
Month February 2023

Whoodle Full Grown, Black, Haircuts, Mini, Personality, Grooming, and Lifespan

A Whoodle is a small to medium sized designer dog created by crossing a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier with a Poodle. It is also known as Sweatendoodle, Wheatendoodle, Sweatenpoo, and Wheatenpoo. The Whoodles may come in three size varieties depending on the size of the Poodle Parent( Standard, Miniature, or Toy) hence having Standard, Medium, and Miniature Whoodles respectively.

German Spitz Klein, Miniature, White, Size, Temperament, Haircut, and Colors

German Spitz is small to medium sized Spitz-dog breed from Germany. It has a distinctive ruff( mane-like collar around the neck ), a bushy tail, foxy head, and a long-haired double coat. In its native country, German Spitz is considered a single breed that comes in five varieties based on size and color including Keeshond ( Wolfsspitz), Giant Spitz, Medium Spitz, Miniature Spitz, and Pomeranian.

German Pinscher Size, Blue, Colors, Red, Lifespan, Personality, and Weight

German Pinscher is a medium-sized working dog from Germany. It was originally used for ratting. Currently, German Pinschers make great watchdogs and vigilant family guardians. This is not an overly vocal breed. However, it will bark when notifying the owner of impending danger. German Pinschers are the prototype of other breeds including Doberman, Miniature Pinscher, and Affenpinscher.

Australian Kelpie Black, Temperament, Red, Size, Colors, Weight, Shedding, and Lifespan

Australian Kelpie or simply Kelpie is a medium-sized sheepdog that originated in Australia. It is a working dog that is capable of droving and rounding up livestock with little or no guidance. This breed has been exported throughout the World and have been used in mustering livestock primarily goat, sheep, and cattle. There are two varieties of Kelpies: Working Kelpie and Show Kelpie.

Patterdale Terrier Size, Temperament, Hunting, Weight, Long Hair, Lifespan, and Bite Force

Patterdale Terrier is a small-sized working terrier that originated in Northern England. It is more of a type than breed since it is a product of culminating working terrier breeds indigenous to the United Kingdom. Patterdale Terriers may either have any of the three coat varieties; smooth, broken, or rough coat. All the three coats are coarse, dense, and double-layered. The coats are harsh to the touch and weatherproof.

Irish Terrier Grey, Mini, Black, Size, Hypoallergenic, Shedding, Temperament, and Lifespan

Irish Terrier is a medium-sized Terrier dog breed from Ireland. The short legged Irish Terriers were used as the progenitors of both Norwich and Norfolk Terriers. This breed is known for its distinctive red coat( that may either be red wheaten, golden red, or wheaten) and deep chest. However, the early specimens of the Irish Terriers shown had mixed colors, predominantly black, grey and brindle, and black and tan.

Norfolk Terrier Personality, White, Life Span, Size, Grooming, Shedding, and Hypoallergenic

Norfolk Terrier is a toy-sized terrier that was developed in East Anglia, England. It is considered one of the smallest working breeds along with Norwich Terrier. Initially, Norfolk Terriers were known as the drop ear variety of Norwich Terriers until 1979 when AKC recognized them as a separate breed. Despite their diminutive toy-size, Norfolk Terriers are confident, feisty, sturdy, and genuine terriers that are up for the game of adventure.

Norwich Terrier Price, Hypoallergenic, Temperament, Grooming, Life Span, and Shedding

Norwich Terrier is a toy-sized working terrier that originated in East Anglia, England. It is one of the smallest working terriers. Norwich terriers have prick ears that are a distinguishing characteristic from their cousin Norfolk Terrier. Until 1979, AKC recognized Norfolk and Norwich Terriers as one breed under the name Norwich Terrier. This is an affectionate breed that will enjoy hours of lap time with the favorite human but they are also energetic enough to play fetch all day.

Australian Terrier White, Hypoallergenic, Life Span, Grooming, Short Hair, and Size

Australian Terrier is a small-sized terrier dog type that originated in Australia. It was developed from the Great Britain types of dogs. The Australian Terriers have a natural liking for the handicapped, children, and the elderly. These dogs were bred for working and companionship. Therefore, they tend to be very friendly and enjoy interacting with people. An Australian Terrier tends to get along with other dogs, although, some male dogs may not get along with other males in the home.
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