a head that resembles a blunt wedge tapering smoothly from the ears to the nose with parallel head planes and distinct stop.

Collie Tail

A Collie has a furred moderately long tail that is carried low when the dog is at rest and in an upward swirl when the dog is excited.

Collie | Rough Teeth

At birth, Collie puppies are born with no teeth. However, the deciduous teeth start growing in at the age of 2 to 3 weeks until the puppy has a total of 28 milk teeth at the age of 6 to 8 weeks. Deciduous teeth start falling out from the age of 12 weeks as permanent teeth erupts beneath them. From the age of 6 to 8 months, Collies should have a total of 42 adult teeth.

Are Rough Collies Aggressive

No. Collies are neither aggressive nor nervous. Most of them bark or provide a visual deterrent when protecting their families.

Are Rough Collies Smart

Yes. Collies are intelligent and eager to learn which makes them highly trainable.

Are Rough Collies Good Family Dogs

Yes. Collies are loyal, sensitive, flexible, gentle, and generally good with children.

Are Rough Collies Hypoallergenic

No. They shed all-year round and blow off their coats twice a year during Spring and Fall. Shedding spreads hair and dander that triggers allergic reactions in people who suffer from dog allergies.

Collies Quick Facts

  • The profuse double coat is never shaved. It protects the dog from extreme heat and cold.
  • Neutering and Spaying of the Collies can alter the coat texture making it a bit softer and more susceptible to matting.
  • Collies are intelligent dogs that are eager to learn and train.

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