
Weimaraner Traits, Food Allergies, Food, Ear Infection, and Grooming Brush

Weimaraner is a large-sized dog breed originally from Weimar, Germany that was bred for hunting in the early 1800. They are popular for their distinctive silvery-gray coat and their unusual blue-gray or amber colored eyes. Weimaraners are well-rounded hunting dogs and human-orientated making them great partners for novice hunters. This is a dependent breed that loves to be with their owner, following them everywhere. Although, this can create severe separation anxiety that may lead to destruction of property or injury while trying to escape.

Weimaraner Dog Breed Introduction

Weimaraner is a large-sized dog breed originally from Weimar, Germany that was bred for hunting in the early 1800. They are popular for their distinctive silvery-gray coat and their unusual blue-gray or amber colored eyes. Weimaraners are well-rounded hunting dogs and human-orientated making them great partners for novice hunters. This is a dependent breed that loves to be with their owner, following them everywhere. Although, this can create severe separation anxiety that may lead to destruction of property or injury while trying to escape.

Weimaraner Origin | History

Weimaraner was bred in the Weimar Court in the early 19th century by the Grand Duke of Germany, Karl August. The Duke and his noblemen used these dogs for hunting large games such as deer, bear, and boax. Following the decline of the large game hunting, Weimaraners were used for hunting small games like foxes, rabbits, and fowl.

The Duke and his men created Weimaraners in pursuit of a hunting dog with courage, good scenting, stamina, intelligence, and speed. Although, how they achieved this dream is unknown, it is believed that they were descended from the St. Hubert hound whose descendant is the Bloodhound or Chien-gris dogs(now-extinct). These dogs were strictly guarded for many years that no one was allowed to get a Weimaraner before joining the Germany Breed’s club.

Fortunately, good specimens started arriving in the USA in 1920s after an American Sportsman, Howard Knight after joined the German Club. The Weimaraner Club of America was formed in 1942 after other breeders joined Howard in his quest to breed Weimaraners in the US. AKC recognized this breed in 1943. After World War II it became difficult for German breeders to keep their dogs. Therefore, many outstanding Weimaraners were sent to the USA.

Weimaraner's Photo
A Weimaraner’s Photo

The popularity of these dogs grew after prominent figures like President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Grace Kelly, and Dick Clark kept Weimaraners. This breed became more famous due to Weimaraner video segments and portraits created by popular artist and photographer William Wegman. Currently, Weimaraner ranks 30th among 155 breeds and varieties registered by the American Kennel Club(AKC).

Weimaraner Lifespan

The median lifespan of Weimaraner is 12 years with majority having a lifespan of 10 to 14 years. The longest living dog of this breed had a lifespan of 18 years.

Weimaraner Grooming

A Weimaraner has a short and single coat that should be brushed weekly to remove loose hair, promote new hair growth, and allow even distribution of the skin oils that are naturally present on the coat. This dog requires a bath once every 6 to 8 weeks unless is rolls in to something stinky.

Before bathing your dog, brush the coat to remove the dirt. Use a hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner to avoid skin issues. Remember to thoroughly rinse off the grooming products from the skin to prevent rashes. Dog eyes easily get irritated with soapy water just like human eyes. Use a clean damp washcloth to wipe the face.

Nail clipping should be done at least once or twice a week using nail clippers. Overly grown nails are painful for your dog while walking and running. It is also difficult to get them back to their proper length. Naturally, Weimaraners have floppy ears that cover the ear canal inhibiting air flow. Excess dirt and wax create ear infections. Clean the ears once a week using cotton balls that are soaked in an ear cleanser solution. Remember to check out for odor, redness, and dark discharge that are symptoms of dog ear infections.

Clean the teeth of your dog at least twice a week from the age of six months after the permanent teeth erupts. Use a canine tasty toothpaste and finger toothbrush or dental wipes. To promote good oral health, pet parents can also give their Weimaraners dental treats.

Weimaraner Grooming Brush

A Weimaraner has a single layered coat that is short, sleek, and smooth. Therefore, it is prone to skin cuts and scrapes. Use a soft brush while grooming the coat such as a soft slicker brush, rubber curry brush, or hound glove.

