
Pitbull Allergies, Coat, Hair Loss, and Training Tips

Pit Bull(also Pitbull) is a term used to describe the types of dog that originated from the British Bull and terrier, an 1800 dog-fighting type developed from crossbreeding the now-extinct Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier. Furthermore, Pitbull is a term used in the US for a type of dog that descended from bulldogs and terriers. However, in the United Kingdom, the term is used as an abbreviation for the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.

Pitbull Dog Breed Introduction

Pit Bull (also Pitbull) is a term used to describe the types of dog that originated from the British Bull and terrier, an 1800 dog-fighting type developed from crossbreeding the now-extinct Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier. Furthermore, Pitbull is a term used in the US for a type of dog that descended from bulldogs and terriers. However, in the United Kingdom, the term is used as an abbreviation for the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.

This breed has a controversial reputation as pets in the USA and internationally due to its history in dog fighting, its proclivity to latching on while biting, and the number of high-profile attacks documented in the media over the years.

Proponents of this breed have engaged in nature-versus nurture debate over whether apparent aggressive tendencies in pit bulls may be appropriately attributed to inherent qualities or owners’ care for the dog. Due to their reputation, some insurance companies will not cover this breed attributing to the disproportionate rate of bite incidents. Pit bulls are still used in the USA for dogfighting which was continued despite being outlawed.


In the U.S. Pit Bull is considered a heterogenous grouping that includes the breeds of Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, and occasionally the American Bulldog. Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not considered a pit bull in other countries including Britain. The common similarity among the Pitbull types of breeds is the muscular body, short hair, and a square-shaped head.

Pitbull's photo
Pitbull’s photo

This breed also has a number of jurisdictions and nations that restrict ownership of pit bull-type dogs via breed-specific legislation. There is also a pro-pit bull lobby that exists and spends millions of dollars a year on the promotion of Pit Bulls as family pets, funding their researchers, and also opposing laws that regulate their ownership.

Owning Pit Bulls as well as Rottweilers has been seen as a symbol of power. This breed has also appeared in the logos of Brown Shoe Company and RCA. Some of the notable breeds of this dog include Nipper, Sallie Ann Jarrett, Pete the Pup, Sergeant Stubby, Star, and Daddy.

Pitbull History

Pit Bulls progenitors are originally from the United Kingdom. These types of dogs descended from a cross between the Old English Bulldog and Black and Tan Terrier. They were first imported into North America in the late 19 century (1870s). The progenitors of Pit bulls were developed for the blood sports of rat baiting and dog fighting. The crossing occurred after it was discovered that lighter and faster dogs were best suited for organized dog fights as compared to heavier bulldog.

Therefore, to produce a faster, lighter, and more agile dog that retained the tenacity and courage of the bulldog, outcrosses from local terriers were tried and they were ultimately successful. During the 19th century, dog fighting became a popular pastime in the USA as it was in the UK. In the late 19th century, breeders of Pit Bull types in USA attempted their dogs to be recognized by American Kennel Club. Due to association of these dogs with dogfighting, AKC rejected its entries.

After the rejection, American Pit Bull Terriers created a rival kennel club, the United Kennel Club in 1898. The established club also regulated dog fights. AKC was faced with a dilemma of recognizing a uniquely American dog breed that had records supporting its existence for three decades. Therefore, the solution was to register Pit bull terriers under a different name as Staffordshire Terriers in 1935 to prohibit these dogs from being used in organized fights.

The bull-and-terrier type dogs were first referred to as Staffordshire Bull Terrier in 1930 in Britain which was officially recognized in 1935 by the kennel Club. To prevent confusion between with the American bull-and-terrier-type dogs, AKC changed the Staffordshire Terriers to the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Life Expectancy

This breed’s lifespan varies according to the type of dog under the pit bull group in question. The average lifespan or life expectancy is listed below.

  • American Staffordshire Terriers have an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years.
  • American Pit Bull Terrier has a life expectancy of 8 to 15 years.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a lifespan of (12 to 14 years).
  • An American bully has a life expectancy of 8 to 13 years.


It has a shorter and single-coated coat that sheds more regularly than any other single-coated dog. Regular brushing using a rubber curry brush will restore the luster on your Pit Bull’s coat. Avoid regular baths that may deplete the natural oils on the coat.

