
Mini Australian Shepherd Allergies, Size, Temperament, Training, and Colors

Mini Australian Shepherd(also known as Mini Aussie, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Miniature American Shepherd, or North American Shepherd) is a small-sized herding dog originally from the United States. It was developed in the 1960s. However, AKC recognized it as an official breed in 2015 under the name Miniature American Shepherd. Mini Aussies are often trained for dog sports such as flyball, obedience, agility, herding, canine freestyle, etc. These dogs resembles a small Australian Shepherd and share many physical characteristics with its forebear.

Mini Australian Shepherd Dog Breed Introduction

Mini Australian Shepherd(also known as Mini Aussie, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Miniature American Shepherd, or North American Shepherd) is a small-sized herding dog originally from the United States. It was developed in the 1960s. However, AKC recognized it as an official breed in 2015 under the name Miniature American Shepherd. Mini Aussies are often trained for dog sports such as flyball, obedience, agility, herding, canine freestyle, etc. These dogs resembles a small Australian Shepherd and share many physical characteristics with its forebear.

Mini Australian Shepherd Origin | History

A Mini Aussie originated from the United States as a small working and herding dog in the late 1960s. This was after small-sized Australian Shepherds that were found working in the USA rodeo circuit were selectively bred to reduce their size. By mid 1970s, the new breed then going by the name Miniature Australian Shepherd had attained its current desired size.

The first parent club for Mini Aussies was MASCUSA ( which was asked to change its name to North American Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America(NAMASCUSA) in 1993 by AKC). The second club was Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America(MASCA). Currently, MASCA is still active but no longer accepts dogs registered as Miniature American Shepherd with AKC.

Enough members were eventually interested in obtaining a separate recognition thus persuading members of NAMASCUSA to approach the AKC. Eventually, the name Miniature American Shepherd was developed. However, Miniature Australian Shepherd community is still divided over this compromise. AKC chose MASCUSA as the parent club of Miniature American Shepherd in May 2011. Miniature American Shepherd was officially recognized as a bred by AKC in July 2015.

Mini Australian Shepherd's Photo
Mini Aussie’s Photo

Mini Australian Shepherd Lifespan | Miniature Australian Shepherd Lifespan

According to AKC Mini Aussies have a lifespan of 12 to 13 years. Although, some may live up to the age 15 years.

Mini Australian Shepherd Grooming | Mini American Shepherd Grooming

A Mini Aussie has a double coat that sheds at moderate levels all-year round and heavily during spring and/or fall. Brush the coat on a weekly basis to keep it looking healthy and glossy. Remember to brush the coat daily during the heavy shedding season to remove loose hair, promote new hair growth, and also evenly distributes the oils present on the coat. Use a metal comb or a slicker brush to gently remove the tangles or mats.

While grooming, focus on the front of the neck and legs which have feathery hair to prevent matting. Bathe a Mini Aussie once every 8 to 12 weeks unless your pet rolls in something stinky. Clip the nails at least once a month. Overly grown nails make walking and running painful for a Mini Aussie.

Remember to wipe the face using a clean damp cloth. Wipe the ears once a week using an ear cleanser solution and cotton balls. Clean the teeth of your pet twice a week using a tasty canine toothpaste and toothbrush. Regular brushing promotes a good breathe and removes excess tartar buildup.

Mini Australian Shepherd Grooming Styles

It is highly discouraged to shave the coat of a Mini Aussie since it compromises the delicate balance of insulating them from cold and keeping their body cool during warm seasons. A Shaved Mini Aussie may never have the same coat again. However, trimming may be utilized to keep the pooch looking tidy and remove mats or tangles. Use a pair of shears that have 42 to 46 teeth to achieve a more natural look. The recommended grooming styles for Mini Aussies include:

Teddy Bear Cut – This grooming styles is attained by a trimming a Mini Aussie to a slightly rounder look around the sides, back of the head, up the body, and back of the head.

Puppy Cut – This cut aims at shaving the hair on the body to the same length while leaving a bit of hair on the tail, legs, and head.

