
Shih Tzu Grooming, Allergies, Origin, and Ear Infection

Shih Tzu is a sturdy toy dog breed originally from Tibet. This breed has an ever-growing coat that should be brushed regularly. The dog is popular for its playful and fun personality. It also adapts well to different situations. However, Shih Tzus are not considered the most obedient breed due to their highly independent nature. One of the required standard features for this breed is an underbite. This dog also makes a great pet for a dog owner residing in an apartment or who doesn't have a big backyard.

Shih Tzu Dog Breed Introduction

Shih Tzu is a sturdy toy dog breed originally from Tibet. This breed has an ever-growing coat that should be brushed regularly. The dog is popular for its playful and fun personality. It also adapts well to different situations. However, Shih Tzus are not considered the most obedient breed due to their highly independent nature. One of the required standard features for this breed is an underbite. This dog also makes a great pet for a dog owner residing in an apartment or who doesn’t have a big backyard.


There are at least two theories that describe the origin of Shih Tzus. One theory is that the dog was originally from China and a study revealed it was one of the fourteen oldest dog breeds found in China as early as 8,000 B.C. In China, the speculation is that this dog came into existence after the crossbreeding of Pekingese and Lhasa Apso.

Another theory suggest that this breed was developed by Tibetan Monks and gifted to Chinese Royalty. The name of this breed also comes from the Chinese Language word, Lion, since this kind of dog was bred to resemble the lion. This dog was the favorite of the Chinese royals and was so prized for years that the Chinese refused to sell, give away or trade any. However, in 1930, the first dogs of this breed were imported to Norway and England and were classified as Aspos by the Kennel Club.

This breed spread to Europe and was brought to the USA after the Second World War by the returning members of the U.S. military. The Shih Tzus were recognized in the Toy Group in 1969 by the American Kennel Club. This kind of dog is also largely associated with Buddhism with legends narrating that Buddha traveled with a small dog that fits the description of Shih Tzus. As the story progresses, Buddha is attacked by the robbers who wanted to rob and kill him.

Shih Tzu's photo
A Shih Tzu pup’s photo.

Fortunately, the little dog transformed into a ferocious lion that scared the robbers. After the robbers ran off, the Lion transformed back into a Shih Tzu. Appreciating the dog for its bravery, Buddha kissed the dog on the head leaving a white spot on the head of the dog. Several people also believe that the FU dogs that symbolize guards of Buddhist temples are representations of Shih Tzus.

Shih Tzu Lifespan

The median lifespan of Shih Tzus is 13 years with a life expectancy of 10 to 16 years according to the UK Kennel Club survey. However, how well a dog is taken care of also determines its life expectancy. The oldest Shih Tzu had a lifespan of 23 years.

Signs Of Aging

Aging Shih Tzus are considered senior dogs between the age of 9 to 10 years. An aging dog will engage less in physical activity, the stamina also decreases as your pet will no longer have the same energy she did when she was younger.

Some of the aging signs that a Shih Tzu exhibits include:

  • Reduced Playtimes.
  • Sleeping more during the day.
  • Shorter walks.
  • Decreased bowel control.
  • Decreased hearing, vision, and mobility issues.
  • Dental issues.
  • Health issues that come with old age for instance eye disorders like progressive retinal atrophy.

Signs Of Death

Some dog owners want to know the signs that their pet will exhibit when it’s dying no matter how painful it is in order to make the process comfortable for their dog. Getting in contact with a good vet also helps you with saying goodbye to your dog by providing a professional understanding presence with empathy and guidance. Some of the signs that Dying Shih Tzus exhibits include:

  • Stops drinking or eating.
  • Loss of Coordination.
  • Seeking Comfort.
  • Prolonged lethargy.
  • Incontinence, where the dog will lie on the same spot and not even move to relieve themselves.
  • Labored breathing.