Use a rubber curry brush in a circular motion to stimulate the skin to increase the production of natural oils and to loosen dead hair. Regular brushing keeps the coat to look glossy and healthy. It also removes dead hair and flaky cells which may make the coat look dull.

While bathing your Pitbull avoid using human shampoos, soaps with alcohol, sulfur-based, or coal tar that may cause irritation. After shampooing, use a conditioner to enhance the shine of the coat. A balanced diet for your pet is also essential for maintaining the coat’s shininess

While grooming, use mild canine ear cleaner to keep your dog’s ears clear of dirt and wax. Don’t forget to brush the teeth of your dog at least once a week using an angled canine toothbrush that is sized appropriately for your pet as well as a canine toothpaste. Clip the nails at least twice a month.

Grooming Brush

Pit bulls are single coated dogs that have short hair. Therefore, while grooming use a soft medium bristle brush or a rubber curry brush that will not be too hard on the skin causing scratches.


Pit Bulls shed at moderate levels all-year-round. However, they experience heavy shedding during seasonal change once or twice a year during Spring and/or Fall. Brush the coat of your pooch at least twice a week during the shedding season to confine the loose hair in the brush that would otherwise spread around the house.

Pitbull Coat

It is one of the breeds that has single coat that lacks an undercoat. The coat has short hair that sheds all-year-round. Therefore, brushing your Pitbull’s coat at least twice a week is advisable. While brushing the coat, utilize a circular motion to stimulate the circulation and distribution of your Pitbull’s natural oils.


Although Pit bulls lack an undercoat, they are not hypoallergenic. They shed all-year-round at moderate levels and heavily during seasonal change. Shedding allows spread of dander around the house. Dander, urine, saliva, and hair have a protein allergen that causes allergic inflammation in people who suffer from dog allergies. A Pitbull is more prone to excessive drooling when it spots food or when it is excited. Drooling licks saliva on the surfaces which will also cause allergic reactions.

Pit Bull Training

This dog often gets a bad rap as an aggressive breed. However, if well-bred and properly socialized Pit Bulls are friendly and human-oriented. They are also good for training since they are intelligent and eager to learn. This breed also excels at dog sports and obedience training.

It is unfortunate, that the popularity of this dog comes from news stories they hear about Pitbull attacks or dog fighting. However, a well-trained Pit Bull can be an ambassador for its breed, showing the world that with training and a loving home, this breed can make wonderful pets.

While training, socialization is key in making your pit bull comfortable with a variety of people and situations when they are still young. Exposing your dog to other animals, children, men, and women will get your pet used to being handled. When training your Pitbull use positive reinforcement techniques or any other reward-based training.

Teaching your dog the look command is important in making your pet to behave properly with other dogs. A dog owner should also ensure the Pit Bull undertakes The Canine Good Citizen Program developed by AKC to test your pet’s basic obedience skills, socialization with strangers, and behavior toward other dogs. This will serve as proof that you own a well-behaved pet. However, if you have trouble keeping your dog from being aggressive with other dogs, consider engaging a professional trainer.

Training Tips

Socialize your dog from the age of 12 to 16 weeks. Socialization exposes your dog to a wide variety of people, other animals, strangers, smells, sounds, sights, and situations. One form of socializing your dog is enrolling it in a puppy obedience classes. This will also help you in identifying and correcting bad habits.

In order to get positive outcomes from training, keep the training sessions short not exceeding 10 minutes. Use of positive reinforcement methods such as use of treats, toys, and praise also helps in promoting good behavior and understanding during training, Avoid use of harsh correction methods such as yelling or biting your pooch.

Teaching the basic command words like sit, lie down, drop it, stay, and wait is also recommended. Teach your Pitbull one command at a time until it understands before proceeding to the next command word. Effective house breaking is attained by creating a feeding schedule, potty training, and also crate training.

A crate should be a safe place for your pet where it rests when feeling overwhelmed. It should protect it from harming itself when in the house and the of owner is not closely watching. Make the crate cozy and comfortable by lining it with a blanket. Put the toys and treats in the crate to create positive associations with the device. Position the crate in a room that has a lot of ongoing family activities to prevent separation anxiety.

Avoid using a crate as a form of punishment. This will make your Pitbull defensive anytime it spots a crate. Potty training is a success through patience, consistency, and being firm. Take your Pitbull outside when it wakes up so that it can relieve itself. repeat this act after every two to three hours and after meals.

