
Norwegian Forest Cat Food, Life Expectancy, Size, and Colors

Norwegian Forest Cat is a large-sized long-haired cat originally from Norway. In its native country it is known as skogkatt. In the United States they are affectionately called Wegies by the breed fanciers. A Wegie is adept to climbing due to its strong claws and you will find the cat at the top of any elevated surfaces including shelf, cabinet, and bookcase. Owners should cat-proof unstable shelves, delicate knickknacks and vases as well as crowded cabinet tops.

Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Introduction

Norwegian Forest Cat is a large-sized long-haired cat originally from Norway. In its native country it is known as skogkatt. In the United States they are affectionately called Wegies by the breed fanciers. A Wegie is adept to climbing due to its strong claws and you will find the cat at the top of any elevated surfaces including shelf, cabinet, and bookcase. Owners should cat-proof unstable shelves, delicate knickknacks and vases as well as crowded cabinet tops.

When compared to other cat breeds, Norwegian Cats are less of a lap cat but enjoy being close to their humans while participating in various activities just not while seated on their lap. To fully mature into adulthood, these cats take about five years. For this reason, owners enjoy an extended kitten period exhibited in lots of playtime. A study conducted to compare Wegies Kittens to Oriental, Abyssinian, and Siamese discovered that the Wegies are likely to explore and make an attempt at escaping as compared to the other three breeds.


The Norwegian Forest Cats originated from Norway and have a dense double coat that help them survive the harsh Scandinavian climate. Possible progenitors of the breed include white and black colored British Shorthair cats from Great Britain brought to Norway by Vikings sometime after 1000 AD. They might also have been descended from the longhaired Cats brought to their native country in the 14th century by Crusaders. The modern Day Wegies may have evolved from the possible crossing of the cats brought by Vikings and Crusaders with the feral and farm stock.

Some also speculate the Turkish Angora and Siberian Cats as possible ancestors. The progenitors of Wegies were likely used to chase after rodents in the Viking ships. These cats were later on prized for their hunting skills and were made useful on the Norwegian farms until cat fanciers discovered them in the early 1900s. The Norwegian Forest Cat Club was formed in 1938 in Oslo, Norway in an attempt to preserve the breed.

Norwegian Forest Cat's Photo
A photo of Norwegian Forest Cat

However, the club’s attempts were disrupted by the Second World War. This was after the breed was interbred with free-ranging cats during the war endangering the Wegies until they nearly became extinct. The Norwegian Forest Cat Club came to the rescue helping the breed to make a comeback by coming up with an official breeding program. This has been the official cat breed of Norway following the declaration of King Olav V in the 1950s. The Wegies spread to other parts of the World in the 1970s.

Norwegian Forest Cat Life Expectancy

The Lifespan of Wegies is 14 to 16 years although most of them live longer.


All-year round, Norwegian Forest Cats need a weekly brushing using a metal comb or a wire bristle brush to ensure the coat is tangle free. However, the dense undercoat is profusely shed during Spring to regulate their body temperature. Daily brushing is key to keep the shed hair at bay. They need an occasional bath using a feline-formulated shampoo and conditioner. Ensure the coat is well soaked with lukewarm water to ensure the shampoo lathers easily.

Most Wegies tend to keep their nails short by scratching them against wooden structures. However, if the nails are noticeably long clip them every 3 weeks using clippers. Brush the teeth daily or at least twice a week using a tasty cat toothpaste and toothbrush to remove food particles that will easily form tartar buildup. The ears are cleaned once every week using cotton balls soaked in an ear cleanser solution.


During the summer months, the undercoat molts profusely. Some owners may opt for a lion cut especially if a Wegie stays indoors often and has no access to intense air-conditioning. For this cut, the body fur is clipped close to the body and the neck, shoulders, and face is not trimmed to form a mane.


They tend to shed moderately and significantly less as compared to other long-haired cats. However, the coat sheds heavily during Spring and Fall to get rid of the undercoat.


They have a double coat made up of a wooly undercoat that looks like a ruff and a top coat that is long, glossy, thick, and water resistant. The undercoat is more thick at the chest, legs, and head.

Summer Vs Winter Coat 

The winter coat is thick and double coated to keep the cat warm. The mane is more fluffier and prominent during winter. On the other hand, the summer coat is more sleeker and lies flat against the body since it lacks the wooly undercoat.


They are not allergy friendly cats even though their saliva has lower levels of Feline d 1 protein. This is because they seasonally shed profusely releasing fur and dander which aggravates cat allergies. Their long coat may also carry possible allergens to the house which trigger allergies. Aspiring cat parents should spend lots of time with the Norwegian Forest Cats to ensure they are tolerable before adopting.