Weimaraner Shedding | Shedding Level

Although single-coated, Weimaraner sheds all year round at moderate to high levels. However, more hair is noticeable during Spring and/or Fall. Regular brushing helps to confine the loose hair in the brush that would otherwise spread around the house.

Weimaraner Coat | Coat Type

Weimaraners have a low maintenance coat that is single-layered. The coat is sleek, short, and smooth. Due to lack of an undercoat, these dogs should stay indoors during cold season. You may also buy a coat or jacket to keep your pooch warm.

Weimaraner Hypoallergenic

A Weimaraner is not considered hypoallergenic. It sheds all-year round spreading hair and dander around the house that triggers allergic reactions. When left alone, Weimaraners are prone to separation anxiety that may manifest as excessive drooling, panicking, destruction of property, etc. Drooling spreads saliva on the surface. Dog’s urine, saliva, mucus, hair, and dander contain a protein allergen that causes inflammation.

Weimaraner Training | Training Guide

These are human-oriented and intelligent dogs that learn quickly. In order to raise a calm, well-behaved, adjusted, friendly, and outgoing dog, socialization is key. This training starts from the age of 3 weeks until the age of 16 weeks. To socialize your dog, expose it to a wide variety of people, animals, situations, places, sights, smell, and sounds like sirens, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, whistles, and washing machine. Take caution to the places your expose your Weimaraner before it is fully immunized at the age of 12 weeks.

Start training your dog immediately it comes home. Dog experts argue that the things that puppies learn from the age of 3 to 16 weeks stays with them for the rest of their lives. After the age of 16 weeks, continue socializing your dog. Enrolling your dog to a puppy class will also serve as a form of socialization. These classes also help pet parents to identify and correct bad habits such as growling when someone approaches the feeding bowl.

Weimaraner responds better to positive reinforcement methods such as the use of treats, praise, and toys. Avoid use of harsh correction methods such as shoving, kicking, punching, yelling, beating, and use of choke or prong collars. Daily training sessions may last for a period of 5 to 30 minutes depending on the attention span, age, and ability of your dog.

Teach your Weimaraner basic command words like sit, come, stay, lie down, No, Stop, wait, and leave It one at a time to avoid confusion. These dogs are prone to chewing non-food stuff like rocks. Stop and Leave it command is essential for this breed. Clicker training is also important for Weimaraners. This is a form of training that incorporates a distinctive noise to signify the dog has completed the command. For effective housebreaking, create a feeding guide, crate training, and potty training is key.

Weimaraner Training Secrets | Training Tips

This breed is extremely susceptible to separation anxiety. Crate training comes in handy from an early age since it trains a Weimaraner to stay alone for a few hours. This device also teaches a pooch to be confident in being alone. Make a crate appealing by lining it with a comfortable blanket, giving your dog treats, and positioning favorite toys in the device. While at home, always leave the crate door open so that the dog may understand that a crate is not a forced experience but rather a safe place to retreat to. At no time, should a pet parent use a crate as a form of punishment.

For effective potty training, consistency, patience, and being firm is key. The general rule of the thumb for this training is understanding that the bladder and bowel muscles of a puppy strengthens as the dog matures. An 8-week old Weimaraner puppy will hold for a period of 2 hours before eliminating while a 12-week-old puppy holds for 3 hours. Remember to choose a designated toilet area that is far from the patio deck or BBQ spot. Choose a command word that you will use when you take your dog to the designated spot.

A Pet parent may choose to use the toilet command or potty command. Regardless of the command you will use, consistency is key. If the two command words are used interchangeably, it will create confusion. Take your dog to the elimination spot immediately it wakes up,  20 minutes after meals and drinks, every 2 to 3 hours, following an exciting activity like car ride and playtime, after naps, and before bedtime. Remain in the toilet area for a period of 15- minutes to allow the bladder and bowl muscles to relax for a poo or pee.