Shih Tzu Grooming

A Shih Tzu that participates in conformation shows has a traditional long silky coat that reaches the floor. When grooming, daily brushing should be made a routine to avoid mats or tangles. Regular grooming is also important because this breed has a long coat that is ever-growing, which may be costly. Therefore, it is recommended to take this into account when adopting Shih Tzus.

When brushing the coat, use a good quality wire brush with flexible pins that will help to reach the skin to remove the dead hair as well as promote new hair growth. For dog owners who don’t want to spend a lot of time on their dog’s coat, they should seek help from a professional groomer and get a puppy trim or teddy bear cut.

Trim the nails at least twice a month using nail clippers. Overly grown nails make walking and running painful. Remember to brush the teeth of a Shih Tzu at least twice a week if not daily using a dog-formulated toothpaste or dental wipes to remove excess tartar buildup. Clean the ears at least once a week using an ear cleanser solution and cotton balls to remove excess wax and debris. Regular ear cleaning helps in checking for odor, discharge, and redness which are signs of ear infections.

A bath about once every three to four weeks will help a dog owner to maintain the cleanliness of their pet. The mustache and topknot should be combed daily. The hair on the top of the head is tied up into a topknot or trimmed short to avoid eye irritation. The eye corners of this breed should be gently cleaned using a damp cloth.


This breed is prone to overheat and heatstroke, so trimming the hair is a vital part of keeping the temperature down so that the dog can stay healthy. Therefore, Shih Tzus have haircuts that are suitable for summer and winter. Some of the summer haircuts for this breed include The puppy cut, the Lion Cut, the Long Ear Puppy cut, the short in the middle and long on the ends cut, the teddy bear cut, the practical top knot cut, and cone paws. However, the winter haircuts are only three including three Top Knot Show Cut, Teddy Bear 2, and Medium-Length Puppy Cut.

Hair Styles For Female

To give your pet a girly look sparks an interest to know the best hairstyles for a female dog. Some of the haircuts for a female pet include Ponytails, striking paws, long and beautiful hair, medium-length hair, braids, using accessories, cute ears hairstyle, cutie lion, etc.

Hair Styles For Male

Male Shih Tzus may have general haircuts including a puppy cut, cone paws, the lion cut, the long ear puppy cut, teddy bear cut, top knot show cut, etc.

Shih Tzu Shedding

Shih Tzus shed at low levels all-year round and the owner may notice while brushing the coat or washing it. However, according to ASPCA(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Shih Tzus only shed heavily when the puppies change their coat to adult coat at the age of 12 months. During this phase, dog owners should to make time for regular brushing. This breed will shed twice a year during spring and fall.

Shedding Brush

A Shih Tzu has silky coat that resembles human hair. Therefore, when grooming the coat you will require certain grooming | shedding brush including a pin brush, a double-sided dog comb, a small slicker brush, a de-shedding tool, and an undercoat rake.


A Shih Tzu has a double coat made up of a soft undercoat and a hard topcoat. According to the breed standard, this dog should have a long, dense, and flowing coat.

Shih Tzu Hypoallergenic

Many believe that this breed is hypoallergic meaning it is less likely to trigger allergies in people who suffer from dog allergies. The shed hair gets trapped in the top coat, therefore, regular brushing is key for a healthy and glossy coat. However, hair, is not the only allergen that carries the protein that causes allergic inflammation in people who suffer from dog allergies. Dander, saliva, and mucus also have the allergen that causes inflammation. Shiz Tzus also produce dander, microscopic dead skin cells, and they may not be totally hypoallergenic. Some dog experts also believe that there is no 100% hypoallergenic dog breed.

Shih Tzu Training

Training this breed may be both a frustrating and an amusing experience. This dog tends to charm its owner into letting her have her own way which may result in a chubby and completely housebroken pet that is difficult to groom. These are also human-oriented dogs and using training methods based on rewards and praise works best.