Pitbull Traits

  • Athletic.
  • Courageous.
  • Obedient.
  • Strong-willed.
  • Clownish.
  • Loyal.
  • Stubborn.
  • Intelligent.


This is an intelligent breed that is trainable. An American Staffordshire Terrier has been ranked 48th for obedience and working intelligence while the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was ranked 94th.


It has been reported that this breed seldom barks. A Pitbull will bark when they want to tell you something for instance if it is demanding food, communicating that he is in pain, asking for attention, alerting you when there is an impending danger, or just being protective. Both American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier breed are talkative Pit bulls that may tend to bark frequently.


Originally, this breed was bred for dogfighting purposes. This means that Pit Bulls are likely to be more aggressive with other dogs than any other breed. However, if they are socialized from an early age they learn to be in the company of another breed of dogs.

Pitbull Bite Force

This breed has been documented over the decades by the media reporting on the attacks. Numerous advocacy organizations have sprung up in defense of pit bulls. However, independent organizations have published data based on hospital records showing that this breed is responsible for more than a half number of dog bite incidents among all breeds despite having a 6% of the total dog pets population.

According to studies conducted, a Pitbull has the highest risk of biting and producing severe injuries. The following are the Pitbull bite force according to breed:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier has a bite force of 240-330 PSI.
  • A Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a bite force of 328 PSI.
  • American Staffordshire Terrier has a bite force of 235 PSI.
  • The bite Force of an American Bully is between 200 to 300 PSI.


Pitbull puppies tend to be mouthy with everything surrounding them as they tend to explore the world around them. Puppies are also more prone to nipping and biting. This may seem adorable but for long after the puppy matures into an adult Pitbull that has serious biting behavior.

Therefore, curb the biting behavior before it develops as a habit. The recommended methods for discouraging this behavior is through bite inhibition training and redirection. According to Purdue University Extension, bite inhibition method is a success if the puppy stays with the dam until the age of 8 weeks.


  • A male American Pit Bull Terrier stands at a height of 18 to 21 inches( approx. 45 to 53 cm) while the female American Pit Bull has a height of 17 to 20 inches ( approx. 45 to 50 cm ).
  • A Male American Staffordshire Terrier has a height of 18 to 19 inches ( approx. 46 to 48 cm) while the female American Staffordshire Terrier has a height of 17 to 18 inches ( approx. 43 to 46 cm ).
  • A male Staffordshire Bull Terrier possesses a height of 14 to 16 inches ( approx. 36 to 41 cm) while the female Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a height of 13 to 15 inches ( approx. 33 to 38 cm ).
  • An American bully has four types which have varying heights as listed below:
  • Standard American Bully male dogs have a height of 17 to 20 inches ( approx. 43 to 51 cm ) and the female dogs have a height of 16 to 19 inches ( approx. 41 to 48 cm ).
  • Pocket American Bully male dogs have a height of 14 to 17 inches ( approx. 36 to  43 cm ) while the female dogs have a height of 13 to 16 inches ( approx. 33 to 40 cm ).
  • An XL American bully male dog has a height of 21 inches to 23 inches ( approx. 51 to 57 cm) while the XL female dog has a height of 19 to 22 inches ( approx. 48 to 54 cm ).
  • A Classic American Bully has the same height as the Standard for both males and females.

Pitbull Size

  • An American Pit Bull Terrier male dog has a weight of 35 to 60 pounds ( approx. 15.9 to 27.2 kg) while a female American Pit Bull Terrier has a height of 30 to 50 pounds ( approx. 13.6 to 22.7 kg).
  • American Staffordshire Terrier male dog has a weight of 55 to 70 pounds (approx. 25 to 32 kg) while the female American Staffordshire Terrier has a weight of 40 to 55 pounds ( approx. 18 to 25 kg).
  • A male Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a weight of 29 to 37 pounds ( approx. 13.1 to 16.8 kg) while a female Staffordshire Bull Terrier weighs 24 to 34 pounds ( approx. 10.9 to 15.4 kg).
  • The American Bully has four types of dogs that possess varying weights as discussed below:
  • Xl American bully has a weight of 80 to 150 pounds ( approx. 36.3 to 45.4 kg).
  • A Standard American bully weighs 65 to 85 pounds ( approx. 29.5 to 38.6 kg).
  • The Pocket American Bully has a weight of 11 to 22 pounds ( approx. 5 to 10 kg).
  • A Classic American Bully has a weight of 65 to 85 pounds ( approx. 29.5 to 38.6 kg), the same as the Standard.

