
Whippet Lifespan, Training, Dog Food, and Muzzle

Whippet is a sighthound breed dog of medium size that originated from England. This breed was descended from Greyhound. The name of this dog was derived in the early 1600 word, now obsolete, meaning to move briskly. Whippets also participate in dog sports such as flyball, dock diving, agility, and lure coursing. This breed is also the fastest dog of their weight due to their ability to run in a double suspension gallop attaining a speed of up to 35 miles per hour (56 km/h).

Whippet Dog Breed Introduction

Whippet is a sighthound breed dog of medium size that originated from England. This breed was descended from Greyhound. The name of this dog was derived in the early 1600 word, now obsolete, meaning to move briskly. Whippets also participate in dog sports such as flyball, dock diving, agility, and lure coursing. This breed is also the fastest dog of their weight due to their ability to run in a double suspension gallop attaining a speed of up to 35 miles per hour (56 km/h).


Whippets were created in Northern England specifically in Yorkshire and Lancashire probably by crossing Greyhounds with fast and long-legged terriers. The outcome was a small and swift dog used by poachers to hunt rabbits and other small game.

According to AKC, Whippets were bred by coal miners during the Victorian era. The coal miners enjoyed the sports of dog racing and rabbit hunting when they were not working. However, they could not afford to feed and kennel large athletes like Greyhounds. Additionally, the miners did not have the space to properly exercise Greyhounds. The practical solution was therefore to breed a smaller version of the Greyhound. However, it is uncertain which breeds the miners utilized.

Whippet's photo
A Whippet’s photo

During 1800, Whippet racing was a popular sport in parts of England. Therefore, this dog was held in high regard in the northern parts of England and Wales, although it was generally disregarded in the rest of the country. Around that time, there were two varieties of Whippets, smooth-coated and rough-coated. The smooth-coated variety was popular in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Midlands and became the modern Whippet.

The age of the modern Whippets dawned in 1891 when the Kennel Club granted the breed official recognition making this dog eligible for competition in dog shows. American Kennel Club recognized Whippets as a breed in 1888. Whippets came to the United States with mill operators and the first population of this breed was established in Massachusetts.

Whippet Lifespan

The average lifespan of Whippets is 12 to 15 years according to AKC if the dog is given proper exercise, nutrition, and veterinary care. The median lifespan of Whippets is 12 years 10 months according to a UK survey.


Whippets have a smooth and short coat that should be kept healthy and glossy by grooming on a weekly basis. Use a hound glove or rubber curry brush to remove the loose hair and promote new hair growth. Occasional baths will do for Whippets unless they roll in something stinky. Clip the nails twice a month if the nails have not worn out naturally.

Regular brushing of the teeth using a dog-formulated toothpaste or finger toothbrush is recommended at least twice a week if not daily to promote good breathe and remove excess tartar buildup. Clean the ears once a week using an ear cleanser and cotton balls to remove dirt and excess wax. Remember to wipe the face of a Whippet with a clean damp washcloth.

Grooming Brush

This breed has a thin, smooth, and short coat that is prone to scrapes and skin cuts. Use a soft brush such as a rubber grooming glove and rubber curry brush to groom the coat. If a tough grooming brush is used it will scrape the skin of your Whippet. Avoid using human shampoo or cat shampoo when bathing your dog since the dog has sensitive skin. Instead, use a hypoallergenic shampoo.


Whippets shed lightly all year round. Weekly brushing of the coat helps to confine loose hair in the brush that would otherwise spread around the house.


Whippets have a single coat that is short, smooth, and thin. The coat is kept glossy and healthy through weekly brushing using a rubber curry brush. Due to the thin coat, Whippets get cold easily. Buy a coat or sweater for your pet to wear when it is wet, cold, or snowy outside. Furthermore, the Whippet Coats are available for retail in various patterns. The thin coats also make this breed unsuitable for living outdoors.

Whippet Hypoallergenic

Although Whippets are minimal shedders, they are not hypoallergenic. This is because they shed minimally throughout the year spreading dander around the house that triggers inflammation for people suffering from dog allergies. Saliva, mucus, hair, and urine also contain proteins that trigger allergies.

