
Italian Greyhound Training Secrets, Food, Lifespan, and History

Italian Greyhound( also referred to as IG by AKC) is a sighthound breed of dog that hunts by sight and gives the prey a chase just like Whippets and Greyhounds. It is the smallest of the sighthounds and possesses a deep chest, long neck, long slender legs, and a tucked-up abdomen. IGs also have a small head that is narrow and elongated. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals in the US, this breed is the least affected by hip dysplasia of 157 breeds that were studied. It makes a good watchdog for its surprisingly deep and big-dog bark.

Italian Greyhound Dog Breed Introduction

Italian Greyhound (also referred to as IG by AKC) is a sighthound breed of dog that hunts by sight and gives the prey a chase just like Whippets and Greyhounds. It is the smallest of the sighthounds and possesses a deep chest, long neck, long slender legs, and a tucked-up abdomen. IGs also have a small head that is narrow and elongated. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals in the US, this breed is the least affected by hip dysplasia of 157 breeds that were studied. It makes a good watchdog for its surprisingly deep and big-dog bark.


This breed originated about 2000 years ago in the Mediterranean region that is now Turkey and Greece according to Archaeological evidence. IGs were also bred as noble companions. Throughout Europe in the days of the Empire, the mini Greyhound was a popular companion and perhaps a small-game hunter.

However, IGs started to do very well in Italy during the Renaissance period when owning a mini greyhound was a status symbol among wealth strivers and aristocrats. This explains why IGs were named the Italian Greyhound. Some also believe that this dog originated in Italy. The paintings of this dog can also be seen in the paintings of various Renaissance masters that embodied the grace and balance so important to the era’s aesthetics.

These dogs also found their way onto the noblest laps in Europe including Queen Victoria,  Anne of Denmark, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great, Louis XIV, etc. The status symbol associated with this breed made an African King by the name of Lobengula swap 200 head of cattle for a single Italian Greyhound. The first breed association was founded in 1900 in Britain. American Kennel Club began registering this breed in 1886.

Italian Greyhound's photo
IG’s photo

Italian Greyhound Lifespan

IGs have a lifespan of 13 to 15 years according to the AKC.


This breed is susceptible to teeth problems and the teeth must be brushed on a daily basis. IGs have a short and thin coat that can be kept clean and glossy just by wiping them with a dog wipe or a warm damp cloth. Brushing the coat when it gets dusty is recommended. IGs also require occasional bathing unless it rolls in something stinky.

Remember to use a grooming mitt or a rubber curry brush when grooming your pet. This is because IGS have a thin coat that is prone to scrapes if a tough brush is used. Nail clipping is required at least twice a month using a grinding tool. When cutting the nails, the two middle nails should be left slightly longer than the other two since this dog has a hare foot. Ear cleaning should be done on a weekly basis to check for bad odor or redness. Regular ear cleaning also comes in handy in removing excess wax and debris.

Teeth Cleaning

IGs are prone to teeth problems and daily cleaning of the teeth is recommended using dog-formulated toothpaste. Professional teeth cleaning should be done by a vet at least once a year or as needed.


IGs are low shedders throughout the year. These dogs also have a single coat that lacks an undercoat which attributes to the low shedding levels. Brushing the coat using a grooming mitt or rubber curry brush will help at preventing the spread of the hair around the house.


This breed has a thin, short, and smooth coat that sheds minimally. The coat is soft to the touch and looks glossy like satin. IGs are also susceptible to shivers and for this reason, they should be housed indoors. During chilly weather, cover the coat with a sweater or jacket. In summer, use sunscreen made for dogs to protect their thin skin. This dog is also prone to skin cancer possibly because of their love to sun bask for long hours.


IGs are considered hypoallergenic due to their short and smooth coat that lacks an undercoat and sheds minimally. Regular brushing helps to confine the loose hair in the brush. This makes them friendly for people who suffer from dog allergies.

Italian Greyhound Training

IGs are intelligent dogs that are easy to train if the training sessions are short and interesting. A well-trained dog of this breed may do well in dog sports such as agility, rally, and obedience training. However, this breed may be difficult to housetrain. This is due to their small bladder size. Therefore, they will require to go for potty breaks more often as compared to medium and large-sized dogs.

