
White German Shepherd Lifespan, Names, Temperament, and Weight

The White Shepherd is a loyal, intelligent, confident, and medium-sized variety of German shepherds breed in the United States. Furthermore, the pooch is also known as White Shepherd Dog and American-Canadian. It is also recognized for its high intelligence, its athletic body, and its plush white coat. The pooch is bred from German Shepherds. Moreover, American Canadians carry numerous of the same characteristics.

White German Shepherd Dog Breed Introduction

The White Shepherd is a loyal, intelligent, confident, and medium-sized variety of German shepherds breed in the United States. Furthermore, the pooch is also known as White Shepherd Dog and American-Canadian. It is also recognized for its high intelligence, its athletic body, and its plush white coat. The pooch is bred from German Shepherds. Moreover, American Canadians carry numerous of the same characteristics.

These dogs are generally mid-sized dogs with lots of muscles. Furthermore, American Canadians’ ears stand high while their tails stand high. Additionally, the dogs are generally the long-haired or medium-length variety. As a result, their fur tends to be luscious and beautiful. American Canadians are not albinos as many people wonder when they see the pooch for the first time. Moreover, the dogs are highly observant animals. American Canadians tend to be cautious around strangers as they assess the situation. They then make friends with them quickly once they have determined that the stranger is not a threat.


This pooch breed is a direct offspring of the German Shepherd Dog. German cavalry officer Max von Stephanitz, created the German Shepherd Dog in the first half of the twentieth century using a variety of German sheepdogs as his foundation stock. Color was not considered at first as the dog demonstrated working ability. However, the white color fell into disfavor during the late 30s.

On April 14, 1999, American Canadian was recognized by the United Kennel Club. The dogs were initially bred to be working dogs. However, American Canadians were also bred to have a fantastic temperament so that they would be pleasant to be around. There are a number of characteristics that are often seen among this breed. Don’t confuse them with the Swiss pooch.

White German Shepherd's Photo
A White German Shepherd Photo

Despite the fact that American Canadians were first recognized in Europe in 1882, their home Germany changed the breed standard in 1933 to prohibit the registration of dogs with white coats. The coloration had grown in popularity in both the US and Canada, and in 1969 a breed organization dedicated to American Canadians was established, naming their variant the White Shepherd. The United Kennel Club recognizes this variation as a distinct breed.

White German Shepherd Lifespan

These dogs usually have a lifespan of 12-15 years.


This breed has a moderate task of grooming. This consists of regular brushing due to heavy shedding. Brush your pooch’s hair on a daily basis using a slicker brush to avoid any excess difficulty. Furthermore, do not bathe the American Canadians often as it will discourage the body from producing natural oils.

Washing and bathing the pooch can typically reduce the health of the skin. Moreover, it is recommended that you brush their teeth at least once a week using a dog-formulated toothbrush and toothpaste. Also, clean their ears using a cotton ball as well as trim their nails using a nail clipper every few weeks depending on how fast they grow.


These dogs shed all year. This is especially authentic during their shedding seasons due to having a double coat.


The American-Canadians have a double coat that is straight, dense, and weather-resistant.


These dogs are not hypoallergenic due to their double coat which sheds heavily and is not considerable for people with allergic reactions. This is shedding allows dander and protein to spread on the surface and furniture  triggering dog allergies in people who suffer from them.


These dogs should be trained for a period of 30 minutes daily by going for brisk walks or playing games to keep them happy. Around 8 weeks old is the best age to begin training an American Canadian. The pooch can also learn how to run on the treadmill quite easily on days when the weather is not conducive to outdoor activities.

Owners should make the training fun and exciting because it is the time for the two to bond and enjoy one another. Furthermore, they should be positive and not use harsh words while training them. Verbal praises, rewards, and treats will come in handy. Also, enlighten your dog in basic obedience lessons and command words such as heel, stay, sit, and stop among others.

