
Morkie (Maltese Yorkie Mix) Hair, Haircuts, Training, Dog Food, and Temperament

Morkie (also referred to as Malkies, Morkshire Terrier, or Yorktese) is a hybrid dog deliberately created in the USA in the 1990s' after crossing a Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier) with a Maltese. They make good pets for urban dwellers who reside in apartments. Although, they are a vocal breed that tends to bark whenever someone is approaching making great watchdogs. Yorkies and Maltese are considered nearly-hypoallergenic dogs since they shed at minimal levels all-year round.

Morkie Dog Breed Introduction

Morkie (also referred to as Malkies, Morkshire Terrier, or Yorktese) is a hybrid dog deliberately created in the USA in the 1990s’ after crossing a Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier) with a Maltese. They make good pets for urban dwellers who reside in apartments. Although, they are a vocal breed that tends to bark whenever someone is approaching making great watchdogs. Yorkies and Maltese are considered nearly-hypoallergenic dogs since they shed at minimal levels all-year round.

A Morkie also sheds minimally all-year round. Morkies are gentle, sweet-natured, and loving pets that make wonderful therapy dogs. There are no breed standards for this crossbreed. One litter can have puppies that vary in coat color, each having a stronger resemblance to one parent breed as compared to the other. Morkies are crossbreeds and not Pedigrees hence not recognized by major Kennel clubs like AKC.

Morkie History

According to the American Morkshire Terrier Club, crossings to develop Morkies started in 1970s. Many present fanciers and owners of this dog attribute the creation of hybrid dogs while looking for a pooch that has a desired low-shedding coat, adorable traits, and lovable companion lap dog. The original name used for this breed was Morkshire Terrier that spread throughout the years with several nicknames given over the years including Malki, Morkshire, and Morkie with the most popular being Morkie.

While creating a  Morkie, early breeders crossed a Maltese, Yorkie, Toy poodle, Biewer Terrier, and even Rat Terrier. However, currently, Morkie bloodlines are created from crossing Maltese with Yorkies. Deliberate breeding of Yorkies and Maltese started in the late 1990s in North America. This hybrid rose to fame in 2007 when Britney Spears was known for buying Yorkies. Miley Cyrus also had a Morkie named Lila who unfortunately passed on in 2012. Drake also got a Morkie pup in 2011.

Morkie's Photo
A Morkie’s Photo

Morkie Lifespan

As earlier noted, Morkies have no breed standards. Therefore, the lifespan of this hybrid has different ranges across various sources. Although, crossbreed dogs have a hybrid vigour and tend to live longer than their parents, roughly a year or two. Yorkies have a lifespan of 13 to 16 years with others living to their late teens until the age of 20 years. Whereas, Maltese have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

However, there are reports of some Maltese dogs who live into their late teens. Therefore, a Morkie may have a median lifespan of 15 years plus an additional two years due to the hybrid vigour. Roughly, Morkies may have a lifespan of 17 years. According to the American Morkshire Terrier Club, Morkies have a lifespan of 15 to 22 years.

Morkie Grooming

Like the Maltese and Yorkie parents, Morkies also have a silky coat as opposed to fur. If not trimmed, the coat may grow to the floor length. Brush the coat at least twice a week using a slicker brush, pin brush, and metal toothed comb to prevent mats and tangles. To prevent coat from breakage and damage use a conditioning spray when brushing it. The ever growing coat should be trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks by a professional groomer or DIY pet parents may opt to do these themselves.


Morkies should bathe once every two weeks. Before bathing, brush the coat to remove the mats gently starting from the end of the hair as you work your way to the skin. Mats tend to get messier and tighter when they get wet. Use hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioner only designed for silky coat. A Morkie that has a long coat should occasionally be checked for parasites and allergies. After bathing the dog, thoroughly rinse off the grooming products using lukewarm water to avoid skin irritation. Avoid using soapy water to wipe the face. Dog eyes get irritated by soapy water just like human eyes. Instead use a clean damp washcloth to wipe the face.

Nail care

Trim the nails every two weeks using nail clippers. Overly grown nails make walking and running painful for a Morkie. Brush the teeth twice a week if not daily using a tasty canine toothpaste and finger toothbrush to remove excess tartar and promote good oral health. Clean the ears once a week using cotton balls dampened in a ear cleanser solution to remove excess wax, dirt, or debris. Remember to check out for redness, odor, or dark discharge since they are symptoms of ear infection. Get a Morkie accustomed to touch to lay foundation for a positive experience with a professional groomer and Vet.

