
Cavapoo Training, Potty Training, Food, Colors, Size, and Barking

Cavapoo ( also referred to as Cavoodle, Cavadoo, or cavadoodle) is a designer dog that was developed after crossing a Poodle (usually a miniature) with Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The crosses of the two pure breeds existed in the 20th century. Although, deliberate cross breeding started in the 90s in Australia by dog breeders. Cavapoo is yet to be recognized by Kennels clubs like AKC and UKC. Cavapoos make great family pets and therapy dogs. They are friendly dogs that will happily greet anyone that comes to the door. For this reason, Cavapoos don't make good watchdogs. A Cavapoo makes a great pet for novice owners.

Cavapoo Dog Breed Introduction

Cavapoo ( also referred to as Cavoodle, Cavadoo, or cavadoodle) is a designer dog that was developed after crossing a Poodle (usually a miniature) with Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The crosses of the two pure breeds existed in the 20th century. Although, deliberate cross breeding started in the 90s in Australia by dog breeders. Cavapoo is yet to be recognized by Kennels clubs like AKC and UKC. Cavapoos make great family pets and therapy dogs. They are friendly dogs that will happily greet anyone that comes to the door. For this reason, Cavapoos don’t make good watchdogs. A Cavapoo makes a great pet for novice owners.

Cavapoo History

This designer breed may have existed over the years. However, deliberate cross breeding started in the 1990s after Australia breeders crossed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with Poodles. The intention of crossbreeding was to create a designer dog that possessed the calmer and outgoing temperament of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Intelligence of the Poodle. The breeders also wanted the created designer dog to shed less and be suitable for people who suffer from dog allergies.

The Puppies born from crossbreeding two pure breeds are referred to as F1(in this case a Cavapoo) which may have the benefit of hybrid vigor. This is where the hybrid offspring has an improved biological quality. If two Cavapoos are bred, their offspring is referred to as an F2. An F2 mated to another F2 results to F3. If F1(Cavapoo) is bred to either parent(poodle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) the puppies are referred to as F1B. The temperament of a crossbreed may vary. However, if well socialized as puppies, a Cavapoo is a good natured pet.

Cavapoo Lifespan

Cavapoos have an average life expectancy of 10 to 15 years.

 Cavapoo's Photo
A Cavapoo’s Photo

Cavapoo Grooming | Grooming Needs

A Cavapoo breed is likely to inherit the lush and curly coat of the poodle parent. The coat requires regular brushing and combing to keep the coat free of tangles or mats at least three times a week. Before brushing the coat, ensure it is moisturized with a water and conditioner solution to prevent breakage. Start grooming this dog after playtime when it is settled for cuddling.

Use a two sided bristle and pin-brush when grooming. The metal side helps with the mats while the other side is used to smoothen the coat. Be gentle while using a slicker brush so that you may avoid abrading the sensitive skin of your pooch. Use an elevated non-slippery surface while grooming Cavapoos for better control. Occasional bath at least once every 4 to 6 weeks is recommended unless the dog rolls into something stinky.

Always brush the coat before bathing since mats and tangles tend to get messier when they get wet. Thoroughly rinse off the coat using lukewarm water to ensure you remove the leftovers of the grooming products to avoid irritation. After a bath, brush the coat before it dries and forms tangles or mats. Use a clean damp washcloth to wipe the face instead of using soapy water that easily irritates the eyes.

Nail clipping is recommended at least twice a month using nail clippers. Overly grown nails inhibit the gait of your pooch. Brush the teeth on a daily basis to remove excess tartar and promote good oral breathe. Use a tasty canine toothpaste and a finger toothbrush. Excess tartar can also be removed using a tooth scaler.

For ongoing oral health and maintenance, giving Cavapoos something hard to chew on such as bones or antlers is required. Use an ear cleanser solution and cotton balls to clean the ears once a week. A Cavapoo also has hair that grows in the ears. They should be occasionally plucked to promote better air flow.