Male And Female Pitbull Differences

The female Pit bulls are less likely to be less aggressive as compared to their male counterparts.

They have slightly smaller heads than males with eyes spaced further apart. A female Pitbull also has a skin around its lips pulled tighter than males.

A female Pitbull that is intact is likely to have mood swings at times. When experiencing mood swings, it tends to be more independently minded around this time.


Pit Bull is a group of dogs that has four breeds including:

  • American Staffordshire Terrier.
  • Staffordshire Terrier.
  • American Pit Bull Terrier.
  • American Bully that has four varieties, XL, Pocket, Classic, and Standard.

Biggest Breed

A Pit bull has four types of dogs; American Bully, Staffordshire Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Pit Bull Terrier. Among the four breeds, American Staffordshire Terrier is the Biggest Bit bull breed. However, an XL American Bully is bigger than an American Staffordshire Terrier in terms of both size and weight.

Pitbull Health Issues

  • Degenerative myelopathy.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Kneecap dislocation.
  • Valve malformations.
  • Cancer.
  • Aortic stenosis.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Heart disease.


Pit Bulls may also suffer from seizures, a temporary disturbance of the normal functioning of the brain that is accompanied by uncontrollable muscle activity. Seizures are also known as convulsions or fits. There are three causes of seizures; reactive, secondary, and primary seizures.

Reactive seizures occur when the brain reacts to a metabolic problem such as organ failure, toxin, or low blood sugar. A dog may also suffer from secondary seizures due to trauma, stroke, or brain tumor. Primary or idiopathic seizures are far the most common. They are inherited even though the cause is unknown. A seizure may last for a period of 1 to 3 minutes.

When a pooch is experiencing seizure, dog owners are advised against putting anything in the mouth of the Pit Bull since it may be dangerous to both them and the dog. Some of the signs that a Pitbull exhibits while suffering from seizure include loss of consciousness, urination or defecation, foaming mouth, drooling, tongue chewing, disorientation, stiffening of the muscles, and hiding after an episode.


This is an athletic breed that requires one to two hours of exercise daily. A Pitbull should also get 30 to 45 minutes of walk each day. Running and walking is also advisable for this breed since they have a lot of muscles. You should also consider frisbee and fetch to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Pitbull Colors

  • Brindle.
  • Brown.
  • Black.
  • Grey.
  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Tan.
  • White.
  • Fawn.

Harness or Collar

A harness tends to be more secure, especially while your Pitbull is learning not to pull on the leash. This breed has natural strength which means they could cause physical damage to their throat and neck by pulling on a regular collar. Harnesses are generally better in the prevention of accidents because they fasten more securely around your dog’s body.

Pitbull Feeding

An adult large Pit Bull feeds three cups of dry food each day. While the puppies feed two-thirds of a cup at each feeding three times a day. A meat-based is more preferred than a grain-based food. In addition, senior Pit bulls need fewer calories and foods that are formulated with less fat. However, a senior dog that is still active and exercising a lot should continue to eat the same amount of food.

Pitbull Allergies

Pitbulls are also prone to allergies caused by food, skin, contact, and environmental allergens. The common allergies that affect Pit bulls include;

Skin allergies – A Pitbull suffers from skin allergies that are triggered by food, contact, and environmental allergies. Allergies to the skin also manifest as skin problems and may lead to secondary skin infections if left untreated.

Food allergies – A Pitbull that is suffering from food allergies is likely to experience gastrointestinal symptoms including vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Environmental allergies – A Pitbull is more prone to the environmental and contact allergies due to the short coat that lacks an undercoat allowing easy exposure to allergens. Some of the environmental allergens that cause inflammation in this breed include grass, pollen, dust and dust mites, house molds, ragweed, fleas, mites, and even mosquitoes.

This allergy is commonly manifested on various body parts such as armpits, groin, belly sides, paws, ears, between the toes, and around the eyes. The common symptoms exhibited by a Pit bull that is suffering from environmental allergies include scratching and licking of the mentioned body parts, swollen eyes, and a runny nose. The best way to curb this allergy is wiping the coat of your pooch with a damp cloth every time it return in the house after spending time outdoors.