If accidents occur, clean the mess using an enzymatic detergent or iodine solution. Avoid yelling or beating your dog since it will encourage future accidents. Watch out for signs that your puppy wants to eliminate such as squatting, circling, whining, sniffing, restlessness, and lifting a leg against the furniture. Remember to set an alarm to take your pup outside during the night before the age of 16 weeks.

Weimaraner Obedience Training

Obedience training teaches a dog how to behave, socialize, handle basic grooming tasks, and basic commands. Positive rewarding such as the use of treats are great for teaching obedience to Weimaraner puppies. Obedience exercise are important for all dogs especially high-energy breeds like Weimaraners that not only require physical exercise but also mental stimulation. There are a lot of different ways to obedience train a pooch.

A pet parent may choose group class training, hiring a professional trainer for private lessons, or even train the dog on your own. Obedience classes run for a period of 6 to 10 weeks. However, pet parents should reinforce what their dogs learn on a daily basis. After completing obedience training, many schools also offer training in AKC rally, flyball, and agility.

Weimaraner Traits | Temperament

  • Energetic.
  • Fearless.
  • Friendly.
  • Obedient.
  • Intelligent.
  • Alert.
  • Excellent with kids.

Weimaraner Exercise

Highly energetic, a Weimaraner needs at least two hours of exercise in a day. This may include walks, games, and running in a secured yard. An active parent is likely to meet the physical and mental exercise needs of this breed. A well- behaved Weimaraner is tired.

Weimaraner Barking

This is a vocal breed that makes a great watchdog. However, excessive barking may be due to separation anxiety and pent-up energy from lack of sufficient mental and physical exercise.

Weimaraner Separation Anxiety

A Weimaraner is a highly dependent breed that loves to be with their owner at all times. If left alone, this can create severe separation anxiety. However, the causes of separation anxiety are not always known.

Contributing factors to separation anxiety include stress, boredom, poor socialization, genetics, and litter rearing. It is highly recommended to take a pup home from the age of 7 or 8 weeks to allow it to interact more with its littermates and the dam reducing the severity of separation anxiety.

Crate training also teaches these dogs to stay alone for a while. A dog that suffers from severe separation anxiety may injure itself while trying to escape, destroy property, howl, whine, bark, drool excessively, panic, and dig until the owner returns home.

Weimaraner Height

Male Weimaraners have a height of 25 to 27 inches ( approx. 64 to 69 cm ) while their female counterparts have a height of 23 to 25 inches ( approx. 58 to 64 cm ).

Weimaraner Weight

A female Weimaraner has a weight of 55 to 75 pounds ( approx. 25 to 34 kg ) while its male counterpart has a weight of 70 to 90 pounds ( approx. 32 to 41 kg).

Weimaraner Size

This is a large-sized dog breed. However, female Weimaraners are slightly smaller in size in terms of height and weight when compared to their male counterparts. A Female Weimaraner has a height of 23 to 25 inches ( approx. 58 to 64 cm ) and a weight of 55 to 75 pounds ( approx. 25 to 34 kg ) while the male counterpart has a height of 25 to 27 inches ( approx. 64 to 69 cm ) and a weight of 70 to 90 pounds ( approx. 32 to 41 kg).

Weimaraner Aggressive Behavior

Signs of dog aggression include growling, barking, lunging, or biting. Aggressive behavior is contributed by various factors including poor breeding, training, and socialization. A Weimaraner is likely to howl or bark when left alone for long hours.

Weimaraner Hair Loss

These dogs experience normal hair loss all-year round which is more noticeable during Spring and Fall. This process is referred to as shedding. However, hair loss in patches or thinning of the coat in Weimaraner may be due to flea allergy dermatitis, stress, hormonal changes, Demodex mange, Hypothyroidism, Alopecia X, and Cushing’s disease.

Weimaraner Ears

A Weimaraner has naturally long and floppy ears that cover the ear canal.

Weimaraner Ear Infection | Ear Problems

A Weimaraner has long and floppy ears that cover the ear canal. The drop ears prevent dirt from getting into the ear canal. However, they also inhibit free air flow. This creates a dark, humid, and warm environmental for yeast and bacterial infections to thrive. This breed has webbed feet and may also hunt in the water. This may result in moisture accumulation if the ears are not properly dried which cause ear infection.

