
Pyrenean Mastiff Size, Temperament, Lifespan, and Price

Pyrenean Mastiff is a large dog breed derived from the Pyrenees mountains in northeastern Spain. They are fluffy-haired dogs regarded as the oldest and rarest dog breed dating back around 3000 years. They are also large guardian-type dogs that protect livestock from predators like bears and wolves. Pyrenean Mastiffs were traditionally used to protect flocks throughout the yearly emigration to high summer pasture in the Pyrenees. They are also called Mostin, Gos ramader, Mastín del Pirineo, Mostín d'o Pireneu, and Mastí dell’Aragó.

Black Russian Terrier Size, Temperament, Shedding, and Lifespan

Black Russian Terrier (also known as Russian Black Terrier and Chornyi Terrier) is a large-sized dog breed from Russia. It is popular for its rough and thick, slightly waved coat. Males of these dogs are huge and hefty in contrast with the females, with males having 27 to 30 inches and females between 26 to 29 inches in height.

Parson Russell Terrier Lifespan, Temperament, Long Hair, and Weight

Parson Russell Terrier also Parson or Parson Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog breed from south of England. It was developed in the 1800s as a white terrier to work with European red foxes. The dog has a short smooth double coat with a small, flexible chest to enable him to pursue his quarry underground. Parson gets on well with children and will make an excellent family pet.

Komondor Grooming, Shaved, Black, Size, and Weight

Komondor also known as Hungarian Sheepdog and Mop Dog is a large pure breed dog. It is known to be a white-colored Hungarian breed of livestock guardian dog. Mop Dogs belong to the working group bred where their primary work was to guard property, pull sleds, and perform water rescues. The Mop Dog consists of a dense, soft, wooly undercoat.

Swedish Vallhund Temperament, Personality, Size, and Lifespan

Swedish Vallhund also called the Västgötaspets and Swedish cow dog is a small to medium-sized herding dog breed from Sweden. It is popular for the short but thick double coat, which comes in a grayish color. As herding dogs, they were initially bred as drovers and herds of cows more than 1,000 years ago. Their head is wedge-shaped, having dark brown oval eyes and pricked ears.

Bergamasco Shepherd Dog, Puppies, Price, and Without Dreads

A Bergamasco Shepherd, also known as Cane da Pastore Bergamasco, is a solidly built and well-proportioned Italian breed of sheepdog. The pooch is unique and also has a heart of gold. Bergamasco Shepherds are known for their herding skills, high intelligence, and independent spirits.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Temperament, Lifespan, Weight, and Colors

Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a dog breed derived from Welsh. It is among the two varieties of livestock-herding dog breeds called Welsh Corgis. They are also among the oldest breeds of the British Isles and are popularly known by the nicknames CWC, Cardigans, Cardigan Corgi, and Cardi. Others also call these dogs Welsh Cardigan Corgi. They are loyal and trainable dogs that are naturally accustomed to herding several different animals from waterfowl and poultry to big livestock like cattle and sheep. Cardigans have a high adaptability level and can live in different settings. 

Icelandic Sheepdog Colors, Names, Temperament, Size, and Price

Icelandic Sheepdog is of Nordic Spitz type and Icelandic's only original dog breed. They are loving and friendly dogs that are heartily loyal to their owners. Also, they have other names like Friaar Dog, Icelandic Spitz, Canis Islandicus, Íslenskur Fjárhundur, and Iceland Dog. Icelandic Spitz are social dogs that do not react well to being left for long periods and hence are not suitable for people with busy schedules.

Blue Lacy Temperament, Colors, Size, Puppy, Price, Weight, and Lifespan

Blue Lacy is a medium-sized dog derived in Texas, United States in the mid-19th century. This working dog was first acknowledged by the Texas Senate in 2001. They have other names like Lacy Dog, Lacy Hog Dog, Lacy Cur, and Lacy Game Dog. Also, they are known for their intense rich brown or bright yellow eyes and sleek, smooth, and blue-toned coat appearance.
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