Parents are also recommended for early socialization and puppy training classes. The American Canadians can also be assisted to be established into well-adjusted, well-mannered adults by gently exposing them to a wide variety of situations, places, and people. Socialization also exposes the American Canadian to a wide variety of sights, smells, experiences, surfaces, dogs, and sounds.

White German Shepherd Temperament

  • Aloof.
  • Eager.
  • Companionable.
  • Highly intelligent.
  • Obedient.
  • Fearless.
  • Courageous.
  • Protective.
  • Highly loyal.


American Canadians require at least half an hour every day of exercise. Owners can include activities such as hiking, agility, swimming, playing fetch, and running for mental stimulation and keeping them busy.

American Canadians can develop unwanted and destructive behaviors without adequate exercise due to boredom and frustration. The dogs also need big yards for residence and are not suitable for people living in apartments.


They can be quite vocal, tending to grumble, mumble, and wine. They can become vocal as a result of fearing for their safety or their family’s safety.

Apart from White German Shepherds, other dog breeds include:

Caucasian Shepherd.

Dutch Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd.

Alaskan Malamute.

Anatolian Shepherd.


The American Canadian is a medium to large-sized dog with a height of 22 to 26 inches tall ( approx. 56 to 66 cm) and a weight of 50 to 90 pounds ( approx. 23 to 41 kg ).


The height of a male pooch varies but can grow up from 24 to 26 inches tall ( approx. 61 to 66 cm ) while the female American Canadians’ height also varies but can grow up from 22 to 24 inches tall ( approx. 56 to 61 cm ).


Male American Canadian’s weight is 65 up to 90 pounds ( approx. 29 to 41 kg ) while female American Canadian’s weight is 50 up to 70 pounds ( approx. 23 to 32 kg ).

Full Grown

These dogs are a separate breed of shepherd dog recognized by the United Kennel Club. Furthermore, American Canadians are medium to large dogs that can grow to 25 inches ( approx. 64 cm ) and weigh at least 40 pounds ( approx. 18 kg ).


A male American Canadian has an average height of 24 to 26 inches ( approx. 61 to 66 cm ) and weighs 77 to 88 pounds ( approx. 35 to 40 kg ).


These dogs tend to become aggressive sometimes. This only happens when the pooch fears for its safety or its family’s safety. American Canadians become aggressive and unmanageable due to lack of training and socialization which are the main factors.

Health Issues

These dogs are generally healthy. However, they are prone to sicknesses just like other dogs. Some of the health issues they are prone to include Hip And Elbow Dysplasia, Osteochondritis Dissecans, Cobalamin Malabsorption, Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV), Allergies, Megaesophagus, and Eye Problems.

The fact that many illnesses are hereditary explains why they are so widespread. It is nearly a given that one of the dogs in your purebred American Canadian dog’s ancestry suffered from dysplasia. Although it is uncommon, these dogs can potentially suffer spine issues. By making sure your dog has a healthy lifestyle, consumes premium food, and gets plenty of exercise, you may reduce or even prevent all health issues.

Ear Infection

Check your pooch’s ears daily if your dog tends to get ear infections for any of the warning signs. The owner will be enlightened to known symptoms such as tenderness around the ears, frequent head shaking, or bad odors coming from the ears.


This breed has allergic skin reactions to ordinary ingredients used in commercial dog treats as well as foods. American Canadians have inherited this from their parents, the German Shepherds. Furthermore, the most common reprobates are the animal proteins commonly found in eggs, beef, and chicken. Additionally, the pooch can also be allergic to preservatives, root vegetables, dairy, or grains.

White German Shepherd Names

American Canadians also have some of the cutest dog names around the planet that their owners or parents give to them. The inspiration for their names also derives from movies and prominent dogs among other factors.

Names Female

  • Rena.
  • Lúthien.
  • Aphrodite.
  • Amara.
  • Freja.
  • Bianca.
  • Zaria.
  • Yuki.
  • Opal.
  • Aurora.