Other causes of ear infections in Weimaraners include ear mites, excessive cleaning, yeast imbalances, excess dirt, wax, or debris, injury to the ear canal, endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism. A Weimaraner is predisposed to three kinds of ear infections; externa, media, and interna otitis respectively.

However, externa otitis is far more common and causes inflammation to the cells located in the external ear. If left unattended, the infection spreads to the middle and inner ear canal. Media and interna otitis refers to the inflammation of the cells in the middle and inner ear canal respectively. Symptoms include deafness, facial paralysis, and vestibular signs like blurred vision, disorientation, and dizziness.

Symptoms exhibited by a Weimaraner when suffering from an ear infection include head shaking, rubbing of the ears against the surface, odor, scratching at the affected ear, redness, pain, walking in circles, and a dark discharge. If you notice any of the above signs, give your vet a call. Once you get there, physical examination will be conducted before taking a swab from the affected ear. If the pooch is in too much pain, it will be sedated to facilitate thorough ear cleaning using cotton balls and medicated ear cleanser solution.

Weimaraner Eyes | Eye Color

A Weimaraner has amber, blue-gray, or gray colored eyes that are well set apart indicating intelligence and good disposition. Dilated eyes due to excitement appear almost black.

Weimaraner Eye Problems

Some of the eye problems that a Weimaraner may suffer from include:

Progressive Retinal Atrophy(PRA) – is a group of inherited degenerative diseases that affects the photoreceptors cells of a Weimaraners eventually leading to blindness.

Entropion – is an eye condition that causes eyelids to roll inwards hence rubbing the eye surface which may be very uncomfortable for your Weimaraner.

Distichiasis is an eye condition that leads to the rubbing on the surface of the eye due to extra hairs that grow inside the eyelid. If left untreated, the abnormal hair may lead to chronic eye pain and corneal ulcers.

Eye Infection – Bacterial eye infections are caused by foreign bodies like hair, fur, plant material, and dirt. Certain eye conditions like entropion makes the eyelids to roll inwards hence rubbing the cornea resulting to infection.

Some of the other breeds of dogs include:

English Bulldog


Golden Retriever.

French Bulldog


Labrador Retriever.

Pit Bull.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.

Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


Siberian Husky.


Yorkshire Terrier.



Great Dane.


Shih Tzu.

Chow Chow.




Italian Greyhound.

Shiba Inu.

Belgian Malinois.


Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.

Weimaraner Health Issues

This is a deep-chested dog that is prone to gastric torsion or bloating. If left untreated, it may claim the life of your pet. Bloating happens when the stomach twists itself pinching the routes of food travelling in and out as well as the blood vessels. Signs of Bloat include swollen stomach, no bowel movement, discomfort, and general distress. One way to prevent gastric torsion, is spreading out Weimaraner’s food to at least two servings daily.

Vigorous exercise should also be avoided an hour before or after meals. Avoid placing the food bowl in a raised surface since they cause double the risk of bloating in large dogs. Other health issues that Weimaraners may suffer from include allergies, Von Willebrands Disease, Cryptorchidism, Elbow dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, Renal dysplasia, Cryptorchidism, Pituitary dwarfism, and eye problems such as Progressive retinal atrophy and entropion.

Weimaraner Names

The best next thing that a Weimaraner dog parent engages in after getting a pup, is searching for the fur baby’s name. Owners may get name inspiration from the Germany origin of the breed, personality of the dog, coat color, celebrities, historical figures, food, movies, songs, and nature.

Regardless of where you will get your inspiration, remember to choose a name that freely rolls off your tongue and won’t make you embarrassed when uttered out loud in public places. Giving your pooch a name that rhymes with command words create nothing but confusion.

It is recommended to give you pet a name that has vowels since they are better understood by dogs. If you settle with a long name, find a nickname for your pet. Giving a Weimaraner a name that is also used by other household members or people who frequent your home creates confusion.