The Norwegian Forest Cats are not allergy friendly to people who suffer from feline allergies. However, they are not spared either from atopic, skin, food, and contact allergies. Allergy symptoms include excessive licking, scratching, intense itchiness, sores, skin inflammation, and redness.


They are intelligent and friendly cats that are also independent. Make use of treats to teach them command words like sit, speak, and No to reinforce positive behavior. They are also swift hunters especially if they primarily live outdoors. Therefore, they may not be suitable for homes that have gerbils and hamsters as pets. The Norwegian Forest Cats are also sociable and adaptable cats that will get along well with other cats and dogs if socialized from a young age.

They are also generally good with people including strangers. However, they are less of lap a cat and may not stay still for cuddle time. Wegies also adapt well to indoor lifestyle and may be housebroken by litter training, crate training, and creating a feeding schedule. They easily pick up the potty training habits especially if offered an extra large litter box that helps them relieve themselves comfortably. Ensure the training sessions are upbeat, short, and engaging since they may easily get bored.

Norwegian Forest Cat Personality

  • Energetic.
  • Intelligent.
  • Friendly.
  • Independent.
  • Playful.
  • Curious.
  • Sociable.
  • Adaptable.
  • Even-tempered.
  • Gentle.
  • Calm.
  • Alert.
  • Outgoing.


These are generally friendly cats that get along well with other cats and dogs. They are also patient with kids. However, feline interactions with kids should have adult supervision. For a healthy relationship, kids should also be taught to respect the boundaries of the cat and not pick on them. 


They are highly energetic cats that need half an hour of exercise on a daily basis. This can be attained by taking them for walks on a walking jacket if they are leash trained and also providing them with interactive toys. Tree climbing and scratching will release off some of this energy. Norwegian Forest Cats have strong hunting instincts and they perfect it by pouncing. Provide mimicking mice toys that will allow them to sharpen their hunting skills while jumping up and down which burns off some energy.


Often, they are classified as quiet cats that rarely meow even though some maybe quite vocal and produce high-pitched chirping vocalizations.

Norwegian Forest Cat Size 

They are large-sized cats that weigh 7.9 to 19.8 pounds ( approx. 3.6 to 9 kg). Norwegian Cats stand at a height of 9 to 12 inches ( approx. 23 to 30.1 cm) and have a body length of 36 inches ( approx. 91 cm ) when measured from nose to tail.


They are 9 to 12 inches ( approx. 23 to 30.1 cm) tall.


The weight of male Wegies is 9.9 to 19.8 pounds ( approx. 4.5 to 9 kg ) while their female counterparts have a weight 7.9 to 17.6 pounds ( approx. 3.6 to 8 kg ).

Average Weight

The average weight of Norwegian Forest Cats is 13.9 pounds ( approx. 6.3 kg ). 


When measured from the nose to the tail, Norwegian Cats have a body length of 36 inches ( approx. 91 cm ).

Black Norwegian Forest Cat Size 

Regardless of the coat color, this breed is a large-sized cat that has the same average weight, height, and body length among all the available coat colors.

Norwegian Forest Cat Size Vs Normal Cat 

  • The normal cats have a body length of 15 to 20 inches long ( approx. 38 to 51 cm) while the Norwegian Cats have a length of up to 36 inches ( approx. 91 cm ).
  • Normal cats weigh up to 11 pounds (5 kg) while the Norwegians weigh up to to 19.8 pounds (9kg).
  • Most normal cats stand at a height of 10 inches (25 cm) while the latter has a height of up to 12 inches (30.1 cm).    

Health Issues

They are healthy cats that live up to the age of 16 years. However, they may be prone to certain health problems including Glycogen storage disease type IV, Cardiomyopathy, Hip dysplasia, Eosinophilic granuloma complex, and Patella luxation.


Owners may get name inspirations from the extreme body length of the cat, coat length, personality, movies, food, celebrities, nature, books, and historical figures. Many parents opt to stay with the cat for a few days to better understand their personality before giving them a name. Some of the popular names among Wegies include:

  • Nanna.
  • Erica.
  • Bodil.
  • Berthe.
  • Randolph.
  • Sia.
  • Alvis.
  • Dyre.
  • Inghram.
  • Osmond.
  • Skye.
  • Isolf.

Litter Size

A Queen Wegie may kitten a litter size of 4 to 6 kittens following an average of 59 to 76 days of gestation 

Norwegian Forest Cat Food

They are large-sized cats that should feed on food rich with animal fat, animal protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. Animal fat such as fatty acids help to maintain healthy cell structure. It is sourced from cat gravy or cat jelly. Avoid free feeding since the Norwegian Forest Cats are prone to obesity which may cause weight-gain related health problems such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, and diabetes.