Morkie Haircuts | Morkie Grooming Styles

Pet parents trim their dogs for easy maintenance of the coat. A Morkie has a silky coat that may grow to the floor length. This coat requires daily brushing to prevent mats and tangles. A Morkie that has a Standard or Show cut should bathe once a week. The pads of the feet are trimmed for traction as well as the rear end for cleanliness in the sanitary area. Apart from a Standard cut, other grooming styles suitable for Morkies include:

Puppy Cut – This is an easy maintenance cut that requires brushing of the coat on a weekly basis. To achieve this haircut, the hair on the body is trimmed to about an inch or two all over the body including the head, legs, and ears.

Teddy Bear Cut – the hair on the coat is trimmed to the same length of about 2 to 3 inches all over the body. To achieve the teddy bear look, the hair on the face is trimmed in a circular motion.

Bell-Bottoms – For his grooming style, the hair on the body is cut to a short length while the hair on the legs is trimmed to a longer length giving the full effect of bell-bottoms.

Kennel Cut – This is an ideal haircut for summer. The hair on the body is trimmed short. However, the silky hair on the head, tail, and legs is kept a bit longer.

Morkie Shedding

Both Maltese and Yorkie shed at minimal levels all-year round. The crossbreed of these toy dogs, Morkie also shed at low levels all-year round.

Morkie Hair | Coat

A Morkie has a long, silky, and fine hair. The coat is also single-layered.

Morkie Hypoallergenic

Although the parent breeds are considered nearly hypoallergenic, a Morkie is not even though it also sheds at minimal levels all-year round. However, some argue that Morkies are also nearly hypoallergenic since they also inherit the silky coat that is single-coated from the parent breeds. According to the American Kennel Club, there are no dog breeds or crosses that are 100% hypoallergenic.

Therefore, pet parents who suffer from dog allergies are urged to live with the individual Morkie to determine whether they are allergic to it or not before adopting. Dog’s dander, hair, saliva, mucus, and urine contain a protein allergen that triggers inflammation in people who suffer from dog allergies.

Morkie Training | Training Tips

Although intelligent, Morkies are moderately easy to train since they possess the stubborn streak of a Terrier. However, use of positive reinforcement methods such as verbal praise, toys, treats, and playtime makes training a bit easy. This is also a sensitive breed. Pet parents should not use harsh correction methods such as yelling or beating the dog.

In order to raise a well-mannered, outgoing, friendly, and well-adjusted Morkie, socialize the dog. Socialization training starts from the age of 3 weeks while the pup is still with the breeder. This training continues until the age of 16 weeks while the pup is with the owner. Therefore, it is crucial to get a pup from a responsible breeder who will start socializing the dog from an early age.

To socialize the dog, expose it to different people, animals, places, situations, smell, sights, experiences, and sounds such as sirens, baby crying sounds, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, lawn mowers, and whistles. Puppy classes also serve as a form of socialization where the dog gets to interact with other animals in a controlled environment.

Morkies are prone to separation anxiety. It is recommended that they remain with the dam until the age of 8 weeks so that they may build on their social skills. This also reduces the risk of suffering from separation anxiety. Keep the training sessions short and fun for a period of 5 to 10 minutes especially for puppies distributed throughout the day. The training session span may increase as the dog matures.

Teach basic command words such as sit, come, down, stay, leave it, heel, etc. one at a time until the dog understands before proceeding to the next command word. Avoid giving the command words while too excited or frustrated since the command words may not sound the same to your dog. For effective housebreaking, potty training, crate training, and creating a feeding guide is key. Patience, consistence, and being firm are required in housetraining.

Morkie Crate Training

This is an indispensable tool with house breaking a Morkie. A crate empowers the pet parent during potty training since it allows him or her to monitor for signs that the Morkie wants to eliminate including whining, squatting, circling, and lifting a leg against the crate wall. By choice, dogs avoid soiling where they sleep. It also helps to keep this hybrid safe when there is no one closely looking after it. A crate is a safe place where the dog retreats to.

Morkies are human-oriented dogs that may suffer from separation anxiety. Crate training teaches the pet to be confident in staying alone. To make the device appealing, throw a treat and favorite toy in the crate while the puppy is watching. Encourage the dog to get into the crate by uttering the command word ‘crate’. Once the dog gets inside, close the door. The dog may start whining to be let off the crate. However, don’t give in. Wait until the dog stops whining and let if off the crate.