Weimaraner Names Female | Names Girl

  • Sadie.
  • Daisy.
  • Belle.
  • Mabel.
  • Coco.
  • Layla.
  • Ava.
  • Missy.
  • Aliona.
  • Ruby.
  • Aurora, etc.

Weimaraner Speed

An adult Weimaraner may run for a speed of up to 35 miles per hour(mph)( approx. 56 km/h ).

Weimaraner Names Male

  • Apollo.
  • Amigo.
  • Toronto.
  • Pirate.
  • Zeus.
  • Caspar.
  • Rex.
  • Ghost.
  • Rollo.
  • Hamlet.
  • Rio, etc.

Weimaraner Seizures

Seizures(fits or convulsions) also affect Weimaraners. This is the disturbance of the normal functioning of the brain which is normally accompanied with uncontrollable muscle activity. Causes of seizures are categorized into three; primary, secondary, and reactive seizures. The primary seizures are hereditary although the cause is not known.

For this reason, they are referred to as idiopathic epilepsy. Reactive seizures occur after the brain detects a problem with metabolism due to toxins, organ failure, or low blood sugar. A pooch may also suffer from  secondary seizures due to trauma to the brain, brain tumor, or stroke.

When a dog is experiencing seizure, avoid feeding it or putting something in its mouth. This may pose as a risk to you and your dog. Common symptoms exhibited by a pooch that is suffering from seizures include disorientation, foaming mouth, stiffening of the muscles, staring, loss of consciousness, urination or defecation, and hiding after an episode.

Weimaraner Mating | Heat Cycle

The heat cycle of a female Weimaraner lasts for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. This process recurs every 6 to 9 months. A potential dam experiences the first heat cycle between the age of 12 to 18 months. Pet parents who don’t want to breed their dogs are advised to wait until the dog is 18 months old before spaying. Weimaraners and other female dog breeds experience the heat cycle throughout their lives. Therefore, they can get pregnant from the age of 10 years.

Some of the symptoms exhibited by a dam that is on heat include a swollen vulva, bloody discharge, increased urination, tail flagging, and behavioral change. Prior to mating Weimaraners, ensure they are both genetically screened to ensure they have no underlying health issues. Check the pedigree of the dam and sire to ensure they are not related. Breeding an aggressive dam results in a litter that is either aggressive or fearful.

Weimaraner Litter Size

After conception, a female Weimaraner has a gestation period of 63 days before whelping a litter size of 6 to 8 puppies. Although, some may have a smaller litter size as compared to the expected average.

Weimaraner Collar

Weimaraners were originally bred as hunting dogs and have a high prey drive. Therefore, they are likely to pull when on a leash if they spot any small game including the rabbits, birds, and even cats. However, some also argue that using a harness encourages the dog to pull more on leash. Therefore, there is no definite answer on whether to use a collar or a harness.

Weimaraner Colors

The coat colors of Weimaraners may range from blue-grey, charcoal-blue, or silver-grey, mouse-grey. Small white markings are permitted on the chest but not any other portion of the body.

Weimaraner Teeth

A Weimaraner pup is born with no teeth. Deciduous teeth starts growing in at the age of 2 or 3 weeks until they have a total of 28 milk teeth. However, at the age of 12 weeks, the deciduous teeth starts falling out as the permanent set of teeth grows in until the age of 6 months. Adult Weimaraners have a total set of 42 teeth.

Weimaraner Allergies

A Weimaraner is affected by different forms of allergies that are discussed below:

Skin allergies – A Weimaraner is prone to skin allergies caused by genetic factors, food allergies, and environmental allergies. Atopic dermatitis is caused by environmental allergies that result in reddened circular areas, bumps, and rashes. If left untreated, skin allergies result to yeast and bacterial infection.

Contact allergies – Weimaraners are prone to contact and environmental allergies due to a smooth, short, and single-layered coat. This inflammation occurs once the skin comes in contact with the allergen. Some of the contact allergens that affect this dog include grooming products, plastics, carpet cleaning detergents, bed linens, medications, and latex. Commonly affected body parts include around the muzzle, belly sides, and paws.