When training, it is important to note that harsh correction methods should not be used with this breed. Puppy training classes and early socialization are recommended to ensure that this dog grows into a well-adjusted and well-mannered companion dog. If a Shih Tzu nips or jumps on you, ignore her until she settles down, and then praise her.

Crate training is also important in housebreaking and teaching the dog to be alone. Separation anxiety is a problem for a Shih Tzu, at times, a dog owner may not be able to bring the pooch everywhere they go. A crate is a great way to lessen the separation anxiety. A dog will tend to be less nervous about being left alone if it has a safe place to retreat to.

Create positive associations with crate for your pet by putting treats and toys in the crate. You may also line the crate with a comfy blanket to make it more comfortable. Remember to leave the door of the crate open when you are home. This will help a Shih Tzu to understand that a crate is not a forced experience but rather her own special refuge. Position a crate where there is a lot of family activities ongoing. Resist using a crate as a form of punishment for your Shih Tzu.

Socialization is also key in ensuring you are raising a well-mannered adult Shih Tzu. This training takes different forms by exposing your dog to different smells, sights, situations, people, animals, and sounds like lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, sirens, whistles, and washing machines. Socialization kicks off from the age of 3 to 12 weeks. Puppy classes also serve as a form of socialization.

Potty Training

Pooty training is effective for your pet if you take a Shih Tzu outside when they wake up, following an exciting activiy such as a car ride and playtime, 20 minutes after meals and drinks, after naps, every 2 to 3 hours or when needed, and before bedtime. This breed is also the easiest to potty train when the rules are applied consistently which may take 4 to 6 weeks. Positive reinforcement and treats motivation make potty training easier.

A dog owner should use a collar or harness to bring the dog outside and remain in the potty area for about 15 minutes and give the Toilet command. Give enthusiastic rewards and praise when your dog goes for a poo or pee.

Before potty training kicks off, it is important for the dog owner to decide whether they want the pet to eliminate inside or outside especially for apartment dwellers who don’t have easy access to a yard or street.

Dog litter boxes are available for retail in many pet stores for people who prefer their Shiz Tzus to eliminate inside. Whichever the route, it is good to be consistent to avoid confusion. The signs that a dog exhibit when it wants to eliminate include circling, sniffing, whining, or squatting.

Training Book

There are some books that have been authored to make training a bit easy including:

  • Shih Tzu Puppy Training.
  • Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu training.

Shih Tzu Training Commands

Some of the basic training commands that a Shih Tzu should be trained include sit, come, down, stay, leave it, quiet, toilet, heel, etc. Remember to teach one command word at a time until the dog understands before proceeding to another one. Teaching the come command is extremely important as it can prevent accidents and also fosters a stronger relationship between the owner and the dog. Avoid issuing a command while too excited or frustrated since it no longer sounds the same for your pet.


This is a vocal breed that tends to bark a lot. A Shih Tzu may bark at dogs and people off in the distance when walking or passing the window. This breed is also alert and makes good lively watchdogs hence explaining their regular barking.

Shih Tzu Temperament

  • Friendly.
  • Alert.
  • Playful.
  • Outgoing.
  • Affectionate.
  • Independent.
  • Calm.
  • Loyal.
  • Happy.
  • Vocal.
  • Adaptable.


It was bred as a house companion and require minimal exercise. Indoor playtime and short daily walks with their owners meet their exercise needs.


A Shih Tzu has a height of 8 to 11 inches ( approx. 20 to 28 cm ).

Shih Tzu Weight

Both male and female Shih Tzus have a weight of between 8.8 to 16 pounds ( approx. 4.0 to 7.3 kg).


  • American Shih Tzus  – have a small chest with high and forward-facing legs and a square-shaped head with a short neck.
  • European Shih Tzus  – have a rounded head and a long neck with large eyes.
  • Teacup Shih Tzu- is a toy breed whose size has been manipulated by the breeders.