Using a well-planned schedule for feeding and potty training will make housetraining a lit bit easier. Crate training is also recommended which may be a safe place for your pet. Dog owners working for long hours should not put their pets in a crate the whole day. A dog should stay in the crate for 4 hours at a time. Crates also make an important tool in housetraining. For effective potty training, Take your pet outside after they wake up and every one to two hours a day in a secluded potty area.

IGS also needs early socialization in order to expose your dog to a wide variety of sights, animals, surfaces, smell, situations, experiences, sight, people, and sounds such as baby crying sounds, sirens, whistles, door bells, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and lawn mowers . Enrolling your dog in a kindergarten puppy class is a great start. Socialization may also be done in other ways like inviting visitors into your home, and also taking them to busy parks, strolls, and stores will help your dog to meet new people.

Italian Greyhound Training Secrets

For effective training use positive reinforcement such as treats, toys, playtime, petting, and verbal praise immediately after the dog does something good. IGs are quite a sensitive breed and harsh corrections methods should not be used on this dog. They are counterproductive. Some of the harsh training methods include yelling, kicking, punching, shoving, beating, and use of choke or prong collars.

Keep the training sessions short, upbeat, and challenging for a span of 5 minutes to avoid boredom and distraction. Start teaching basic command s words like come, lie down, wait, heel, leave it, etc. immediately the dog joins you home. Teach one basic command at a time until the dog understands before proceeding to the next command word.

Italian Greyhound Potty Training

As earlier discussed, Italian Greyhounds are difficult to house break. This is because they have small bladder size and will eliminate frequently as compared to medium or large sized breeds. The general rule of the thumb is that an 8-week-old puppy will be able to hold for 2 hours before eliminating. A 12-week-old puppy may be able to hold for 3 hours. However, Italian Greyhounds pups are small-sized dogs that will be hold for a period of 20 to 60 minutes before eliminating. The bowel and bladder muscles of a puppy strengthens as it matures.

Before bringing your dog home, choose a designated potty area where it will relieve itself. Parents should decide whether the dog will eliminate inside or outside. Indoor potty training is recommended for apartment dwellers who have a hard time accessing a yard or street. Indoor housetraining utilizes litter boxes and puppy pads that are available for retail in the pet stores.

For outdoor potty training, choose a toilet spot that is far from the BBQ area or patio deck. Take your IG pet outside every 20 to 60 minutes until it matures to hold for a period of 6 hours, 20 minutes after meals and drinks, immediately it wakes up, after exercise, car ride and playtime, before bedtime, and after naps. Once you take an  IG to the potty area give it the command word ‘potty’ or ‘toilet’.

Regardless of the command word that you will settle with, consistency is key. At no time should you interchangeably use the command words to avoid confusion. In the toilet area, remain there for at least 15 minutes to allow the bladder and bowel muscles to relax for a pee or poo. If the pooch fails to eliminate, take it back to the house and return it to the toilet area after 15 to 30 minutes.


Before Italian Greyhounds are fully house broken, there is a possibility that the dog will experience accidents in the house. When this happens, utter a firm No and immediately take it to the designated toilet area. Avoid yelling since it will make an IG fearful encouraging future accidents. Remember to clean the mess using an iodine solution or an enzymatic detergent to get rid of the odor.

Failure to remove the odor will encourage future accidents once the dog sniffs and relieves in the same spot. Remember to monitor your IG for a sign that it wants to eliminate including whining, squatting, circling, sniffing, or lifting a leg against the furniture or wall. Before an IG attains the age of 4 months, set an alarm to take it to the potty area at least once a night.


IGs were originally bred for small game hunting and therefore, they are energetic and need at least one hour of exercise a day. The form of exercise that your dog may indulge in includes walking on a leash and playtime especially if there is another dog. This dog should not be off-leash since it hunts by sight and chase anything that is small and moving. Due to the hunting drive that this dog possesses, a dog owner should exercise an IG in a secured yard. Dog parks for IGs may be a hazard unless well supervised and have separate areas for small dogs.

Italian Greyhound Temperament

  • Sensitive.
  • Playful.
  • Affectionate.
  • Alert.
  • Active.
  • Intelligent.
  • Gentle.
  • Loving.
  • Mischievous.
  • Friendly.
  • Agile.

Temperament Intelligent

IGs are intelligent dogs which makes them highly alert and may be easily trained using positive reinforcement methods such as praise or treats.


IGs make good watchdogs that have a deep and big-dog bark. Therefore, the barking may be frequent while alerting the owners of strangers around the house. Failure to exercise your IG may also result in behavior issues such as barking to burn out energy.