Contact allergies – this allergy occurs when the allergens such as latex, carpet cleaning detergents, grooming products such as shampoos, and medication come in contact with the skin of your pet. Contact allergens causes irritation and itchiness to the skin. Paws and belly sides are most likely to be affected by this allergy. Contact allergies may also result in excessive licking and biting which may cause hair loss and even bacterial or yeast infection.

Pitbull Food Allergies

Food allergies in Pitbulls and any other dog breed is commonly confused with food sensitivities or intolerance. However, a true food allergy causes an immune response that makes your Pitbull manifest a range of skin conditions symptoms as well as gastrointestinal signs. Some of the skin conditions symptoms exhibited by a pooch that is suffering from food allergies include crusting lesions, hives, dermatitis, facial swelling, and pruritus.

On the other hand, gastrointestinal signs include vomiting and/or diarrhea. Food intolerance in Pit Bulls results due to the gradual response to an offending ingredient in the food including beef, chicken, fish, eggs, corn, soy, dairy products, eggs, milk, lamb, pork, etc. Furthermore, animal-based protein food is three times more responsible for food intolerance as compared to plant-based ingredients

Food intolerance doesn’t cause an immune response in this breed. A Pitbull that is suffering from food allergies is likely to exhibit the following symptoms including vomiting, chronic ear infections, poor skin and coat, and foot infections. Dog owners should work along with the vet to determine the culprit that causes food allergies and food sensitivities.

Pitbull Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in Pitbulls is a result of food allergies, environmental, and contact allergies. Zinc-responsive dermatosis also causes inflammation to the skin. This is a form of skin infection that occurs when the dog is not getting enough zinc or even absorbing it properly.

Some of the symptoms exhibited by a Pitbull that is suffering from zinc-responsive dermatosis include scaling, red, crusting, hair loss, or oozing skin around the chin, mouth, eyes, and ears. Common symptoms of skin allergies include a dry flaky skin, rashes, and itchiness. The common affected body parts by skin allergies include foot pads, nose, ears, and face.

Allergies Treatment

Some of the Pit Bulls treatment and remedies for allergies include the use of hypoallergic lotions and shampoos, and keeping up-to-date on your pet’s tick and flea medications. Furthermore, a dog owner should be mindful of how long their pet sun basks since this breed has short hair, meaning its skin can burn more easily than other breeds which may further irritate the skin allergies.

Environmental allergies may be controlled by wiping the coat with dog friendly wipes or a wet cloth to remove the allergens present on the skin especially grass and pollen. Food allergies may be treated through elimination method which involves your pet taking one type of protein and carbohydrate for eight weeks. Antihistamines also help in relieving the symptoms such as itchiness and irritation.

Ears Natural

The natural ears of a Pitbull are rosebud shaped with cartilage that it lifted a little at the folded flap giving them an inquisitive look. Some dogs also have cropped ears. The cropping of the ears was started in ancient Rome to resist ear injuries during dog fights. Ear cropping is surgically performed when the dog is still young before the ear cartilage hardens.

Pitbull Ear Infection

Pit Bulls have naturally floppy ears which cover the ear canal. This prevent regular air flow in the canal making them vulnerable to ear infections. However, a Pitbull with cropped ears may also suffer from ear infection due to the excess wax, dirt or, debris. Other causes of ear infections include moisture, ear mites, yeast imbalances, and allergies.

There are three types of ear infections; externa, media, and interna otitis respectively. Externa otitis is inflammation that occurs to the cells located in the external ear canal. If left untreated, it may spread to the middle and inner ear. Interna otitis is the inflammation to the inner ear canal while media otitis is the inflammation to the middle ear.

If the former and the latter are not treated they may result in deafness, facial paralysis, and vestibular signs such as disorientation, blurred vision, and dizziness. Some of the common symptoms that Pit Bulls may exhibit while suffering from an ear infection include odor, yeast, dark discharge, head shaking, scratching of the affected ear, crusting in the ears, and pain.

It is highly advisable to take your pet for a checkup with your Vet if your notice the above signs. The vet will carry out physical examination and take a swab from the affected ear.

Pitbull Eyes

This breed has almond-shaped eyes which may be green, brown, hazel, or blue.