Mini Aussie Shedding

A Mini Aussie sheds at moderate levels throughout the year and heavily once or twice a year while experiencing seasonal change in Spring and/or Fall. During the heavy shedding season, Mini Aussies parents are urged to brush the coat using a wire brush and slicker brush to confine the loose hair in the brush that would otherwise spread around the house.

Mini Aussie Coat

Mini Aussies have a double coat that has a wooly undercoat and a longer top coat. The coat is waterproof and of medium length like their larger relatives(Australian Shepherds). A Mini Aussie has short and smooth hair on the front legs and on the head. The coat is also moderately feathered on the back of forelegs.

Mini Australian Shepherd Hypoallergenic

Mini Aussies are not hypoallergenic. This is because they shed all-year round spreading hair around the house. This breed also has a double-coat that is likely to produce dander. Dog’s urine, saliva, dander, hair, and mucus have a protein allergen that causes allergic inflammation in people who are affected by dog allergies.

Mini Australian Shepherd Training

Mini Aussies are intelligent and very eager to please their owners making training easier. In order to raise a well-mannered, adjusted, friendly, and kind dog, start socializing your pet from the age of 8 weeks to 16 weeks by exposing it to different surfaces, people, animals, sights, smell, places, situations, and sounds like whistles, sirens, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and washing machine. However, this training starts from the age of 3 weeks while the pet is with the breeder.

Enrolling a pet in puppy classes will also serve as a form of socialization. These classes also help pet parents to identify and correct bad habits. Use positive reinforcement methods such as use of treats, praise, and toys when training. Avoid use of harsh correction methods like beating and yelling. Keep the training sessions short for a period of utmost 10 minutes. Mini Aussies are intelligent and get bored and distracted easily.

Teach your pooch basic command words like sit, stop, down, come, etc. one at a time to avoid confusion. Generally, Aussies don’t like repetition and may wrongly respond to a command since they think they are not getting it right. To avoid this, teach the next command word you want your dog to learn to avoid repetition.

For effective housetraining, creating a feeding schedule, crate training, and potty training is key. A crate is a safe place that a Minnie Aussie should retreat to. It also teaches it to be alone since it is susceptible to separation anxiety when left alone for long hours. Always leave the crate door open while in the house so that your pooch may understand that using a crate is not a forced experience. Create positive associations with the device through the use of treats, toys, and lining it with a comfortable blanket. At no time should a crate be used as a form of punishment.

Mini Australian Shepherd Potty Training

Immediately you bring a puppy home from the age of 8 to 12 weeks, start potty training. The general rule of the thumb when toilet training Mini Aussies is understanding that an 8-week-old puppy will be able to hold for a period of 2 hours before eliminating while a 12-week-old will hold for 3 hours before going for a pee or poo. The bowel and bladder muscles strengthens as the puppy develops.

For effective potty training, take a Mini Aussie to the designated toilet area immediately it wakes up, 20 minutes after meals, before bedtime, after an exciting activity such as a car ride, and after naps. A pet parent is also recommended to decide whether the pet will eliminate inside or outside especially for apartment dwellers who have a difficult time accessing a yard or street. For indoor training make use of puppy pads or litter boxes that are available for retail from the puppy stores.

If a pooch will eliminate outside, choose a designated potty area that is far from the BBQ spot or patio deck. After taking a pup to the elimination area remain there for 15 minutes to allow the bowel and bladder muscles to relax for a pee or poo. If the dog doesn’t eliminate, take it back to the house and return it to the toilet spot after 15 minutes. Before a pet is fully housebroken, there are chances of having accidents in the house.

When you get a Mini Aussie in the act, immediately utter a firm no and take it to the toilet area. Avoid yelling and beating the dog since it will make it fearful increasing the chances of future accidents. Clean the mess using an enzymatic detergent or iodine solution to get rid of the odor. Failure to remove the odor will encourage future accidents since the dog will sniff and eliminate on the spot. Some of the things that Mini Aussies do indicating they want to eliminate include sniffing, whining, circling, squatting, and lifting a leg against the furniture or wall.