Cavapoo Grooming Brush

Most Cavapoos inherit a curly and lush coat from their Poodle parent. While grooming, utilize a two-sided pin brush and bristle brush. The metal side helps with the tangles while the other sided is used for smoothening the coat.

Cavapoo Haircuts | Grooming Styles

If a pet parent regular brushes the coat, then there is no need for clipping the coat. There are no standards for the breed hence no standard grooming style for Cavapoos. However, a pet parent may utilize the following grooming style if they are unable to regularly groom the pet.

Puppy Cut – To achieve this haircut, the hair on the body is trimmed about 1 to 2 inches long. This grooming style keeps the Cavapoos comfortable during summer and it is a low maintenance.

Summer Cut – This is essentially the puppy cut. However, the hair on the body is clipped shorter. It also requires regular trimming to keep the fur short. Although, the pet parent won’t be struggling with the regular brushing.

Teddy Bear Cut – To attain a teddy bear look, the hair on the face is trimmed in a rounded shape using scissors. The fur on the legs and body is kept fairly short. Most pet parents don’t trim the fur on the ears, giving them the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel style-ears which are feathery, straight and long.

Lamb cut – This grooming style looks good on Cavapoos that have inherited more poodle genes. The hair on the body and neck is trimmed to a length of about 1 inch plus. It is also accompanied by the shaved tail that matches the shaved neck.

Cavapoo Shedding

Depending on the genetics that Cavapoos inherit from the pure bred parent, the coat may either be lust and curly(from Poodle) or short, soft, and wavy(from Cavaliers). The former is a non-shedding coat that is preferred for people who suffer from dog allergies. However, a Cavapoo that has a short, soft, and wavy coat sheds all-year round at moderate levels.

Cavapoo Hypoallergenic

A Cavapoo that has a curly coat is considered hypoallergenic. F1 Cavapoos have 50% genetic composition of both parents. Therefore, an F1 Cavapoo is 50% hypoallergenic. A Poodle is considered a hypoallergenic dog breed while a Cavalier is not. So the higher the percentage of a Poodle, the more likely a Cavapoo is allergy friendly.

Therefore, a Cavapoo may or may not trigger allergic reactions depending on its generation. F1B Cavapoos are more likely to be allergy-friendly since they have 75% genetic make-up of the Poodle and 25% of the Cavalier because of an F1 backcross to a Poodle. F1BB Cavapoos are more likely to be hypoallergenic since the DNA split is 87.5% Poodle and 12.5% a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Therefore, F1BB Cavapoos are considered great hypoallergenic dogs for people who have mild allergies.

Cavapoo Training

Just like the Poodle and Cavaliers, Cavapoos are also intelligent and train easily. In order to raise a well-adjusted, friendly, and well-mannered Cavapoo, start socialization from the age of 3 to 12 weeks. The socialization period may go up to 16 weeks. A responsible breeder starts socializing a pup at the age of 3 weeks before it is adopted from the age of 8 weeks. It is highly recommended for this dog to remain with the dam and its littermates until the age of 8 weeks so that they may build on their social skills.

To Socialize your dog, expose it to  a wide variety of people, animals, surfaces, sights, experiences, smell, situations, places, and sounds. Some of the sounds that Cavapoos can be exposed to include lawn mowers, whistles, sirens, washing machine, doorbells, baby crying sounds, and vacuum cleaners. Enrolling a Cavapoo in a puppy class also serve as a form of socialization. Puppy classes also help Cavapoo pet parents to identify and correct bad habits such as growling when someone approaches the food bowl.

Cavapoos also thrive on positive reinforcement methods such as use of treats, toys, verbal praise, and petting. When correcting bad habits, avoid use of harsh correction methods such as beating, shoving, punching, kicking, or shouting. Remember to teach basic command words like sit, come, lie down, leave it, No, and Wait one at a time to avoid confusion. Proceed to the next command word after the dog understands the previous taught command word. Avoid uttering the command words when you are too excited or frustrated since they may not sound the same to your dog.