An IG is a small-sized dog that should have a height of 13 to 15 inches ( approx. 32 to 38 cm) and a weight of 3.2 to 6.4 kg 7 to 14 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.4 kg).


An adult IG has a height of 13 to 15 inches ( approx. 32 to 38 cm) at the withers.


According to AKC, an IG should weigh 7 to 14 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.4 kg).

Whippet Vs Italian Greyhound Size

A Whippet is a medium-sized dog that has a weight of 15 to 42 pounds ( approx. 6.8 to 19.1 kg) and a height range of 17.5 to 22.5 inches ( approx. 44 to 57cm) while an Italian Greyhound weighs 7 to 14 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.4kg) and a height of 13 to 15 inches ( approx. 32 to 38 cm).


An IG is susceptible to various forms of allergies as discussed below:

Skin allergies – Italian Greyhounds suffer from skin allergies due to food, contact, and environmental allergies. If left untreated, it results to skin conditions and secondary infections. Apart from skin allergies other skin conditions that IGs may suffer from include color dilution alopecia common in blue(gray) colored IGS.

Food allergies – Although rare, IGs also suffer from food allergies. True food allergies result in an immune response that affects the skin and digestive system.

Contact allergies – This inflammation occurs once the skin comes in contact with the allergen. Commonly affected body parts include feet, paws, and around the muzzle. Some of the contact allergens that affect Italian Greyhounds include plastics, lawn chemicals, bed linens, carpet cleaning detergents, latex, medication, and grooming products.

Environmental allergies – Some of the allergens that affect IGs include fleas, mites, ragweed, dust and dust mites, house molds, pollen, grass, trees, and mosquitoes. Flea’s saliva result in flea allergy dermatitis that affects back legs and underneath the tail. This results in excessive scratching until the skin around the bite area is raw. Symptoms of environmental allergies include swollen eyes, runny nose, congestion, and itchiness on various body parts including paws, ears, muzzle, groin, armpits, wrists, between the toes, belly sides, and around the eyes.

Hair Loss

Hair loss in this breed may be a result of color dilution alopecia, a skin disease that leads to patch hair loss that results in a moth-eaten look. Some IGs also have pattern baldness, which is the gradual thinning of hair around the ears, temples, stomach, and under their neck. Pattern baldness is not itchy and both the skin and the coat are normal. Other causes of hair loss include mange, allergies, stress, and hormonal changes.


There is only one type of Italian Greyhound that exists. However, IGs have been crossed with other purebreds such as Chihuahuas to result in a designer dog by the name of Greyhuahua. Other crosses have been with Bichon Frise, Boston Terrier, Cairn Terrier, etc.

Some of the other breeds of dogs include:




Shiba Inu.

Pit Bull.

German Shepherd.


French Bulldog.

Labrador Retriever.

English Bulldog.

Golden Retriever.




Shih Tzu.

Yorkshire Terrier.

Great Dane.


Chow Chow.





Belgian Malinois.

Bichon Frise.

Border Collie.

Cane Corso.

Mini Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.


Siberian Husky.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Boston Terrier.

Bull Terrier.


Rat Terrier.

Airedale Terrier.

Italian Greyhound Health Issues

IGS are healthy and robust dogs that have few cases of hip dysplasia. Other health issues that this breed may be prone to include Portosystemic Shunt, Cryptorchidism, epilepsy, Patellar Luxation, Hypothyroidism, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, cataracts, Von Willebrand’s Disease, etc.


Seizures refers to the disturbance of the normal functioning of the brain that is normally accompanied with uncontrollable muscle activity. Causes of seizures in dogs are categorized into three; primary, secondary, and reactive. Reactive seizures occur after the brain detects a problem with metabolism due to toxin, low blood sugar, or even organ failure. Secondary seizures occur due to stroke, brain tumor, or trauma. However, seizures may occur when not triggered by the above causes which will be termed idiopathic or primary epilepsy which is often an inherited condition even though the cause is unknown.


Once you get your dog from a breeder it is time to find a name for your pet. IG names may be inspired by the origin of the breed, character, or even popular names used by other dog owners. While naming your pet, give it a name that ends with vowels since it is easy for your dog to learn including Bella, Fiso, Fabio, etc. While choosing a name for your pet, be careful not to give a name that belongs to other household members or people who frequent your home as this will bring confusion.