Whippet Training

Early socialization for Whippets between the age of 3 to 12 weeks is recommended. This will expose your dog to new surroundings, sights, smells, sounds like vacuum cleaners, washing machine, sirens, lawn mowers, and whistles, people, and other animals. Socialization is also essential to ensure that the dog grows into a well-adjusted and well-mannered companion.

Whippets were breed to hunt independently, therefore, they are free thinkers and this may make obedience training a bit difficult. Therefore, it is highly recommended to enroll your pooch in obedience training classes. Remember to teach one basic command word at a time to avoid confusion. Some of the command words that a whippet can learn include sit, come, stay, down, and stop.

A Whippet is a sighthound that easily get distracted when they spot small game animals. For this reason, train your Whippet in a place where there are no potential distractions. Keep the training sessions short for a period of 5 to 10 minutes since this breed gets easily bored.

Training Secrets

The training sessions may be made interesting by using an excited tone of voice, high pitched, and talking to the dog during training to engage his interest. Use positive reinforcement methods such as treats, toys, verbal praise, petting, and playtime instead of harsh correction methods. Some of the harsh correction methods include kicking, beating, yelling, shoving, and punching.

Crate training is also recommended for young Whippets since they are mischievous, agile, and smart and they can jump and climb. Therefore, confining them safely when they are not under supervision is a must. Create positive associations with the crate through the use of favorite toys, treats, and praise. Make the device cozy by lining it with a comfortable blanket. A crate should be a safe place that a Whippet should retreat to, avoid using it as a form of punishment.

Potty Training

Once you get a Whippet pup from a responsible breeder from the age of 12 to 16 weeks start potty training immediately. A 12 week puppy will be able to hold for a period of 3 hours while a 16 week old pup will hold for 4 hours before eliminating. Bladder and bowel muscles strengthens as the puppy matures. Before a Whippet is fully housetrained, don’t let it roam around the house to avoid soiling on seats, clothes, etc.

For effective potty training, take your Whippet outside immediately it wakes up, every 2 to 3 hours, after naps, before bedtime, after an exciting activity such as a car ride, and 20 minutes after meals and drinks. Before bringing your pooch home, it is highly advisable to decide whether it will eliminate indoors or outdoors especially for apartment dwellers who cannot access a yard or street. There are litter boxes and puppy pads available from the pet stores if you settle for indoor training.

As for outdoor potty training, choose a designated elimination spot that is not near BBQ or a patio deck. Once your take your Whippet to the potty area remain there for fifteen minutes to allow the bladder and bowel muscles of your pet to relax for a pee or poo. Whippets easily get distracted and love outdoors, therefore, it is recommended to teach them the command word ‘Quick’ once they start eliminating so that they don’t hold it in order to stay outdoors longer.


There is a possibility that a few accidents will occur before the Whippet is fully housetrained. When you get your pooch in the act, don’t yell or press the nose of your dog against the urine or faeces. Instead, utter a firm No, and take the pet to the designated area. Remember to clean the mess using an enzymatic detergent to remove the odor. Failure to get rid of the odor will encourage accidents since the dog will sniff and eliminate in the same spot.

While in the house, remember to observe your dog for signs that it wants to go outside such as whining, sniffing, circling, and lifting one leg against the furniture. Once your dog eliminates in the designated area, reward it by playing and rubbing it over the back.

Whippet Exercise

Whippets are natural sprinters and require adequate exercise for at least one hour a day. The exercise could take the form of regular walks, retrieving sessions a week with a flying disc or ball, or even play sessions with another dog in a secured area. Whippets should walk on lead since they have a very strong drive and won’t hesitate to chase prey. Well-trained Whippets also disregard commands to go after the prey.

Whippet Temperament

  • Reserved.
  • Quiet.
  • Playful.
  • Gentle.
  • Energetic.
  • Friendly.
  • Affectionate.
  • Intelligent.
  • Lively.


One of the Whippets’ temperaments is intelligence which makes the dog easily trainable if the training sessions are kept short.


Whippets are quiet and intelligent dogs that only bark when necessary making them good pets for City dwellers. Barks may be rapid in the presence of intruders making it a good watchdog. However, Whippets are not aggressive and would likely never guard against anyone due to their often shy and gentle demeanor. Lack of enough proper exercise may also result in behavior issues such as barking.