Remember to keep the training sessions short and fun for a period of 10 to 15 minutes especially for puppies. Intelligent dogs tend to easily get bored and distracted. The training sessions may increase as the dog gets older. Cavapoos easily form a bond with their owners. For this reason, they are prone to suffer from separation anxiety. Crate training is recommended to reduce the severity of separation anxiety. For effective housebreaking, crate training, potty training, and creating a feeding schedule is recommended.

Cavapoo Potty Training

Once you get a cavapoo pup home from the age of 8 or 12 weeks, immediately start potty training. Before bringing the puppy home, choose a designated elimination area where the dog will be doing its business. The general rule of the thumb when potty training is understanding that an 8-week old pup will be able to hold for a period of two hours before eliminating while a 12-week-old pup holds for 3 hours prior to eliminating.

The bowel and bladder muscles develops as the puppy matures. Therefore, Cavapoos may go to the elimination area after every 2 to 3 hours until the age of 8 months when they can be able to hold for a period of 6 hours. For effective potty training, consistency, patience, and being firm is key. Remember to take the pet to the designated potty area immediately it wakes up, 20 minutes after meals and drinks, after naps, before bedtime, every 2 to 3 hours, and following an exciting activity like playtime and car ride.

Decide whether the pet will eliminate inside or outside especially for apartment dwellers who have a hard time accessing a yard or street. For indoor potty training, make use of a litter box and puppy pads which are available for retail on pet stores. For outdoor potty training, choose a designated toilet spot that is far from the BBQ spot or patio deck. Take a Cavapoo to the elimination spot and remain there for a period of 15 minutes to allow the bowel and bladder muscles to relax for a pee or poo.

Once you get to the toilet area, utter the command word, ‘Toilet’ or ‘potty’. This is a command word that will be used every time that you take your dog to the elimination spot. Avoid interchangeably using the command words even if they refer to the same thing to avoid confusing a Cavapoo. Before a Cavapoo is fully housebroken, it is likely to experience accidents in the house. When this happens, utter a firm no or clap your hands to signal to the dog that it is not eliminating in the desired spot. Avoid yelling or beating the dog.

Use an enzymatic detergent or iodine solution to clean the mess. This helps to remove the odor that would otherwise encourage the dog to eliminate in the same spot. Before the dog attains the age of 16 weeks, set an alarm to take it to the designated toilet area at least once during the night. Remember to watch out for signs that your dog wants to eliminate including whining, squatting, sniffing, restlessness, circling, or lifting a leg against the wall or furniture.

Cavapoo Crate Training

A crate is a device used as a safe place where a dog can retreat to. It is also essential when potty training since it makes easier for the owner to monitor for signs that the dog wants to eliminate such as the circling, whining, squatting, and trying to lift a leg against the crate. It is significant when potty training since the dogs avoid soiling where they sleep. A Crate helps to keep a Cavapoo safe while in the house so that it can’t injure itself when no one is closely looking after it.

This device helps to train a Cavapoo to be confident in staying alone and spending sometime there. A crate also helps to reduce the severity of separation anxiety. This device also makes transporting your dog when traveling by air or car for short distances or long vacations easier. At no time should a crate be used as a form of punishing Cavapoos. This device should also be placed in a room where there is a lot of family activities going on so that the dog doesn’t feel isolated. While in the house, always leave the crate door open so that a Cavapoo may understand that staying in a crate is not a forced experience.

Leaving the door open while at home will allow your pooch to come into the crate as it pleases. Don’t place a crate in a place that tends to be too hot or too cold which will make it difficult for the pet to relax. Remember to make the crate appealing by positioning favorite treats and toys inside the crate. Make it comfortable by lining it with a comfy blanket or bed linen. A crate is not a place to imprison Cavapoos. Therefore, limit the time it spends in the crate depending on the level of housetraining and age.

To ensure the safety of the dog, remove any collars or harness when the dog is about to get to the crate. Patience is key when crate training. It may take up to 6 months before a Cavapoo is fully crate trained. Cavapoos may also sleep overnight in the crate. Position the crate in your room where the dog can see you so that it doesn’t feel isolated. Cover the crate with a towel or sheet leaving only the front section uncovered. Use a specific word like ‘bedtime’ every night so that the pet understands that a crate is used for sleeping at night.