It is rarely an aggressive breed of dog. However, some of these Shih Tzus exhibit an aggressive streak that varies from dog to dog. Socialization helps in correcting aggressive behaviors in your pet.

Bite Force

This breed has the weakest bite force of under 75 PSI. This dog tends to bite when they are teething, playing, experiencing boredom, or having a problem with aggression.

Some of the other breeds of dogs include: 

Pit Bull.

German Shepherd.


French Bulldog.

Labrador Retriever.

English Bulldog.

Golden Retriever.


Chow Chow.

Great Dane.




Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


Siberian Husky.


Yorkshire Terrier.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.

Bull Terrier.




Belgian Malinois.

Rat Terrier.




Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.


Airedale Terrier.


A Shih Tzu puppy tends to have a good temperament. Pups use their mouths to explore and will bite anything in sights. This may seem adorable but not anymore after a Shih Tzu matures to have serious biting issues. A puppy may also be prone to nipping when showing aggression or fear. Biting is also rampant due to the discomfort that comes with teething. Give your pet teething toys to curb the biting, therefore, stopping the behavior through redirection. Bite inhibition training also helps to curb biting before it develops into a habit.

Types Of Nose

  • A Blue nose.
  • A Black nose.
  • A Liver nose.

Health Issues

The popularity of the breed has led to extremely poor breeding of this dog in general causing lifelong diseases from a fairly early age. Some of the health issues that Shih Tzus suffers from include:

  • Eye issues.
  • Hip Dysplasia.
  • Heart Conditions.
  • Patellar Luxation.
  • Collapsing trachea.
  • Cancer.
  • Allergies.
  • Brachycephalic syndrome.
  • Hypothyroidism, etc.

Shih Tzu Seizure

Shih Tzus may also suffer from seizure, a temporary disturbance of the normal functioning of the brain that is accompanied by uncontrollable muscle activity. There are three types of seizures that are likely to affect Shih Tzus including; primary, reactive, and secondary seizures.

Primary seizures are the most common, however, the cause is unknown. Therefore, they are referred to as idiopathic seizures. This seizure is also hereditary. Reactive seizures occur due to the reaction of the brain to a metabolic problem such as toxins, organ failure, and low blood sugar. Secondary seizures are caused by stroke, brain tumor, and trauma.

A seizure may last for a period of 1 to 3 minutes. When your dog is experiencing a seizure, resist from putting anything in its mouth since it may be dangerous both for you and your pet. Some of the symptoms that a dog may exhibit while experiencing a seizure include seizure, disorientation, stiffening of the muscles, loss of consciousness, urination or defecation, hiding after an episode, and tongue chewing.

Shih Tzu Color

This dog has a variety of colors that are all accepted by the kennel clubs. However, the most common coat type of this breed includes a white coat with blazes of grey. Other colors that this breed may possess include Brindle, dark brown, black, liver, liver & white, gold, blue, black & white, light brown, etc.


The most important exercise that a Shih Tzu owner engages in after getting a puppy from a responsible breeder or a rescue center is finding it a name that it will use for more than a decade. Names of a Shih Tzu maybe inspired by its goofy side, origin, character, book, pop culture, color, food, celebrities, movies, and songs.

Regardless of the name that you will choose, ensure that it freely rolls off your tongue without making you embarrassed when you utter it out loud in the public malls or parks. Remember that a pooch better understands a name that has vowels. However, don’t give your pet a name that rhymes with command words to avoid confusion. Resist naming your pet after a family member or people who frequent your home to avoid confusion.

Names Boy

  • Oreo.
  • Simba.
  • Milo.
  • Max.
  • Toby.
  • Cooper.
  • Teddy.
  • Chewy.
  • Gizmo.
  • King.
  • Bruno.
  • Oscar.
  • Prince, etc.