There is only one type of Whippet breed, the smooth-coated variety. However, they have been mixes that were created by breeding these dogs with other breeds such as German Shepherd, Pitbull Terrier, etc. Some of the designer dogs that have descended from Whippets include Pippet, German Whippet, Aussie Whip, Collie Whip, Chi Whip, Grey Whippet, Italian Whippet, Whipador, etc.

Whippet Size

Whippets are medium-sized dogs weighing 15 to 42 pounds with two height varieties. According to AKC and CKC, male Whippets have a height of 18.5 to 22.5 inches ( approx. 47 to 27 cm) while the female counterparts stand at a height of 17.5 to 21.5 inches ( approx. 44 to 55 cm). However, this breed tends to be smaller in the UK, therefore, the Kennel Club and Fédération Cynologique Internationale height standard for males is 18.5 to 20 inches ( approx. 47 to 51 cm) while the female has a height of 17.5 to 18.5 inches ( approx. 44 to 47 cm).


According to The Kennel Club and Fédération Cynologique Internationale male Whippets should have a height of 18.5 to 20 inches ( approx. 47 to 51 cm) while the female counterpart should have a height of 17.5 to 18.5 inches( approx. 44 to 47 cm). However, in Canada and USA, Whippets tend to be larger in size as the Canadian Kennel Club and American Kennel club height standard is 18.5 to 22.5 inches ( approx. 47 to 27 cm) for males and 17.5 to 21.5 inches( approx. 44 to 55 cm) for females.


An adult Whippet should weigh between 15 to 42 pounds ( approx. 6.8 to 19.1 kg).

Average Weight

The acceptable standard average weight for Whippets is 15 to 42 pounds ( approx. 6.8 to 19.1 kg ).

Female Weight

Even though the average weight of Whippets is 15 to 42 pounds, female dogs of this breed weigh less than their male counterparts with a weight of 29 pounds (approx. 13.2 kg).

Greyhound Vs Whippet Size

Greyhounds are exceptional large dogs with a weight of 55 to 88 pounds ( approx. 25 to 40 kg) with a height of 27 to 30 inches( approx. 68 to 76 cm) while Whippets are medium-sized dogs with a height range of 17.5 to 22.5 inches( approx. 44 to 57cm) and a weight of 15 to 42 pounds ( approx. 6.8 to 19.1 kg).

Whippet Health Issues

Whippets are structurally sound breeds that are intolerant of barbiturate anesthetics due to their low concentration of body fat and the inability of Whippet’s liver to metabolize anesthetics. These dogs are also generally healthy and are not susceptible to frequent skin allergies, ear infections, and digestive problems that affect other breeds. Some of the health issues that Whippets may suffer from include deafness, genetic eye defects, and cardiac diseases.


Coughing in Whippets that sounds like the dog has something stuck in its throat may be a sign of kennel cough caused by a range of different bacteria and viruses that are inhaled by the dog into its respiratory tract. Whippets are also prone to cardiac disease and coughing may be a sign of heart disease. Take your pet to the vet to rule out the possible causes of coughing.

Heart Murmur

Whippets have a large and slow beating heart which often is intermittent or arrhythmic when the animal is at rest. This may cause concern to dog owners or the vet who is not experienced with this dog. During exercise, Whippets demonstrates a regular heartbeat.

Whippet Colors

While judging Whippets in conformation shows color is considered immaterial. Therefore, this breed comes in a wide variety of colors and marking patterns such as blue, cream, fawn, brindle, solid black, and solid white with red. However, the Kennel Club no longer accepts Merle-colored Whippets as it is not a naturally occurring color in the breed.


Whippets are unique dogs that deserves equally unique names. Avoid giving your pet a name that rhymes with names of the family members or guests who frequent your home to avoid confusion. Additionally, you may utilize the special characteristics that your dog possesses while giving it a name. Most of the Whippet names reflect the strength, color, size, personality, and country of origin.

Names Male

  • Jasper.
  • Ace.
  • Barny.
  • Magnus.
  • Jacob.
  • Beau.
  • Max.
  • Bandit.
  • Chief.
  • Isaac.
  • Angus.
  • Rascal, etc.