Names Male

  • Ghost.
  • Cotton.
  • Frost.
  • Blaze.
  • Atlas.
  • Eira.
  • Max.
  • Casper.
  • Boogle.
  • Halley.


This breed feeds on high-quality foods. This food can include homemade or kibble and canned dog foods. Furthermore, American Canadians tend to feed three cups a day. The pooch also needs to be given the right vaccinations.

For American Canadians to perform at their best, they need the right ratio of nutrients. To support digestive and joint health, the ideal diet for them will be rich in minerals, protein, chondroitin, fiber, and glucosamine.


The American Canadians have larger ears that stand erect. Furthermore, their ears are triangular in shape. The pooch’s ears should be cleaned weekly using a cotton ball.


The pooch also has a slightly curved, low-set tail. Furthermore, the tail of an American Canadian reaches its hock.

White German Shepherd Price

The price of this pooch ranges between $950 to $3,000 depending on the location or the breeder.

Puppy White German Shepherd

Puppies of this breed are athletic, sturdy, loyal, intelligent, and confident. Furthermore, the mother of the breed has an average litter size of 10 puppies but ranges from 8-12 puppies. These puppies should start outside socialization as soon as their vaccinations are up to date.

White German Shepherd And Husky Mix

This is a dog breed crossed between a Husky and an American Canadian. These dogs are calm and playful. Furthermore, they are also sociable and well-behaved with other dogs as well as people. However, some of these dogs are not good with cats.

White Shepherd Vs German Shepherd

The American Canadians have a lifespan of 10-12 years as opposed to the German Shepherd which typically has a lifespan of 10-14 years. Furthermore, the German Shepherd is prone to many health diseases as opposed to the American Canadians.

Swiss Shepherd Vs White German Shepherd

The main difference between these two is that the Swiss Shepherd is recognized by FCI in Europe while the latter is recognized by the AKC. However, the pooch’s color is disqualified for show.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Are White German Shepherds Called

They are also called White Shepherd Dogs and American-Canadian.

Why Are White German Shepherds Disqualified

They are disqualified because of their coat gene which suddenly became erroneously blamed for the genetic problems existing in the German Shepherd bloodlines.

How Many White German Shepherds Are There In The World

The exact number of this breed in the world is currently unavailable. However, they are considered relatively rare.

Are White German Shepherds Recognized By Akc

They are indeed recognized by the American Kennel Club as German Shepherds. The pooch was recognized as a breed by the AKC back in the year 1908. However, American Canadians are not eligible for show competition.

How Long Do White German Shepherds Live

They live between 12-15 years.

Do White German Shepherds Shed

Yes. These dogs do shed all year, especially during their shedding seasons in Spring and Fall.

Where Do White German Shepherds Come From

They come from German Shepherds. Furthermore, the American Canadian pooch originates from Germany.

How Much Is A White German Shepherd

These dogs will cost you between $950 to $3,000 depending on the location or the breeder.

How Much Are White German Shepherd Puppies

The puppies of this breed are sold at around $950 to $2,000.

Are White German Shepherds Aggressive

These dogs are thought to be less intense than the standard German Shepherd. Poor training or handling brings about aggression in these dogs and is not a result of natural temperament. A properly trained Shepherd should not be aggressive but rather alert and confident.

How Big Do White German Shepherds Get

They can grow to a height of between 23 to 25 inches tall ( approx. 58 to 63 cm ) and weigh from 70 to 90 pounds ( approx. 32 to 41 kg ).

Do White German Shepherds Have Health Problems

Yes, they do. These breeds share several health issues with German Shepherds of all colors. Some of these problems include autoimmune diseases, skin diseases, elbow dysplasia, and Crippling hip dysplasia.

White German Shepherd Quick Facts

  • They are highly intelligent.
  • They are obedient.
  • They are fearless.
  • They are courageous.
  • They are protective.
  • They are highly loyal.
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