Names Female

  • Lucy.
  • Luna.
  • Zoe.
  • Chloe.
  • Sophie.
  • Princess.
  • Gracie.
  • Stella.
  • Sasha.
  • Abby.
  • Annie.
  • Layla.
  • Winnie, etc.

Shih Tzu Food

It is important to ensure that your pet feeds on a quality diet. Shih Tzus that feed on heavily processed dog food commonly filler ingredients that have no nutritional value feels the need to feed on more calories ending up feeling satiated. Dog food with such kinds of ingredients leads to weight gain which may cause obesity. Some of the dog food recommended for this breed include Instinct Raw Boost Small Breed, Nutro Ultra Small Breed, Health Extension Little Bites, Merrick Lil’ Plates Small Breed, etc.

Feeding Chart

The feeding amount for your pet is determined by various factors including their age, present health conditions, weight, and activity level. An adult dog of this breed should feed three times a day while a puppy should feed four to six times a day. Below is a feeding chart for Shih Tzus:

Age                          Amount of food            Calories per Day                 Required Weight

Puppy 0-1 year       1-2 ounces per day           40-50 lbs of body weight           2-16 pounds

Adult 1-9 years      2-3.4 ounces per day       80-140 lbs of body weight          9-16 pounds

Senior 9+ years      2-3.4 ounces per day       80-140 lbs of body weight          9-16 pounds

Heat Cycle

Shih Tzus are toy-sized breeds that experience their first heat cycle when they are still puppies between the age of 4 to 7 months. However, if a dog attains the one-year mark without experiencing the first heat cycle, if intact, contact the vet. The heat cycle may last between 2 to 4 weeks. It may recur after every 4 to 8 months.

Female Shih Tzus don’t experience menopause hence senior dogs may also get pregnant. Some of the signs that Shih Tzus exhibit while on heat include increased urination, bloody discharge, swollen vulva, nesting behaviors, behavioral change such as less affectionate towards owners, and tail flagging.

A female become receptive to the male later in the cycle when it wants to mate. Prior to breeding, take the female and male to the vet for genetic testing to determine whether they have any underlying health issues.

A stud may start breeding when it reaches sexual maturity. However, a female Shih Tzu should be breed after it attains the two year mark to ensure it is physically and emotional cable of raising a litter. Waiting until the dog is two years old, also gives the genetically linked fault the time to express themselves. Remember to check whether the male and female are related before mating.

Pregnancy Length

This breed has a gestation period of 58 to 65 days which may vary from dam to dam. During birth, Shih Tzus will have an average of 3 to 4 pups at one time. However, older dogs of this breed tend to have more puppies per litter. Twenty percent of these dogs give birth via C-section.

Pregnancy Signs

  • Larger and firmer nipples.
  • Enlarged mammary glands.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Enlarged abdomen.
  • Swollen vulva.
  • Increased weight.

Litter Size

A Shih Tzu may whelp a litter size of 3 to 4 puppies. Older Shih Tzus may have a large litter size.

Shih Tzu Allergies

A Shih Tzu is prone to various allergens that cause inflammation including food, skin, contact, environmental, and airborne allergens. The following are the allergies that affect Shih Tzus as discussed below;

Contact allergies – this is an inflammation that occurs once the skin of the pet comes in contact with an allergen. Some of the contact allergens that cause allergic inflammation in Shih Tzus include plastics, lawn chemicals, grooming products such as shampoos, carpet cleaning detergents, latex, medication, bed linens, and even some of your clothes. Irritation, itchiness, scratching, biting, and licking is experienced in the body parts that came in contact with the allergen including around the mouth, paws, and belly sides. Scratching and biting may result in secondary infections such as yeast and bacterial infection due to sores.

Environmental allergies – Shih Tzus are also affected by environmental allergens including grass, pollen, ragweed, dust and dust mites, molds, mites, and fleas. Shih Tzus are particularly sensitive to flea allergy dermatitis. Flea biting result to severe itching and scratching until the skin surrounding the bite is raw. Flea allergy mostly affects the base of the tail and hind legs.