Cavapoo Training Book

Cavapoos – The Owner’s Guide From Puppy To Old Age – Buying, Caring for, Grooming, Health, Training and Understanding Your Cavapoo Dog or Puppy(August 2015).

The Cavapoo Handbook: The Essential Guide for New & Prospective Cavapoo Owners(March 2019).

Cavapoo Temperament | Traits

  • Intelligent.
  • Friendly.
  • Outgoing.
  • Affectionate.
  • Loving.
  • Trainable.
  • Sociable.
  • Gentle.
  • Playful.
  • Eager to please.

Cavapoo Behavior Problems | Separation Anxiety

A Cavapoo easily gets attached to the pet parents. Therefore, when left alone for long hours, they suffer from separation anxiety which manifests as behavior problems like chewing shoes or furniture, excessive barking, and scavenging the garbage. To reduce the severity of separation anxiety, crate training is recommended. It teaches a pooch to stay alone for a while.

Cavapoo Exercise

Cavapoos are energetic and inquisitive in nature. They need daily physical and mental stimulation which may include brisk walks, game of fetch, running in a secured yard, or even a short hike. This dog is also athletic which makes it great when it comes to obedience and agility competitions.

Cavapoo Barking

Naturally, Cavapoos are not a barking breed. They tend to get along with everyone and may even wag their tails at intruders hence not making good watch dogs. However, a Cavapoo may excessively bark due to separation anxiety and pent-up energy due to lack of physical and mental stimulation.

Cavapoo Height

A full-grown Cavapoo has a height range of 9 to 14 inches ( approx. 23 to 36 cm).

Cavapoo Weight

Full-grown Cavapoos may have a weight of 9 to 25 pounds ( approx. 4 to 11 kg).

Cavapoo Size

This is a designer dog created by crossing a Poodle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Therefore, when it comes to size, you may expect Cavapoos to be small to medium sized breed. This depends on the body size of the Poodle parent. Although most Cavapoos have a height of 9 to 14 inches ( approx. 23 to 36 cm) and a weight of 9 to 25 pounds ( approx. 4 to 11 kg).

Cavapoo Aggression

Generally, Cavapoos are friendly, outgoing, and non-aggressive dogs. Although, they may show signs of aggression such as growling if they have been traumatized in the past, poorly trained and socialized, or when in pain.

Cavapoo Ear Problems

Cavapoos have naturally floppy ears that protect the ear canal against dirt or debris. Although, these ears also inhibit air flow which creates a dark and humid environment for bacteria to thrive. This breed also has hair that grows inside the ears. If not plucked, they lead to moisture accumulation which causes ear infection. Other causes of ear infection include excessive cleaning, injury to the ear canal, excess wax, dirt, or debris, ear mites, and yeast imbalances.

A Cavapoo is predisposed to three types of ear infections, externa, media, and interna otitis respectively. Externa otitis is the most common and results to inflammation to the cells located in the external ear canal. If left untreated, the infection spreads to the middle and inner ear canal. Media and Interna Otitis refers to the inflammation of the cells located in the middle and inner ear canal respectively. These infections causes facial paralysis, vestibular signs such as disorientation, blurred vision, and dizziness, and deafness.

Some of the signs that a Cavapoo exhibits while suffering from an ear infection includes walking in circles, rubbing the affected ear against the surface, dark discharge, odor, pain, redness, scratching at the affected ear, and itchiness.

Cavapoo Health Issues

Since a Cavapoo is an offspring of a Poodle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, it is predisposed to the health issues that these parents suffer from. Cavaliers are susceptible to mitral valve disease that is the most common cause of death for this breed. Therefore, Cavalier parents should be screened for this condition before breeding. Other health conditions that may affect a Cavapoo include progressive retinal atrophy, ear infections, cataracts, Slipping kneecaps, hip dysplasia, and hypothyroidism.

