
Toyger Characteristics, Lifespan, Colors, and Breeding

Toyger is a medium-sized shorthaired cat breed from the United States. These cats are known for their markedly tiger-like looks marked by broken, upright orange and black or brown-bordered stripes. They have a random fur pattern and bear circular markings on their heads. These cats are outgoing and friendly.

Toyger Cat Breed Introduction

Toyger is a medium-sized shorthaired cat breed from the United States. These cats are known for their markedly tiger-like looks marked by broken, upright orange and black or brown-bordered stripes. They have a random fur pattern and bear circular markings on their heads. These cats are outgoing and friendly.

Toygers are long, lean, and muscular but not large, with long, thin tails with rounded tips. Toygers’ ears are round and small while their eyes are bright green or blue. Their noses are broad at the base, with the jowl area proportionately wider. Male Toygers are larger, more muscular, and bulky than females.

They make good family cats and have a natural relationship with kids. However, parents should teach their kids to respect the boundaries of the cat and to the resist the urge to pick on them. Adult supervision is recommended whenever the pets interact with the kids.


These cats were developed in the 1980s in the United States. Judy Sugden (daughter of Jean Mill the original Bengal cat breeder) was the creator of Toygers cats. Judy crossbred Scrapmetal, a stripy domestic shorthair with Millwood Rumpled Spotskin,a Bengal, and the Toygers were created. Being a newer breed, Toygers are still somewhat uncommon and it can be hard to find breeders.

A photo of a Toyger Cat
A photo of a Toyger Cat

The term “Toyger” is a mixture of the words “toy” and “tiger,” which correctly draws the aim of developing these cats. Bengals were mated to look like miniature leopards, and Toygers were reproduced to resemble small house tigers. Judy also developed Toygers to create awareness for the maintenance needs of wild tigers.

Toyger Lifespan

The lifespan of Toygers is 10 to 15 years.

Grooming Requirements

They have a short and dense that sheds a lot of hair. The grooming routine of Toygers requires weekly brushing to ensure the coat is free of mats and tangles. Brushing also distributes natural oils evenly over the coat giving it a glossy and healthy look.

Toygers cats need a bath every 4 to 6 weeks unless they roll in something stinky. A hypoallergenic shampoo, warm water, and conditioner are used for bathing them. Always rinse off the grooming products from Toygers’ coat to prevent skin irritation. Pay much attention to cleaning around Toygers’ face and eyes daily, and under the tail following each trip to the litter box. It is also essential to trim the fur under their tail and around the genital area if these cats are regularly getting dirty in this area.

Brush Toygers’ teeth two times a week to get rid of tartar buildup by using a toothbrush and cat-formulated toothpaste. Trim your Toygers’ nails every other week or whenever they seem to be growing long using nail clippers. Keeping Toygers’ nails trimmed will prevent scratching on the surface of floors and furniture. Clean Toygers’ ears with a cat-safe ear cleaner and cotton balls on a weekly basis.


These cats have short coats, but they still shed more, mostly during spring and autumn. To lower their shedding, weekly brushings come in handy.


They have a short, but dense coat.


They are not allergy friendly cats. They shed a lot and produce more dander which harbors the protein allergen Fel d 1, which brings cat allergies. Toygers are not suitable pets for people who have severe cat allergies.


Toygers are intelligent and trainable. These cats respond readily to positive training methods such as clicker training along with tasty treats and other food rewards. Start training Toygers from an early age to establish the acceptable feline behaviors at your home. Keep their training times fun, upbeat, and challenging for 5 minutes distributed throughout the day to prevent distraction.

Teach Toygers basic command words like eat, heel, come, in, out, etc. from when they join you home at the age of 8 weeks. Socialization is also crucial to ensure that your Toyger grows up to be a well-mannered and confident cat. To socialize Toygers owners should expose them to a wide range of people, animals, places, surfaces, smells, sights, and sounds like lawnmowers, doorbells, and vacuum cleaners.

Avoid harsh correction methods like shoving since they make training counterproductive. Instead, concentrate on building a strong bond with your Toygers and make training sessions fun and engaging for both of you. Owners can housebreak the cat by crate training, leash training, and creating a feeding routine. Crate training boosts the cat confidence ensuring it is comfortable spending time with itself whenever the parent is not around or closely watching. This may assist your kitten avoid anxiety, which could lead to meowing habits.

Toyger Characteristics

– Friendly.
– Outgoing.
– Intelligent.
– Calm.
– Loving.
– Energetic.
– Playful.
– Affectionate.


These cats are naturally active and need regular exercise to get stimulated both mentally and physically. They should be exercised for at least 30 minutes daily. Toygers are well-suited for various cat activities like playing chase throughout the house and motivational toys.


These cats are not overly vocal. They only meow when they want your attention. If you avoid giving them attention they will meow unnecessarily.

Toyger Size

These cats are 9 to 13 inches ( approx. 23 to 33 cm ) tall and weigh 7 to 15 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.8 kg ).


Mature Toygers have a height of 9 to 13 inches ( approx. 23 to 33 cm ).