Female Names

  • Sassy.
  • Mindy.
  • Jade.
  • Bambi.
  • Jinx.
  • Ella.
  • Sophie.
  • Pixie.
  • Phoebe.
  • Kimi.
  • Roxy.
  • Marley, etc.

Whippet Dog Food

This is an athletic dog breed that has specific diet needs since they burn their energy rapidly. So dog food rich in protein and fat is recommended for their survival. The food should also have ingredients such as canola oil. Feeding your pet good quality and raw diet reduces the amount excreted because the food is of higher nutritional content and the body utilizes almost all of it. While shopping for dog food, make sure the ingredients don’t contain butylated hydroxytoluene, rendered fats, butylated hydroxyanisole, corn, food dyes, or wheat gluten.

Feeding Guide

The feeding guide of Whippets depends on build, age, size, activity level, and metabolism. Adult Whippets should feed a total of 1 to 1 1/2 of high-quality dry food divided into two servings. Whippet puppies should be fed three to four times a day 1/4 cup per serving.

Some of the other breeds of dogs include:



Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Pit Bull.

German Shepherd.


French Bulldog.

Labrador Retriever.

English Bulldog.

Golden Retriever.


Great Dane.


Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.





Belgian Malinois.


Siberian Husky.



Shih Tzu.

Yorkshire Terrier.


Chow Chow.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.


Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.


Whippets are generally healthy and are not prone to ear infections, digestive problems, or skin allergies. However, they have a thin, short, close, and smooth coat that is prone to skin cuts and scrapes. Using a hypoallergenic shampoo is recommended to avoid skin irritations that may manifest as allergies.


It was originally bred as a hunting dog and has a whip tail that is effective as a counterbalance helping with agility, quick turns, and stability. Most of the time Whippets have their tail tucked between the legs because they have a low tail carriage. Tail tucking in Whippets does not mean that the dog is nervous or scared.


Whippets are medium-sized dogs that have a curved spine. These dogs are also long and slender allowing them to find success in modern various dog sports competitions such as agility.


This breed has a long and narrow neck that requires a special collar. A traditional thin collar is not appropriate because it may cause irritation or even physical damage if the dog decides to suddenly chase the prey.


Most Whippets owners prefer using a harness rather than a collar when walking their dogs because of the inherent prey drive displayed by these dogs. This is also a sighthound breed that responds quickly to small things that move quickly. Harness prevents the Whippets from giving chase.

Neck Size

An adult Whippet has a long and narrow neck that has a size of 13 to 15 inches ( approx. 33 to 38 cm).


A Whippet may run up to a speed of up to 56 km/h ( 35 miles per hour). This is possible because this breed has the ability to run in a double suspension gallop. Therefore, four of the Whippet’s legs are off the ground twice in each stride when the legs are completely extended.


Adult Whippets have a total of 42 permanent teeth. Puppies have no teeth at birth. However, after teething, the pups have a total of 28 milk teeth.

Whippet Muzzle

As earlier discussed, Whippets have an inherent chase drive for small animals that move very fast. As a result, some dog owners may muzzle their dogs when they are in public.


This breed has rose-shaped ears that are erect and fall to the side at the midway point resembling a rose petal. According to AKC, Whippets should have a small and refined rose ear shape when relaxed.

Whippet Litter

During birth, a female Whippet may give birth to a litter size of between 1 to 10 puppies. However, most of the dogs have an average litter size of six puppies.

Is a Whippet a Greyhound

No, however, this dog is a descendant of Greyhounds and long-legged Terrier. Although, it looks like a smaller version of Greyhound.

Is a Whippet hypoallergenic

No. Whippets are not hypoallergenic although they shed minimally throughout the year. This is because shedding allows dander to spread around the house. Dander is an allergen that causes allergic reactions to dog allergy sufferers.

Are Whippets Aggressive

No, because it has a gentle and shy demeanor and is not likely to guard against anyone.

 Whippets Quick Facts

  • It can achieve a speed of up to 35 miles per hour (56 km/h).
  • It has an inherent prey drive and should not exercise off-leash.
  • These dogs originated from Northern England.

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