Signs of environmental allergies in Shih Tzu include a runny nose, swollen eyes, itchiness, and scratching of various body parts including the muzzle, armpits, groin, paws, ears, between the toes, and around the eyes. Flea allergy can be controlled by completely getting rid of fleas using modern flea medicines at least once a month. For other environmental allergens, wipe the coat using a damp cloth following an outdoor activity when the dog returns to the house.

Food allergies – A true food allergy in Shih Tzus results in an immune response which leads to a range of skin conditions symptoms and gastrointestinal stress. This allergy is best controlled through elimination method.

Skin allergies – this inflammation is caused by food, contact, and environmental allergies which affects the skin of a Shih Tzu.

Airborne allergies – most seasonal allergies in Shih Tzus are airborne including pollen, perfumes, ragweed, molds, weeds, mildew, dander, and cigarette smoke.

Shih Tzu Food Allergies

Food allergies are a rare form of allergy that affects Shih Tzus. A true food allergy will result in an immune response which will manifest a range of symptoms from gastrointestinal stress to skin conditions symptoms. Some of the gastrointestinal symptoms includes gas, vomiting and/or diarrhea while skin conditions signs include facial swelling, hives, crusting lesions, pruritus, and dermatitis.

People tend to confuse food intolerance or sensitivities for food allergies. A Shih Tzu that is suffering from food intolerance doesn’t experience an immune response but rather a gradual response to an offending ingredient in the diet. Some of the foods that result in food intolerance in Shih Tzus include corn, eggs, soy, milk and particular proteins such as chicken, dairy, beef, fish, pork, turkey, and food additives as well as preservatives.

Some of the common signs of food intolerance include diarrhea, vomiting, poor skin and coat, foot infections, chronic ear infections, and itchy paws, ears, and skin. Changes that manifest in a dog suffering from food allergies include lack of energy, even aggression, weight loss, and hyperactivity. A Shih Tzu owner should work closely with the vet to manage the symptoms and determine the offending ingredient in the food.

Skin Allergies

This breed is particularly prone to skin allergies. Skin allergies may manifest as hair loss, rashes, dry flaky skin, biting, scratching, and biting at the source of their discomfort. These allergies may also occur anywhere on your dog including on their muzzle, feet and paws, ears, belly sides, groin, and underside.

Allergies Eyes

Eye are also affected by allergies hence releasing a clear discharge. A Shih Tzu is also susceptible to eye allergies and regular cleaning at the corner of the eyes using a damp cloth is recommended.

Allergies Symptoms

  • Itchy skin.
  • Sores around the mouth, feet, or belly.
  • Hair loss.
  • Ear infection.
  • Dry flaky skin.

Shih Tzu Eyes

This is a Toy-sized breed that has round and large eyes that are well placed apart and look straight ahead.

Eye Infection

A Shih Tzu is also prone to eye infection that is caused by viral or bacterial infection. However, bacterial eye infections are far more common. A bacteria is able to invade the eye following a trauma to the eye, dry eye disease, and viruses since the defenses of the eye have been compromised.

Majority of bacteria eye infections result from an injury or scratch to the eye. An injury to the cornea gets infected with bacteria preventing it from healing. Foreign body materials such as hair, fur, plant material, debris, and dirt also cause infections as the bacteria is easily swept into the eye.

Some of the symptoms that a Shih Tzu exhibits while suffering from an eye infection includes redness, swelling of the eyelids, pawing at the eye due to pain or itchiness, and a discharge that varies in color depending on the cause behind.

A clear discharge indicates that a dog is suffering from a viral eye infection while a thick yellowish-green discharge indicates that the pooch is suffering from bacterial eye infection. A home remedy for a Shih Tzu that is suffering from eye infection is the use of saline rinses to flush the eye.