Mini Aussie Temperament | Mini Australian Shepherd Temperament

  • Loyal.
  • Protective.
  • Intelligent.
  • Adaptable.
  • Playful.
  • Energetic.
  • Reserved with strangers.
  • A persistent and resilient worker.

Mini Australian Shepherd Exercise

Even though Mini Aussies are athletic and active, they only need moderate amount of exercise such as walking, running in a secured backyard, jogging, or hiking. These dogs are also adaptable to their family’s way of life and play indoor time will also do. Mini Aussies also do well as city dogs as long as the owners provide enough physical and mental stimulation. These dogs may also participate in tracking, obedience, agility, etc.

Mini Australian Shepherd Barking | Mini Aussie Barking

Mini Aussies are moderate barkers and only bark when alerting their owner of something. A Mini Aussie that has a habit of barking excessively can be trained to only bark on command. However, barking may be frequent due to separation anxiety and pent-up energy due to lack of exercise.

Mini Aussie Height

A Male Mini Aussie has a height of 14 to 18 inches ( approx. 36 to 46 cm ) while a female Mini Aussie has a height of 13 to 17 inches ( approx. 33 to 43 cm).

Mini Aussie Weight | Mini Australian Shepherd Weight

Mini Aussies have a weight range of 20 to 40 pounds ( approx. 9 to 18 kg) even though the female Aussies may be slightly smaller in terms of size.

Mini Australian Shepherd Size | Mini Aussie Size

A Mini Aussie is a small-sized working and herding breed that has a weight of 20 to 40 pounds ( approx. 9 to 18 kg). However, Female Mini Aussie are slightly shorter as compared to their male counterparts. A Female Mini Aussie has a height of 13 to 17 inches ( approx. 33 to 43 cm) while the male counterpart has a height of 14 to 18 inches ( approx. 36 to 46 cm ).

Some of the other dog breeds include:



Italian Greyhound.


Pit Bull.

German Shepherd.


French Bulldog.

Labrador Retriever.

English Bulldog.

Golden Retriever.


Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.


Siberian Husky.




Shih Tzu.

Yorkshire Terrier.


Chow Chow.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.





Belgian Malinois.

Bull Terrier.

Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.

Shiba Inu.


Mini Aussie Biting

Puppies of a Mini Aussie are likely to bite or nip while playing, exploring textures of their surroundings and people, or when teething due to discomfort. Puppy biting may seem adorable but anyone after the dog develops serious biting issue. Aussie parents are advised to curb biting before it develops into a habit. Mini Aussies may also bite due to their herding instinct. To stop puppy biting through redirection, distraction, and bite inhibition training.

Mini Australian Shepherd Eye Problems

Some of the eye problems that are likely to affect Mini Aussies include:

Progressive Retinal Atrophy – This is a group of genetic diseases that is characterized by the bilateral degeneration of the retina resulting in progressive vision loss culminating in blindness.

Cataracts – A Mini Aussie that is suffering from cataracts has whitish and cloudy pupils that affects its vision. Cataracts cause vision loss and is treated through surgery.

Micropthalmia – this is a birth defect eye disease in which the globe of the eye is abnormally small and structurally disorganized.

Iris coloboma – This is an eye problem caused by a hole in one of the structures of the eye such as optic disc, choroid, retina, or iris. The hole in the eye structure is present from birth.

Mini Australian Shepherd Health Issues | Mini Aussie Health Issue

Within the Mini Aussie gene pool, there are detrimental traits and genetic traits that are known to exist including certain eye issues like progressive retinal atrophy, iris coloboma, and cataracts, degenerative myelopathy, hip dysplasia, and multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1).

Mini Aussie Names | Mini Australian Shepherd Names

Once a pet parent gets a Mini Aussie pup from a responsible breeder, the best next thing is getting a name for the fur baby. Names of this breed may be inspired by their coat color, personality, adventurous spirit, food, movies, celebrities, book, names suggestions present on various websites, and songs.

Regardless of where you will get your inspiration, ensure that the name in question won’t make your embarrassed once you utter the it out loud in public places like malls and parks. If you settle with a long name, it is only right to find a nickname for your pet.

