
Norwegian Elkhound Size, Shedding, Lifespan, Temperament, Barking, and Weight

Norwegian Elkhound is a medium-sized Northern Spitz-type of breed dog from Norway. It was bred for tracking and hunting large games like bear, wolves, and elk(moose). The name of this breed is a misnomer. Norwegian Elkhounds are Spitz breed and not hound dogs. The name was derived as a mistranslation from its original Norwegian name Norsk elghund meaning Norwegian moose dog.

German Wirehaired Pointer Training, Shedding, Life Span, Weight, Colors, and Size

German Wirehaired Pointer ( nicknamed GWP dog or Wirehair) is a medium-to large-sized griffon dog breed from Germany. It was developed as a versatile hunter in the 19th century. The name of this breed is the English translation of its German name, Deutsch-Drahthaar. German Wirehaired Pointers are a bit taller and heavier than their cousins, German Shorthaired Pointers. This breed has a distinct wiry, harsh, quite flat-lying, and weather resistant coat.

Redbone Coonhound Training, Temperament, Shedding, Lifespan, Intelligence, and Size

Redbone Coonhound is a medium-to-large sized hunting dog from Southern United States. It is well known for its distinctive reddish mahogany color, webbed feet, baying sound, and large floppy ears. Redbone Coonhounds have a face that is often described as having a pleading expression. They are vocal dogs that communicate their feelings by whining, grunting, groaning, grumbling, and baying. The Redbone Coonhound is a scent hound that tends to follow its nose. Therefore, it should exercise in a securely fenced yard where it can't bound over. Redbones should also go for walks while on a leash.

Miniature Pinscher Food, Food Allergies, Training, Potty Training, and Harness

Miniature Pinscher( also known as Zwergpinscher meaning little biter) is a toy dog of the pinscher dog breed from Germany. It is commonly nicknamed Mini Pin or King of the Toys. The latter comes from the breed's dominance and confidence in the show ring. Miniature Pinschers look like the smaller version of Doberman Pinscher. However, they are two distinct breeds.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Training, Colors, Food, Tail, Lifespan, Size, and Weight

Pembroke Welsh Corgi is small-sized cattle herding dog breed from Pembrokeshire, Wales. They make great watchdogs due to their tendency to bark and alertness. Due to their working background, they may easily become nuisance barkers if they are not properly stimulated. Pembrokes are eager to learn and train due to their great desire to please their owners.

Shorkie Food, Potty Training, Training, Full Grown, Haircuts, Black, and Training Tips

Shorkie is a designer dog deliberately developed in the United States in the 2000s by crossing a Shih Tzu with a Yorkshire Terrier(Yorkie). It also known as Shorkie Tzu, Shih Tzu-Yorkie mix, or Yorkie Tzu. As Crossbreeds, Shorkies may tend to lean towards traits of one parent than the other. However, it is also difficult to make accurate predictions of the appearance of individual dogs. Fortunately, pet owners can count on a silky allergy friendly. This is because both parents, Shih Tzu and Yorkie have low-shedding silky coats that are regarded nearly hypoallergenic.

Border Terrier Training, Size, Personality, Grizzle, Hypoallergenic, Grooming, and Lifespan

Border Terrier is a small-sized Terrier that originated from the area of Anglo-Scottish border. Originally, they were used for fox-hunting. As of now, they are popularly kept as family pets and companions in town and up-country. Border Terriers are known for their distinctive otter head and longer legs than other small terriers. This breed loves exploring outdoors and make fine childhood playmates. However, this is not a pet for a busy parent who is in need of a part-time pet. Border Terriers love playing games, being active, and fit well into a busy family life as well as singles and seniors who are active.

Schipperke Colors, Size, Cream, Personality, Hypoallergenic, Lifespan, and Shedding

Schipperke ( pronounced “SHEEP-er-ker”) is a small-sized black-coated dog that was developed in Belgium in 1600. There are controversies of whether this breed is a Spitz that is closely related to the Pomeranian or it is a miniature Sheepdog. However, the Schipperke Club of America states that Schipperke was descended from Leauvenaar. This is an extinct black-coated sheepdog that was used for herding and following the wagons along the Belgian provinces. The progenitor of this breed was also used to develop Groenendael. A Schipperke is popular for its great watching capabilities.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Training, Collar, Temperament, Size, and Lifespan

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog( affectionately known as Swissy by the breed's fanciers) is one of the four Swiss Cattle Dogs developed in the Swiss Alps as an-all purpose farm dog. Other Swiss Cattle Dogs include Bernese Mountain Dog, Appenzeller Sennenhund, and Entlebucher Mountain Dog. All the Swiss Cattle Dogs have a unique tricolor coat. Although, a Bernese Mountain Dog is the only Swiss Cattle breed that has a long coat.

Lagotto Romagnolo Grooming, Training, Size, Temperament, Hypoallergenic, and Colors

Lagotto Romagnolo ( plural: Lagotti Romagnoli) is a medium-sized working dog from Romagna, Italy that was originally developed for retrieving waterfowls. Currently, they are used for truffle hunting due to their acute scenting powers. A Lagotto has a double-layered water proof coat that sheds at low to non levels hence considered hypoallergenic. The coat of Lagotto is more like human hair than fur. They make great pets for City dwellers if they are properly exercised and get enough companionship. Although, if not properly stimulated, Lagotti will engage in undesirable behaviors such as digging, destructive chewing, and excessive barking.
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