Food allergies – Weimaraners are both affected by food allergies and food intolerance. However, food intolerance is far more common.

Environmental allergies – Some of the common allergens that affect Weimaraners include ragweed, pollen, grass, dust and dust mites, house molds, trees, fleas, mites, and mosquitoes. Flea allergy dermatitis is caused by the flea’s saliva. It affects the back legs and underneath the tail resulting to intensive scratching until the skin around the bite area is raw. Common symptoms include congestion, swollen eyes, runny nose, and itchiness on various body parts including paws, ears, feet, muzzle, groin, wrists, underarms, and around the eyes.

Weimaraner Food Allergies

Although rare, food allergies also affect a Weimaraner. A True food allergy is accompanied with gastrointestinal symptoms such as acute vomiting and/or diarrhea as well as skin conditions symptoms such as hives, crusting lesions, hot spots, rashes, facial swelling, dermatitis, and pruritus.

Food intolerance also known as sensitivities don’t result in an immune response. However, it occurs as a gradual response to an offending ingredient in the diet and snacks of Weimanares. Common ingredients that cause food intolerance include soy, corn, wheat, additives, chemicals, beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, milk, turkey, fish, park, etc.

Symptoms of food sensitivities include poor skin and coat, foot infections, loss of appetite, lack of energy, and ear infections. Weimaraners pet parents are advised to work along with their Vet to manage the symptoms and find the offending ingredient through elimination method.

Weimaraner Feeding Guide

The amount of food that a pup, adult, and senior dogs feed on depends on their activity level, metabolism, body build, age, and size. All Weimaraners should not be exercised vigorously one hour before or after eating to prevent bloating. Avoid placing the food bowl in a raised platform since it doubles the risk of suffering a stomach bloat. At the age of 2 months, feed a pup a total of 3 to 4 cups in a day. The feeding amount will increase over the couple of months until the age of 6 months old. Read the bag food to feed the right amount or consult with your vet.

Weimaraner Food

For optimal health, Weimaraners need minerals, vitamins, fats, protein, carbohydrates, and water. Depending on the time and budget of the owner, he or she may decide whether to feed dry kibble food, wet food, raw food, or homemade food. Regardless of the food that you choose, ensure that it meet all the nutritional requirements of the dog.

The best way to know whether you are overfeeding or underfeeding your pet is to take them to the vet to know more about their health and weight. However, you can also tell by checking the physique of your dog, if you can see your pooch’s ribs, chances are they are being underfed. If a pet parent cannot feel the ribs of a Weimaraner under the coat, then chances are that it is being overfeed. Food bowls should not be left out all day after meals since these dogs have a tendency of overfeeding.

When you get this dog from a breeder, chances are that you will want to switch to another quality of food than the one it was previous feeding on. Gradually do this by mixing small portions of new food with old food for the first week. During the second week, feed your Weimaraner with the same amount of the new food and old food.

On the third week feed your pooch with 1/4 of old food and 3/4 of the new food. During the fourth week, totally switch to new food. If a pet owner wants to feed commercial dry or wet food, they should purchase food that are specifically designed for puppies, adults, and senior dogs.

Are Weimaraners Hypoallergenic

No, Weimaraners shed all year round spreading dander and hair around the house. These dogs are also prone to excessive drooling which spreads saliva on the surface. Dog’s saliva, dander, hair, urine, and mucus have a protein allergen that causes allergic inflammation in people.

Are Weimaraners Smart

Yes, they learn quickly both good and bad habits. Keep your pooch physically and mentally stimulated to curb behavior issues like chewing, barking, and trying to escape.

Are Weimaraners Good With Kids

Yes, they are friendly and considered excellent with kids.

Weimaraner Quick Facts

  • These dogs are highly dependent of the owner and suffer from severe separation anxiety if left alone for long hours. They should, therefore, be trained to stay alone through crate training.
  • Weimaraners are affectionately referred to as Gray Ghosts, or Silver Ghosts due to their silvery-gray coat and unusual gray, amber, or blue-gray eyes.
  • These dogs are prone to bloat and should not be exercised an hour before or after meals.

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