Opening the crate door while the pet is whining will encourage this behavior anytime it wants to be let off the crate. Repeat this over and over while increasing the time that the dog stays in the crate. Make the crate appealing by lining it with a comfortable blanket. While in the house, always leave the crate door open. This makes a Morkie to understand that a crate is not a forced experience. This device is a safe haven for animals.

It should never be used as a means of punishing a Morkie. Limit the time that a dog spends in the crate depending on its age, and the level of housetraining. Never place a crate where it is too hot or cold since it is uncomfortable for your pet. Remember to remove a harness or collar before letting a Morkie in the crate. At night, put the crate inside your room. Cover all the crate sides apart from the front side using a bed sheet or towel to block the light. Utter the word, bedtime to notify your dog that it is time to sleep.

How To Potty Train A Morkie Puppy

Before bringing a Morkie pup home from the age of 8 weeks, choose a designated place where the dog will be doing its business. Pet parents should decide whether the dog will eliminate inside or outside especially for apartment dwellers who have a hard time accessing a yard or street. Indoor potty training utilizes puppy pads and litter boxes that are available for retail from the puppy store. Avoid introducing your pet to both indoor and outdoor potty training since it creates confusion. Only choose either of the two.

Start potty training immediately you bring your dog home. The rule of thumb when potty training is understanding that the bladder and bowel muscles of a puppy strengthens as the it matures. An 8-week-old Morkie may be able to hold for a period of 1 to 2 hours before eliminating while a 12-week-old pup will hold for a period of 2 to 3 hours before eliminating.

For effective potty training, take your dog to the designated toilet area after every 2 to 3 hours, immediately it wakes up, after naptime, following meals and drinks, after an exciting activity such as car ride and playtime, and before bedtime. Once you get to the elimination spot, utter the command word ‘Potty’ or ‘Toilet’ based on your preference. Stick with one command word to avoid confusion. Interchangeably using the two command words although they mean the same thing would create confusion to your pet.

Remain in the toilet area for a period of 15 minutes to allow the bladder and bowel muscles to relax for a pee or poo. If the dog fails to eliminate, take it back to the designated spot after 15 minutes. Patience, consistence, and being firm are recommended in order to housetrain a Morkie. It may take a period of 4 months before a Morkie is fully housebroken. During this period, the pet may have accidents in the house. When this happens, utter a firm no and immediately scoop the dog to the elimination spot.

Give a treat to the dog once it eliminates where it is supposed to. Avoid yelling once you get your Morkie in the act. Clean the mess using an enzymatic detergent or iodine solution to get rid of the odor. Failure to remove the odor will encourage future accidents once the dog sniffs the area. Before the age of 16 weeks, set an alarm to take your Morkie to the elimination spot at least once during the night.

Morkie Temperament | Traits

  • Gentle.
  • Affectionate.
  • Loving.
  • Playful.
  • Sociable.
  • Sweet-natured.
  • Energetic.
  • Courageous.
  • Vocal.
  • Independent.
  • Stubborn.

Morkie Temperament Stubborn

A Morkie also gets the stubborn streak of a Terrier. This may make them a handful to inexperienced dog owners. However, early socialization and obedience training ensures the dog matures to have a calmer and obedient temperament.

Morkie Barking

A Morkie is a vocal breed that barks to alert the pet parents when someone is approaching. For this reason, they make great watchdogs. However, they may easily develop a tendency of excessive barking. If barking becomes a problem, train to bark on command by saying speak and also teach them the quiet command word. With these two commands, a Morkie will know when to bark and when not to.

Morkie Exercise

To meet the physical and mental stimulation of Morkies, exercise then for a period of 30 minutes daily. Exercise helps Morkies to stay calm, prevents boredom, and burn off excess energy. A two or three time brisk walk will do or playing in the house or yard.

Morkie Height

A Morkie has a height of 8 to 11 inches ( approx. 20 to 28 cm) at the withers.

Morkie Weight

A Morkie has a weight of 4 to 15 pounds ( approx. approx. 1.8 to 6.8 kg) according to the American Morkshire Terrier Club.

Morkie Size

Morkies are toy-sized hybrids that have a height of 8 to 11 inches ( approx. 20 to 28 cm) and a weight of 4 to 15 pounds ( approx. approx. 1.8 to 6.8 kg).