Eye Infection

Pitbulls also suffer from eye infection that is caused by bacteria or viruses. However, the most common cause of eye infection in a pooch is bacteria. Dry eye disease, viruses, and trauma to the eye provide the perfect opportunity for bacteria to invade the eye since the local defenses of the eye have been compromised.

Common eye infections in Pit Bulls are caused by injury or trauma to the eye. An injury to the cornea gets infected with bacteria which prevents the wound from healing. Eye bacteria infections may also be caused by invasion of foreign bodies in the eye including plant material, dust, debris, fur, or hair.

Some of the common symptoms of eye infection in Pit bulls breed of dogs include swelling of the eyelids, pawing at the eye due to pain or itchiness, redness, and discharge which varies in color. A thick yellowish-green discharge indicates that the eye has been invaded by bacteria while a clear discharge indicates that your pooch is suffering from a viral eye infection. A home remedy for eye infection is the use of saline rinses to flash the eye.

Eye Problems

Apart from eye infection, Pit Bulls also suffer from cornea ulcer caused by scratching of the cornea, or if dirt or grass gets into the eye. These dogs also suffer from conjunctivitis which is an eye condition that causes inflammation of the protective tissue of the eye resulting in a pink eye.

Glaucoma also affects Pit Bulls which is caused by insufficient drainage of the fluid from the eye. Pit Bulls are also more prone to suffer from Progressive Retinal Atrophy, an inherited illness in which the dog’s eyes are genetically programmed to go blind.

Eye Discharge

It is normal for a Pitbull to release a whitish-grey or clear discharge with a water consistency. Although, a clear discharge may indicate that your dog is affected by allergies or it has viral eye infection. An eye that is invaded by bacteria will have a thick yellowish-greenish discharge.

Head Shape

All types of breeds under the pit bull group have a square-shaped head and a square fleshy nose.

Some of the other dog breeds include:


German Shepherd.

French Bulldog.

Labrador Retriever.

Golden Retriever.

English Bulldog.




Yorkshire Terrier.




Great Dane.

Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.





Belgian Malinois.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


Siberian Husky.




Chih Tzu.

Chow Chow.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.

Bull Terrier.


Pit bulls have small paws that should be smooth to the touch and free of all abrasions. In some cases, your pet may have rough paw pads that may be caused by the harsh chemicals that are regularly used for household cleaning. Moreover, the salts used on roads when there is snow are especially harmful to the dog’s paws.

Pitbull Hair Loss

Hair loss in Pitbulls may be caused by hypothyroidism in which a dog’s body doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. This will result in hair loss, dry skin and coat, weight gain, aggression, fearfulness, and susceptibility to other skin diseases. Apart from hypothyroidism, other possible causes of hair loss in pit bulls include:

  • Mange may also cause hair loss in Pit bulls. This is a skin disease that is caused by mites leading to intense itching, which will cause scratching, rubbing, and licking hence your Pit Bull suffers from scabs, sores, and hair loss.
  • Hormones – While experiencing the heat cycle, female Pit Bulls have an increase in estrogen levels which leads to the thinning of the coats and hair loss.
  • Allergies – A Pitbull is prone to environmental, contact, food, and skin allergies. These allergies cause licking, scratching, biting, and rubbing of the affected body parts such as paws, feet, and ears which may lead to sores or even hair loss.
  • Genetics –  Some of the Pit Bulls may experience hair loss as they age due to genes on various body parts including the back, ears, and chest.
  • Stress – a stressed pooch is anxious or restless. A stressed Pitbull may find a release of some of that restlessness by licking its body parts and the things around it. Lick granuloma is caused by excessive leaking . This condition also causes hair loss in excessively licked body parts such as paws.

Hair Loss Treatment

Use of a hypoallergenic and organic shampoo will relieve itchy skin and irritation hence your Pitbull will not scratch the commonly affected body parts leading to hair loss.

Engaging your Pitbull in exercise and not leaving it alone for long hours prevents separation anxiety which causes stress. Stress creates a habit of excessive licking causing open sores and hair loss.

Feeding your Pit bull with a fresh diet that is free of ingredients that cause inflammation such as lamb, chicken, lamb, corn, soy, etc. will prevent licking, scratching, and biting which causes hair loss due to excessive leaking and scratching.