The Toygers have a weight of 7 to 15 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.8 kg ).

Apart from Toygers, other cat breeds include:

Egyptian Mau.

Devon Rex.

Persian Cat.

Balinese Cat.


Health Issues

Toygers are healthy cats but can be prone to health issues such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), obesity, dental disease, and heart disease. These cats are also at high risk of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common type of heart disease in Toygers, it can go undiagnosed in its early times and always is only diagnosed once congestive heart failure signs start. Toygers may experience breathing problems and lethargy as the disease progresses, potentially altering the normal functioning of the heart.


Toygers can be prone to allergies such as:

Flea Allergies – This allergy manifests as constant licking, scratching, and itchiness once infested with fleas.

Pollen Allergies – Most Toygers can be allergic to tree, grass, and weed pollens. Toygers that are allergic to pollen can show signs such as watery eyes and regular sneezing.

Food Allergies – Some Toygers can have allergies to specific ingredients present in most cat foods. Toygers with food allergies mostly display gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, gassiness, and diarrhea.


Toygers parents may decide to get a name for the pet before it leaves the shelter or a few days after the pet joins them at home in order to understand better the personality of the cat. They may get name inspirations from the personality of the cat, coat color, movies, books, songs, and celebrities. Parents should make sure the name chosen does not rhyme with the command words to avoid confusion. Some of the names that parents give to their Toygers include:

  • Hila.
  • Nookie.
  • Vova.
  • Yosie.
  • Tabby.
  • Gizmo.
  • Roxy.
  • Misty.

Toyger Breeding

The heat cycle of Toygers lasts for a period of 1 week to 3 weeks. Their first heat cycle begins between 4 and 12 months of age. These cats have many cycles during the breeding season. Some of the symptoms that Toygers may exhibit while on a heat cycle include increased urination, bloody discharge, changes in eating behavior, tail flagging, mood swings, and swollen vulva.

Bloody vaginal discharge that usually lasts between 14 and 21 days indicates that the female cat’s hormone levels are changing, making her ready for fertilization. Owners are advised to screen the cats before breeding to ensure they have no underlying health problems. For the cats that are new to each other, allow them to meet a few days before the mating day. Keeping the environment calm is essential.


The amount of food Toygers feed on depends on their age, size, metabolism, body build, and activity level. Toygers thrive on either commercial cat food, homemade, or raw food. On average, the kitten feeds on a lean protein diet which supports the growth of muscles, tendons, and tissue.

Kittens eat three times a day while adult Toygers eat twice a day. Also, one can opt for free feeding, leaving food out for the kittens to eat throughout the day. Although, as these cats grow into adulthood, free-feeding can result in weight gain. Some cats may be prone to getting overweight. Therefore, parents should watch the weight level and calorie intake as well as treats that aid in training. Their bowls should be washed after the cat has completed eating to prevent the risk of taint from insects and plant debris.

Toyger Colors

These cats can have a brown, reddish brown, or deep orange coat color, with dark tabby stripes everywhere on their body and circular markings on their head.


White Toygers have their bellies, throats, and chins coated with traces of white. However, the amount of white on these cats will vary based on genetics.


Most Toygers have patterned coats.


Silver Toygers are markedly tiger-like with lots of black and white.


These cats have no types but were developed from a mix of Bengal cats and American domestic shorthair cats.


These cats have round-shaped big eyes.

Toyger Prices

The price of Toygers is $1000 to $2500 depending on the age of the cat and the location of the breeder.

Toyger Bengal

Toygers were created from a mix of Bengal cats and American domestic shorthair cats. Bengals make up one genetic half of Toygers, offering many shared characteristics. These cats both look like miniature categories of wild cats, but Bengals have fundamentally round spots while Toygers are more striped. They both have a little distinct head shape, distinctly angled eyes, and contrasting tail lengths, among other minor differences.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is A Toyger Cat

Toygers are medium-sized domestic cats that have long, muscular bodies, high shoulders, and round heads. Their legs are short.

How Much Are Toyger Cats

Toygers cost between $1000 to $2500 depending on the age of the cat and the location of the breeder.

Are Toyger Cats Real

Toygers are real cats that descended from domestic cats. They were cross-bred to look like wild tigers. These cats are trainable and love to go on leashed walks.

Are Toyger Cats Hypoallergenic

No, Toygers are not hypoallergenic because they shed and produce dander hence not suitable for allergy sufferers.

How Big Do Toyger Cats Get

Full-grown Toygers are 9 to 13 inches ( approx. 23 to 33 cm ) tall and weigh 7 to 15 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.8 kg ).

What Is A Toyger Kitten

They are shorthaired cats from the United States. Toygers are known for their markedly tiger-like looks marked by broken, upright orange and black or brown-bordered stripes.

Toyger Quick Facts

  • Even if these cats are short-haired, they shed a lot and need weekly brushing.
  • Toygers have round, small ears and eyes that are bright green or blue.
  • Toygers were created from a mix of Bengal cats and American domestic shorthair cats.
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