Eye Discharge

This breed is prone to eye discharge at the corner of its eyes due to its face shape. The eye discharge should be cleaned using a damp cloth. Failure to clean the eye discharge in your Shih Tzu may lead to discharge odor or even eye infection.

Eye Discharge Treatment

If your dog experiences regular eye discharge. It is advisable to take your dog to the vet for professional treatment. Methods of eye discharge treatment in Shih Tzu include applying ointment or drops to the eyes a few times a day.

Eye Problems

Most of the common eye problems that Shih Tzus suffer from include:

  • Cataracts – A Shih Tzu that has cataracts possess cloudy and whitish pupils that affects the vision of the dog. If left untreated may cause blindness.
  • Cherry eye –  is a common eye problem in Shih Tzus that is characterized by red tissue protruding from the inside corner of the eye as a result of the prolapsed gland of the eyelid. A cherry eye is characterized by excessive watery eyes, squinting, discharge, overproduction of tears, and rubbing or scratching at the eye.
  • Epiphora – also known as excessive tearing that affects a Shih Tzu for their physical characteristics of flat faces and protruding eyes. This eye problem is caused by a blocked tear duct or overproduction of tears.
  • Conjunctivitis – is an eye disease that causes reaction to the outer thin clear tissue that is suspended over the eye inner white part that lines the eyelid. Common symptoms of Conjunctivitis in Shih Tzus include blurred vision, light sensitivity, thick discharge, and red & itchy eyes.
  • Entropion – this eye condition affects the eyelids of a Shih Tzu where the lower or upper eyelid rolls inwards making the eye rashes to rub against the eye surface including the cornea. Rubbing of the eye surface causes inflammation to the eyes which resulting in pain.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy – this is a group of inherited degenerative diseases that affects the photoreceptors cells of a Shih Tzu eventually leading to blindness.
  • Glaucoma – is common eye problem in Shih Tzus that occurs due to the insufficient drainage of the fluid from the eye hence putting pressure on the optic nerve. It causes blindness if left untreated. Symptoms include bluing of the cornea, squinting, redness in the whites of the eyes, and watery eyes.

Eye Boogers

Eye discharge in dogs is medically referred to eye gunk or eye boogers. The normal discharge from the eyes of a Shih Tzu is a thin mucus. Eye boogers in this breed may also be a sign of a short-term problem including trauma to the eye, infection, or foreign objects in the eye. To properly clean your pet’s goopy eye use cotton balls and saline. Hold the moistened cotton ball with saline on your pet’s eyelids for a few minutes to soften the crusts.

Eye Ulcer

This dog has distinctive large eyes that may get easily scratched causing an eye ulcer. Shih Tzus with eye ulcers will normally have the injured eye half-closed or fully closed with excessive tears. This dog may also suffer from a corneal ulcer which is painful and your pet may be pawing, squinting, or rubbing at the eye.

Eye Color

According to the American Kennel Club, a Shih Tzu should have dark eyes no matter the coat color. However, you may notice light-colored eyes like blue, light brown, and golden eyes in Shih Tzus with blue or liver coat type.

Shih Tzu Ear Infection

A Shih Tzu has floppy ears that cover the ear canal creating a humid environment for bacteria to thrive which cause ear infection. Other causes of ear infections include moisture accumulation due to swimming, allergies, ear mites, yeast imbalances, and overgrowth of hair in the ear canals make your dog predisposed to ear problems. Accumulation of earwax also causes ear infections which are annoying and painful.

There are three types of ear infections that a Shih Tzu may suffer from including interna, media, and externa otitis respectively. The most common ear infection that affects this breed is externa otitis that causes inflammation to the cells located in the external ear canal. Failure to treat this infection results in interna( inflammation to the inner ear canal ) and media( inflammation in the middle ear).

Both media and interna otitis results in vestibular signs, deafness, and facial paralysis if left untreated. Some of the symptoms that a Shih Tzu may exhibit while suffering from an ear infection include odor, shaking of the head, scratching at the affected ear, redness, dark discharge, and scabs in the ear.