Remember that names that have vowels are better understood by dogs. Giving your pet a name that rhymes with a command word creates confusion. Resist the urge of giving a Mini Aussie a name that is used by other family members or people who frequent your home since it will cause confusion.

Mini Aussie Names Female

  • Fiona.
  • Luna.
  • Rae.
  • Chloe.
  • Kyra.
  • Molly.
  • Ruby.
  • Lily.
  • Daisy.
  • Penny.
  • Zoe.
  • Maggie.
  • Nala, etc.

Mini Australian Shepherd Colors

The recognized coat colors that a Mini Aussie can possess is red merle, blue merle, black, and red(liver). The undercoat may also be somehow lighter in color as compared to the outer coat. As for Both Blue and red merle coats, they are no specific quantities of blotching, flecking, or marbling. White markings are also allowed but limited to the crown of the head, cheeks, and muzzle. The white markings may also be full or partial on the neck, front legs, chest, belly, and hind legs to the hock. Tan markings are permissible anywhere around the face and eyes, on the chest, legs, muzzle, feet, undersides of the ears, and under the tail.

Mini Aussie Names Male

  • Gus.
  • Kai.
  • Max.
  • Duke.
  • Kobe.
  • Jake.
  • Ryder.
  • Rex.
  • Copper.
  • Milo.
  • Hugo.
  • Luke, etc.

Miniature | Mini Australian Shepherd Allergies

Mini Aussies are predisposed to various forms of allergies that are discussed below:

Food Allergies – Although rare, this breed may also suffer from a true food allergy that results in an immune response accompanied with a wide range of symptoms. Food allergy symptoms include skin issues signs(hives, facial swelling, crusting lesions, hot spots, pruritus, and dermatitis) as well as gastrointestinal stress(acute vomiting/and or diarrhea). Apart from food allergies, Mini Aussies also suffer from food intolerance caused by a gradual response to an offending ingredient in the diet and snacks of a pet including chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, additives, chemicals, preservatives, soy, corn, wheat gluten, etc. Although, food intolerance doesn’t result in an immune response.

Skin allergies – Mini Aussies suffer from skin allergies as a result of genetic factors, food allergies, and environmental allergies that results in atopic dermatitis. Signs of skin allergies include lesions, hot spots, or hives on the muzzle, legs, hind end, paws, tail, etc. Skin inflammation also causes intense scratching and biting that result in secondary skin infections if left untreated.

Contact Allergies – Some of the contact allergies that affect Mini Aussies include plastics, bed lines, lawn chemicals, grooming products like shampoos and conditioner, latex, medication, nylon carpets, and carpet cleaning detergents. Commonly affected body parts include paws, around the muzzle, and feet.

Environmental allergies – Fleas, mites, ragweed, grass, pollen, house molds, dust and dust mites, trees, and mosquitoes are the environmental allergens that affect Mini Aussies. This allergy results in scratching of various body parts like muzzle, groin, ears, face, underarms, around the eyes, and between the toes. This inflammation also causes nasal discharge, congestion, and swollen eyes. Fleas particularly result in flea allergy dermatitis which causes hair loss and sores.

Mini Aussie Ears

A Mini Aussie has moderate sized ears that are triangular in shape. The ears are set high on the head and on full attention they break forward and over, or to the side resembling a rose-shaped ear.

Are Miniature | Mini  Australian Shepherd Hypoallergenic

No. Mini Aussies shed all year round spreading dander and hair around the house. Dander, hair, urine, saliva, and mucus have a protein allergen that causes allergic reaction in people who suffer from dog allergies.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Good Inside Dog

Yes, if their physical and mental exercise needs are met.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Smart

Yes. Mini Aussies are intelligent and eager to please their owners making training easy.

Mini Australian Shepherds Quick Facts

  • A Mini Aussie dam can whelp a litter size of 2 to 6 puppies.
  • These dogs may also have heterochromia eyes, where each eye iris has a different color.
  • A Mini Aussie may have a natural bobtail or docked tail that does not exceed 3 inches ( approx. 8cm).

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