Regular brushing of the coat and also wiping the coat and paws with a damp cloth after an outdoor activity will help in removing the allergens present in the environment that causes excessive licking, biting, and scratching leading to hair loss.

Pitbull Names

The most important exercise that a dog owner engages in after bringing a Pitbull puppy home from a responsible breeder or rescue centers, is giving it a name. Some dog owners name their pets based on characters, origin, trends, books, movies, celebrities, cities, songs, food, or even color.

Regardless of the inspiration, give your pet a name that freely rolls off your tongue and won’t make you embarrassed when uttered out loud in public places such as parks and malls. Names that have vowels are easy for Pit bulls to understand. Giving your pet with a name that rhymes with a command may create confusion. Avoid giving your pet a name that is also used by other house hold members or people who frequent your home to avoid confusion.

Female Names

  • Candy.
  • Edith.
  • Freya.
  • Alicia.
  • Queenie.
  • Wanda.
  • Penelope.
  • Kiki.
  • Chloe.
  • Cassidy.
  • Raina.
  • Nora.
  • Maisy, etc.

Male Names

  • Max.
  • King.
  • Diesel.
  • Apollo.
  • Rocky.
  • Blu.
  • Jax.
  • Tank.
  • Ace.
  • Dior.
  • Copper.
  • Gus.
  • Harper.
  • Otis, etc.

Heat Cycle

Pit Bull dog breeds experience their first heat cycle between 6 to 24 months. The heat cycle recurs after every six months. This process consists of three stages; proestrus, estrus, and anestrus. Most female pit bulls become receptive to the male counterparts later in the cycle.

Prior to mating your pooch, ensure that both your pet and the stud have undergone genetic testing to check for any underlying health issues. Mate the dam after the age of two years. This gives the genetically linked faults the time to express themselves.

Some of the signs that a dog exhibits while on heat include bloody discharge, swollen vulva, increased urination, tail flagging, and behavioral changes. Male Pit bulls or any male dog breed may try to get close to your pooch during this period.

Pregnancy Length

This breed has a pregnancy length of 62 to 64 days or approximately two months.

Litter Size

A female Pitbull may deliver a litter size of 1 to 10 puppies. The average litter size for Pit Bull dog breeds is 5 puppies.


An adult Pitbull has a total of 42 set of permanent teeth while a puppy has a total of 28 deciduous teeth. Irregular teeth cleaning causes tartar buildup. Excess tartar buildup causes gum inflammation and periodontal diseases.


The natural tail of a Pitbull is long and straight. However, some of the dogs have docked tails which may be for cosmetic reasons or if the dog has suffered a tail injury before.


Pit Bulls have been associated with an aggressive stereotype. However, a well-socialized Pit Bull is calm and friendly. However, a muzzle may be used in a situation when the owner is not sure how the pet will react to a certain stimulus. Muzzle a dog if it is in a lot of pain since it may be prone to biting.

American Kennel Club encourages dog owners to create positive associations with the muzzle through the use of treats which will be helpful when the muzzle is needed.

Neck Size

A collar rests on the neck of the dog. Therefore, the neck size is equivalent to the collar size. The neck size | collar size of a Pitbull is 14 to 18 inches ( approx. 36 to 46 cm).


A Pitbull may run up to an average speed of 25 to 30 miles per hour ( approx. 40 to 48 km/h).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are Pit Bulls Dangerous

Yes. According to research carried out by Merritt Clifton, Pit bulls are responsible for 52% of dog-related diseases and 68% of dog attacks. However, socialization has been key in eliminating aggressiveness if introduced when the dog is still young.

What Were Pit Bull Breed For

This breed is a descendant of an old English Bulldog and an old English Terrier that was bred for the blood sports of rat baiting and dog fighting.

What Is A Pit Bull Breed

This is a term used in the USA for a type of dog that descended from bulldogs and terriers. In the UK, Pitbull is used as an abbreviation of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. A Pitbull is also considered a heterogenous grouping that includes American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, and American Staffordshire Terrier.

Quick Pitbull Facts

  • There are four types of pit bull breeds; American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bully, and American Pit Bull Terrier.
  • An American Bully has four varieties including; Classic, Standard, XL, and Pocket.
  • They are perceived as dangerous and aggressive. However, socialization is significant in the reduction of aggressiveness if introduced when the puppy is still young.

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