Cavapoo Names

The next best thing that a Cavapoo parent engages in after getting a pup from a responsible breeder or shelter, is getting a name for the fur baby. The name may be inspired by the Australian Origin of the dog, personality, coat color, nature, historical figures, celebrities Cavapoos, music, food, and movies.

Regardless of where you get your inspiration from, ensure that the name freely rolls off your tongue and won’t make you embarrassed once you utter it out loud in the public malls and parks. Giving your pet a name that rhymes with the command words will definitely create confusion.

Cavapoos and other dog breeds understand names that have vowels better. If you give your pet a long name, find it a short nick name for it. If a Cavapoo shares the same name with a family member, pet, or the guests that frequent your home, this would create confusion.

Girl Cavapoo Names

  • Molly.
  • Josie.
  • Cindy.
  • Bella.
  • Mindy.
  • Tessa.
  • Maisie.
  • Gigi.
  • Dora.
  • Evie.
  • Luna.
  • Chloe.
  • Mia, etc.

Cavapoo Collar Size | Neck Size

The neck size of a Cavapoo is equivalent to the collar size. The collar rests around the neck. It is advisable to ensure you can insert a finger between the collar and the neck to avoid choking the dog. The collar size | neck size of Cavapoos is 10 to 16 inches ( approx. 25 to 41 cm ).

Boys Cavapoo Names

  • Milo.
  • Gus.
  • Billy.
  • Ace.
  • Chuck.
  • Otis.
  • Reese.
  • Max.
  • Leo.
  • Luke.
  • Diesel.
  • Oliver.
  • Sam.
  • Jax.
  • Hugo, etc.

Cavapoo Breeding

A Cavapoo is bred when experiencing the heat cycle which lasts for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. The process recurs after every 6 months. Female Cavapoos experience their first heat cycle from the age of 6 to 12 months. Typically, dogs don’t experience menopause. It is possible for dogs to get pregnant in their teens if still intact.

Some of the signs that a Cavapoo dam exhibit while experiencing a heat cycle include increased urination, swollen vulva, bloody discharge, tail flagging, changes in eating habits, mood swings, and tail flagging.

Before breeding a potential sire and dam, ensure they are both screened for genetic diseases that are likely to passed on to the litter. It is highly advisable to wait until a Cavapoo dam is at least 2 years old before breeding. This will allow it to physically and emotionally develop to be able to look after a litter. Breeding an aggressive Cavapoo dam will result to a litter that is either fearful or aggressive.

Cavapoo Litter Size

A Cavapoo Dam may have an average litter size of 2 to 5 puppies.

Cavapoo Harness | Collar

This is a small to medium sized dog that is prone to tracheal collapse if it pulls while the leash is attached to a collar. Although, a Cavapoo  that has better leash manners may comfortably walk in a collar. A Harness is the preferred option for a dog that pulls since the pressure will be evenly distributed on the back and shoulders. Pet parent may use both a harness and a collar. A Flat collar may also be used to carry the ID and Rabies tag while a harness will attach the leash.

Cavapoo Feeding Chart

The amount of food that this breed feeds on depends on its size, activity level, metabolism, and age. An adult Cavapoo requires to feed on 80g to 220g since it has a weight range of 9 to 25 pounds ( approx. 4 to 11 kg). A Full-grown dog should be fed twice a day a total of 1.5 to 2 cups from the age of 6 months.

Although, some senior dogs may eat less than this due to existing health issues as well as decrease in activity and metabolism levels. However, puppies have a higher metabolism and will need to eat fewer portions of food at least 3 or 4 times a day.

Cavapoo Food | Dog Food

Depending on the time and budget of a Cavapoo Parent, he or she may decide whether to feed dry kibble food, wet food, raw food, or homemade food. Regardless, ensure that the food meets all the nutritional requirements of a the pet based on age and activity level.