Morkie Separation Anxiety

A Morkie is a sociable dog that is people oriented. Crate training is recommended to teach a Morkie to stay alone for a few hours a day. This will reduce the severity of separation anxiety. A Morkie that is suffering from separation anxiety may manifest behavior issues such as destructive chewing, regression in housebreaking, scratching the wall, and excessive barking.

Morkie Eye Problems

A Morkie may suffer from various eye problems including:

Progressive Retinal Atrophy – this is an inherited eye disease that affects photoreceptors of a Morkie leading to gradual loss of vision.

Cataracts – this is an eye condition that causes a cloudy and whitish eye lens. If left unattended, cataracts cause vision loss.

Dry eye syndrome – This is an eye issue that decreases the amount of fluid produced by the tear glands to the extend that they are no longer able to keep the eyes moist.

Morkie Health Issues

A Morkie is a crossbreed dog that benefits from hybrid vigour that lower the chances of susceptibility to diseases and inbreeding depression. However, Morkies are at a risk of suffering from health issues that affect Maltese and Yorkies such as tracheal collapse, cataracts, bronchitis, Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), periodontal disease, Hypoplasia of dens, Luxating patella, encephalitis, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Hydrocephalus, etc.

Morkie Names

Once a pet parent gets a Morkie pup from a responsible breeder, the next best thing is finding a name for the fur baby. A pet parent may get name inspiration from the coat color, celebrity Morkies, movies, books, songs, pop culture, historical figures, nature, food, and across various websites.

Regardless of where you get your inspiration, ensure that the name you settle with won’t make you embarrassed once you utter it out loud in the public parks and malls. The name should also freely roll off your tongue. Remember that Morkies and other dog breeds better understand a name that has vowels. Giving your pet a name that rhymes with the command words will create confusion.

If you settle with a long name, find a cute nickname for the pet. If a Morkie shares a name with other family members or guest who frequent your home, it can cause confusion.

Female Morkie Names

  • Adela.
  • Molly.
  • Maggie.
  • Sadie.
  • Sophie.
  • Luna.
  • Dixie.
  • Katie.
  • Nala.
  • Nessie, etc.

Morkie Harness

A Morkie is a toy-sized breed that is prone to tracheal collapse. Therefore, while on leash use a harness since the pressure will be evenly distributed on the shoulders and the back. A collar is preferred for a dog that properly walks on a leash, has no health issues such as tracheal collapse, or a has no high-prey-drive. A collar exerts pressure on the throat and neck if the dog pulls.

Male Morkie Names

  • Cooper.
  • Gus.
  • Max.
  • Theo.
  • Oscar.
  • Kai.
  • Jack.
  • Tucker.
  • Nacho.
  • Jake.
  • Cody. etc.

Morkie Feeding Guide

The amount of food that a Morkie feeds on depends on its age, metabolism, activity level, and body build. Puppies have high metabolism rate and will need to feed 3 to 4 times a day from the age of 1 month to 6 months. From the age of 6 months, a dog should be fed twice a day. Consult a Vet on the amount of food that you should feed your dog. Don’t leave the food bowl out all day since Morkies are prone to obesity.

Morkie Dog Food

Dogs may feed on dry food, semi-moist food, canned, homemade, and raw diet. The type of food that a Morkie feeds on depends on the available time for preparation and budget of the owner. Regardless of the food that the owner chooses, he or she should ensure that all the nutritional requirements are met.

The best way to know whether you are overfeeding or underfeeding your Morkie is to take it to the vet to be informed about its weight and health. However, you can also tell by checking the physique of your pet. If you can see your Morkie’s ribs, chances are they are being underfed. If the pet parent cannot feel the ribs of the dog under the coat, then chances are that it is being overfeed.

When you get a Morkie from a responsible breeder, chances are that you will want to switch to another quality of food than the one it was previous feeding on. Gradually do this by mixing small portions of new food about 1/4 with 3/4 old food for the first week. During the second week, feed your dog with the same amount of the new food and old food. On the third week feed your Morkie with 1/4 of old food and 3/4 of the new food.

During the fourth week, totally switch to new food. For dog owners who want to feed commercial dry or wet food, they should purchase food that are specifically designed for toy-sized to small-sized dogs for puppies, adults, and senior dogs. As rule of thumb, dog commercial food or any other food should not contain fillers, preservatives, chemicals, or additives. The pooch food should also have protein listed as the first ingredient. This also applies to the snacks.