Male Names

  • Bingo.
  • Gus.
  • Jack.
  • Hank.
  • Dune.
  • Beau.
  • Finn.
  • Ozzie.
  • Louie.
  • Archie.
  • Doug.
  • Remy, etc.

Names Female

  • Bella.
  • Ellie.
  • Gala.
  • Lucy.
  • Mona.
  • Zoe.
  • Lola.
  • Molly.
  • Cassie.
  • Sia.
  • Roxy.
  • Charlotte.
  • Juno, etc.

Italian Greyhound Colors

The most popular color for this breed is grey or blue. Other coat colors for IGs may include solid Black or Isabelline ( pale fawn, pale grey-yellow, or pale cream-brown). A coat with the above colors and white markings on the feet and chest only is acceptable. One of the rarest colors for this breed include solid black. Other coat colors that IGs may have include red fawn, sable, and chocolate.


An Adult IG has rose-shaped ears that resemble Greyhounds or Whippet ears. However, during the first or second year of life, the ears of this breed go through funny stages before they can finally fold nicely. Until then, the ears may stand up, flop forward, or even go in two opposite directions for a while. This is common while the puppies are teething due to the fluctuating calcium levels.


IGs have moderate-sized eyes that are round to oval in shape. Some of the dogs of this breed may have almond-shaped eyes. This breed is also susceptible to suffering from certain eye problems including cataracts, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, glaucoma, pannus, etc.

Litter Size

A female IG may give birth to an average litter size of about two to four puppies.


An IG has a long neck and a small head that makes it easy for them to back out of a regular collar or harness. The most preferred collar type is a limited choke collar or martingale collar that will tighten as the dog pulls. This will make the collar too small for it to slip out of.


The recommended type of harness for this breed is Y-shaped where the shoulders are not covered leaving enough range of motion. A harness is preferred to use on a sighthound since it is useful when more control is required and also reduces pulling.

Harness Vest

Vest harnesses are good for dog owners concerned about the safety of their IGs. A vest harness distributes the pressure from the leash across the dog’s chest with thicker and more supportive straps and padding. Furthermore, vest harnesses are good for IGs since they are prone to pull due to their inherent prey drive while on leash. A good vest harness should be made up of breathable materials like mesh making them suitable for hot summer days and even occasional swims.

Neck Size

An IG has a long neck that is 8 to 11 inches ( approx. 20 to 28 cm).


The maximum speed of a running adult IG is 40 km/h ( approx. 24.85 miles per hour).


An adult IG has a total of 42 teeth while puppies have 28 milk teeth. This breed is more prone to teeth problems due to a dry mouth and a long narrow skull with tight lips. Regular teeth cleaning promotes good oral health. Some of the teeth problems that IGs suffer from include gum inflammation, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Italian Greyhound Food

While feeding your IG, you should be cautious to look out for grain-free ingredients since these dogs are allergic to them including millet, soybeans, rice, corn, barley, rye, and wheat. A grain-free food will have an alternative carbohydrate such as potato, sweet potato, etc.


At six months and above, IGs will feed twice a day a total of 1/2 to 3/4 cup of high-quality and high-calorie food. The amount of food that your dog feeds on depends on the age, activity level, size, build, and metabolism. An IG pup feeds three times a day a total of 1/4 cup of puppy food.


Italian Greyhounds have a tucked-up abdomen, a deep chest, a long neck, and long slender legs. The head of an IG is small appearing to be elongated and narrow. The Gait should be well-sprung and high-stepping, with a fast gallop and a good forward extension in the trot.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are Italian Greyhound Hypoallergenic

Yes, Italian Greyhounds are Hypoallergenic due to the minimal shedding levels. Furthermore, they lack an undercoat which results in the shed of dander, an allergen that affects people suffering from dog allergies.

Are Italian Greyhound Smart

Yes. An IG is an intelligent breed of dog that is alert and easily trainable.

Are Italian Greyhound Aggressive

No, IGs are friendly dogs that may alert their owners of strangers by barking but are less likely to exhibit aggressive behavior.

Italian Greyhound Quick Facts

  • They are allergic to grain-based foods containing ingredients such as soy, wheat, corn, etc.
  • An Adult IG may run at a maximum speed of 40 km/h ( approx. 24.85 miles per hour).
  • This breed has a deep chest with a tucked-up abdomen.

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