The best way to know whether you are overfeeding or underfeeding your Cavapoo is to take them to the vet about their weight and health. However, you can also tell by checking the physique of your dog. If you can see your pet’s ribs, chances are they are being underfed. If a dog parent cannot feel the ribs of the pet under the coat, then chances are that it is being overfeed.

When you get a Cavapoo from a breeder, chances are that you will want to switch to another quality of food than the one it was previous feeding on. Gradually do this by mixing small portions of new food about 1/4 with 3/4 old food for the first week. During the second week, feed your dog with the same amount of the new food and old food.

On the third week feed your pet with 1/4 of old food and 3/4 of the new food. During the fourth week, totally switch to new food. For a pet parent who wants to feed commercial dry or wet food, they should purchase food that are specifically designed for puppies, adults, and senior dogs. As rule of thumb, Cavapoo commercial food or any other dog food should not contain fillers. The food should also have protein listed as the first ingredient. This also applies to the treats.

Apart from Cavapoos, other breeds of dogs include:

English Bulldog

Australian Cattle Dog.



Golden Retriever.

French Bulldog



Labrador Retriever.

Pit Bull.

Boston Terrier.

Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


Siberian Husky.


Yorkshire Terrier.



Great Dane.


Shih Tzu.

Chow Chow.




Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Belgian Malinois.


Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.


Cavapoo Colors

The coat color of Cavapoos is often the mix ot the Poodle and Cavalier parents. Therefore, they can have a variety of colors including white, chocolate, fawn, cream, gold, and chestnut. Cavapoos can also have solid colors. Although, white and chestnut colors are more common. Some dogs are also tricolored ( having a coat that has three colors).

Cavapoo Allergies  | Food Allergies

Just like the pure breed parents, Cavapoos are also susceptible to various forms of allergies:

Skin allergies – This allergy is caused by the environmental, food, and contact allergies. Food allergies result in hives, lesions, sores, dermatitis, pruritus and facial swelling. Environmental allergies cause atopic dermatitis.

Food allergies – although rare, Cavapoos are also affected by a true food allergy that results in an immune response that is accompanied by a wide range of symptoms from skin condition symptoms(hives, hot spots, lesions, dermatitis, facial swelling, and pruritus) to Gastrointestinal stress such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Contact allergies – This inflammation occurs when the allergen comes in contact with the skin. Some of the environmental allergens that affect Cavapoos include plastics, grooming products like shampoos and conditioner, bed linens, lawn chemicals, latex, and medication. If left untreated, they result to secondary skin infections due to excessive licking, scratching, and biting. Commonly affected body parts include paws and feet.

Environmental allergies – Some of the environmental allergens that trigger an allergenic reaction include fleas, mites, dust and dust mites, mosquitoes, pollen, grass, and house molds. Flea’s saliva result in flea allergy dermatitis that causes excessive itchiness, scratching, and biting until the skin around the bite area is raw. Commonly affected body parts include underneath the tail and back legs. Other symptoms of environmental allergies include nasal discharge, congestion, and itchiness on various body parts including paws, feet, ears, underarms, groin, muzzle, etc.

Cavapoo Tail

A Cavapoo may have a long fluffy tail. Although, how the tail looks like vary depending on which genes the hybrid inherited from either parent. Some may have tails that naturally curl over their backs while some may have tails that are straight and furred extending similarly to the Cavaliers.

Are Cavapoos Hypoallergenic

Yes, if it inherits the lust and curly coat from a Poodle that is non-shedding. Although, Cavapoos that have a smooth, short, and wavy coat inherited from the Cavalier parent shed all-year round at moderate levels. Therefore, not regarded hypoallergenic.

Are Cavapoos Easy To Train

Yes. They are intelligent and eager to please their owners making them trainable.

Are Cavapoos Smart

Yes. Cavapoos are smart, trainable, and sociable.

Cavapoo Quick Facts

  • They are designer dogs created by crossing Poodles with Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
  • Cavapoos are silent dogs that only bark due to lack of physical and mental stimulation as well as separation anxiety.
  • Crate training a Cavapoo helps to reduce the severity of separation anxiety and assists in house breaking.

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