One you notice the above signs, give an appointment with your vet. Once you get there, physical examination will be carried out before taking a swab from the affected ear. If the Shih Tzu is in too much pain, it may be sedated before the ears are cleaned using a medicate ear cleanser and cotton balls.

Ear Shape

A Shih Tzu has floppy or drop-ear like Beagles and Maltese.


An American Shih Tzu has a square-shaped head while a European has a rounded head.


The coat of this breed is hair as opposed to fur. Shih Tzus hair may grow lengthy. Hair longer than the puppy cut may result in issues including covering the ears and eyes of the dog hindering good visual acuity.

Hair Growth Stages

The hair coat of Shih Tzus undergoes a continuous state of renewal and parts of the coat are always in one of the three stages of hair growth below:

  • Anagen Phase: During this stage 80% of your pet’s coat is growing. If the dog has a balanced diet and its hair is healthy, the hair will not break but grow up to the floor-length.
  • Telogen Phase. This is a resting stage where the hairs that have grown during stage one remain at the same length.
  • Catagen Phase. This is where the shedding takes place.

Hair Loss

This breed experiences hair loss moderately throughout the year. Heavy hair loss may result in severe thinning of the coat. At times, hair loss in Shih Tzus is due to skin & food allergens, hypothyroidism, mange, hormones, and stress.


An adult Shih Tzu has 42 permanent teeth while a pup has 28 milk teeth. This breed also has misaligned teeth. They are also prone to dental issues such as rotting, bad breath, and tartar buildup. Regular brushing of your dog’s teeth is recommended.

Shih Tzu Underbite

One of the standards of recognizing pure breed Shih Tzus is an Underbite. An Underbite refers to the incorrect relation between the teeth of the lower and upper dental arches when they approach each other as the jaws close.


It is very common for Shih Tzus to have an underbite. However, some have an overbite often as a result of genetics. However, an overbite in this breed may also be a cause of dental injuries, problems, and infections.

Neck Size

The neck size of a Shih Tzu is equivalent to the collar size since the collar rests around the neck. The neck size | collar size of a Shih Tzu is 14 to 16.5 inches ( approx. 35 to 42 cm ).


A Shih Tzu has a heavily furred tail that is curled over the back.


A Shiz Tzu is susceptible to tracheal collapse. A harness reduces the strain on the neck of your pooch as it distributes pressure on the back and shoulders instead of the trachea. A harness also gives better control of your Shih Tzu and discourages pulling. A collar is also an essential accessory for a dog where the rabies tag and ID tag are attached.

However, a collar may not be the best to for a Shih Tzu. Although, you may not attach ID tag on the harness as some dogs may find it uncomfortable. Therefore, a dog owner may used both a collar and a harness. The leash will be attached on the harness while the ID tag will be attached on the collar. Therefore, it is a win win situation.


Even though Shih Tzus are adorable non-aggressive dog breed, they are muzzled.  This is in a situation where the dog owner is not sure of how the pet will react to certain new situations. In most cases a dog is likely to bite if it is in pain. Therefore, a muzzle may come in handy when transporting a Shih Tzu to the Vet. Therefore, owners are urged to create positive associations with the device through the use of treats and praise.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is a Shih Tzu a good house dog

Yes, it is friendly, calm, affectionate, lively, alert, and loyal.

Is shih tzu hypoallergenic

Yes. This breed sheds less as compared to other breeds of dogs throughout the year.

are Shih Tzu aggressive

No, Shih Tzus are not aggressive and make good companion pets. However, some of the dogs may exhibit aggressive behaviors such as biting if not socialized properly.

Shih Tzu Quick Facts

  • It has double-coated hair as opposed to fur.
  • They are considered hypoallergic.
  • It is normal for this dog to have an underbite.

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