Best Food

These cats will thrive on raw diet, dry food, or semi-moist food as long they are fed according to their body weight, activity level, age, and metabolism.


They may have a white, black, orange, red, silver, cream, blue, tan, beige, lavender, and gray.


A Wegie may have a blue coat color that looks like diluted black color or grey.


They are solid coated cats have a deep coal black coat with a nose leather and paw pads that are black.  


Rarely, there are white Norwegian Cats. They have pink nose leather and paw pads. White-colored Wegies have blue eyes. In most cases they experience hearing losses.

Black And White 

They are black and white coated Wegies. Either of the color may be predominant with patches of white or black on the chest, abdomen, muzzle, and feet. This color combination  makes the cat look like its wearing a tuxedo.


The red colored Wegies are also known as ginger or orange. The coat should be devoid of any ticking, shading, or markings.


Most silver colored Norwegian Forest Cats have a silver ground color with tabby markings.  


A Norwegian Forest Cat may have a solid coat color, bicolored, calico, smoke, tabby, or tortoiseshell.


They have oblique almond shaped eyes that may have any color.


They have large ears with a wide base and a tufted top.

Head Shape 

The Norwegian Forest Cats have an equilateral triangular shaped head with a strong chin. Its a defect if the cat has either a round or square-shaped ears.


It has a plumed tail that is often raised on the back.


After kittening, the young ones have no teeth. The deciduous teeth start growing in from the age of  6 weeks. At the age of 12 weeks, the kittens loose their deciduous teeth which is replaced by 32 teeth.


It has a straight nose that may have a different color which entirely depends on the coat color.


They enjoy spending time in the water and may be taught how to swim.

Norwegian Forest Cat Maine Coon Mix 

They are crossbred with Maine Coon which are also long-haired cats to produce an offspring that is fluffy and chunky.

Norwegian Forest Cat Kitten

A young one of a cat is known as a Kitten. A Norwegain Queen Cat may kitten 4 to 6 cats per litter. The Kittens enjoy their kittenhood for a period of five years since they mature for a long time when compared to other cat breeds.

Norwegian Forest Cat Price

The cost of a Norwegian Forest Cat varies from breeder to breeder depending on the age, pedigree, and location. Wegies coat $1200 to $1800.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Big Does A Norwegian Forest Cat Get 

They are large-sized cats that are much bigger as compared to the normal cats. Norwegian Forest Cats have a weight of 3.6 to 9 kg, a height of 23 to 30.1 cm, and a body length of up to 91 cm.

How Much Do Norwegian Forest Cats Weigh 

Adult-sized Norwegian Cats have a weight of 7.9 to 19.8 pounds ( approx. 3.6 to 9 kg).

Is My Cat A Norwegian Forest Cat 

It is a Norwegian cat if it has a long-haired double coat, an equilateral triangular shaped head, and a body length of 91 cm ( approx. 36 inches ) when measured from the nose to the tail.

Do Norwegian Forest Cats Meow 

They rarely meow but they are popular for their highly vocalized chirping sounds.

Do Norwegian Forest Cats Shed 

Yes. Norwegian Forest Cats shed heavily in Spring and Fall when shedding off the thick undercoat. Throughout the year they will shed at minimal levels.  

Are Norwegian Forest Cats Hypoallergenic 

No. They have a moulting coat that sheds massively when experiencing seasonal change spreading fur and dander that contain F d1 protein that triggers allergies in people.

Are Norwegian Forest Cats Vocal 

They have been described as quiet breed although they are highly energetic cats that produce a high pitched chirping sound.

Are Norwegian Forest Cats Friendly 

Yes. They are social and friendly cats that generally get along well with people, other cats, and dogs.

Do Norwegian Forest Cats Like Water 

Yes. Norwegian Forest Cats are water lovers that may easily be trained to swim.

Are Norwegian Forest Cats Expensive 

Yes. They cost $1200 to $1800 per cat depending on the age of the cat, location of the breeder, and pedigree.

What Do Norwegian Forest Cats Eat 

They feed on dry, raw diet, or wet food that is rich in animal fat, animal protein, and significant minerals and vitamins.

What Does A Norwegian Forest Cat Look Like 

It is a large-sized cat that is bigger in size when compared with a normal cat. It has a long haired double coat that is much more profuse during winter forming a mane around the neck and shoulders.

Quick Facts 

  • They are more popularized in Sweden and native Norway.
  • The Norwegian Forest Cats may have any coat color as long as they are in the sepia, traditional, and mink categories.
  • They are excellent climbers of trees and rocks due to their strong claws.
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