Morkie Colors

A Maltese has a pure white coat while a Yorkie has various coat colors including black and gold, blue and tan, blue and gold, and black and tan. Morkies tend to get their coat colors from the Yorkies Parent.

Apart from Morkie, other breeds of dogs include:

English Bulldog

Australian Cattle Dog.




Rhodesian Ridgeback.



French Bulldog


Pit Bull.

Boston Terrier.

Alaskan Malamute.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.



German Shorthaired Pointer.

Labrador Retriever.

Golden Retriever.




Great Dane.


Shih Tzu.

Chow Chow.




Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Siberian Husky.

Belgian Malinois.


Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.


Morkie Allergies

A Morkie is predisposed to various forms of allergies as discussed below.

Skin allergies – A Morkie is susceptible to skin allergies due to food, environmental, and contact allergies. Food allergies cause an immune response that is accompanied by various symptoms including skin issues such as hives, dermatitis, crusting lesions, facial swelling, and pruritus.

Food Allergies – Although rare, Morkies may also suffer from food allergies which is accompanied with gastrointestinal signs such as acute vomiting and diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss as well as skin issues symptoms. A Morkie may also be affected by food intolerance which is caused by a gradual response to an offending ingredient in the diet of the dog including fillers, corn, wheat, soy, additives, chemicals, preservatives, beef, chicken, lamb, eggs, milk, fish, etc.

Contact allergies – This inflammation affects the skin once it comes in contact with the offending allergen. Some of the contact allergens that affect Morkies include grooming products like shampoos, latex, medication, lawn chemicals, bed linens, plastics, carpet cleaning detergents, etc. Commonly affected body parts include paws, belly sides, and around the muzzle.

Environmental allergies – One of the environmental allergen that affect Morkies include flea’s saliva that cause flea allergy dermatitis. This allergy causes excessive scratching and biting until the skin around the bite area is raw. Affected body parts include underneath the tail and back legs. Other allergens are grass, pollen, trees, ragweed, dust and dust mites, house molds, and mites. Symptoms include nasal discharge, congestion, and itchiness on various body parts including ears, paws, muzzle, groin, underarms, around the eyes, wrist, and between the toes.

Morkie Ears

A Morkie that has more genetic make up of a Maltese will have floppy shaped ears while Morkies that have more Yorkie genetic make up will have erect ears.

Morkie Tail

A Morkie may have a docked tail(like a Yorkie) or a naturally long tail that is held over the back with a graceful curve(like a Maltese) depending whether the offspring look more of either parent.

Morkie Teeth

During birth, new born Morkie puppies have no teeth. Deciduous teeth starts growing in from the age of 2 to 3 weeks until the age of 6 weeks when the dog will have a total of 28 milk teeth. From the age of 12 weeks, the deciduous teeth starts falling out as the permanent teeth grows in. At the age of 6 months, a Morkie has a total of 42 permanent teeth. Brush the teeth twice a week if not daily using a dog formulated toothpaste and toothbrush is recommended.

Morkies are prone to teeth problems when the deciduous teeth fail to fall out as the permanent teeth grow. This occurs when the new teeth don’t grow underneath the milk teeth. The retained teeth cause tooth decay since the food get easily caught between the permanent and milk teeth. This is because Morkies have a small jaw, and their teeth can become crowded and fail to fall out naturally. This will cause plaque buildup and bacteria will develop on the surface of the teeth resulting in periodontal disease.

Are Morkies Hypoallergenic

Yes | No.  Morkies were created by crossing a Yorkie and a Maltese. Both breed parents are considered nearly hypoallergenic by AKC. Therefore, Morkies may also be nearly hypoallergenic dog breeds. Although, some people have reported to have experienced dog allergies that are triggered by a Morkie. Therefore, potential  Morkie owners are encouraged to live with the dog first before adopting to determine whether they are allergic to it or not.

Are Morkies Smart

Yes. A Morkie is an intelligent dog that is moderately easy to train when positive reinforcements methods are used.

Are Morkies Easy To Train

Morkies are moderately easy to train although they are intelligent. They possess the stubborn streak of a Terrier which makes training a bit difficult if positive reinforcements methods such as treats are not used.

Are Morkies Good Dogs

Yes. Morkies are sociable, friendly, gentle, sweet-natured, affectionate, and loving dogs.

Morkie Quick Facts

  • They were created by deliberately crossing a Maltese with a Yorkie.
  • Morkies are vocal dogs that make great watchdogs.
  • It may take a period of 4 months before a Morkie is fully housebroken.

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