
Sokoke Cat Characteristics, Size, Price, and Colors

Sokoke Cat is a medium-sized Cat originating from the Arabuko Sokoke rain forest in Lamu, Kenya. It has a classic tabby coat markings with little to no undercoat. They thrive in a controlled environment due to their low immune to New World Cat Illnesses. Therefore, you will often find Sokoke Cats in multi-cat homes and catteries. This is also a naturally occurring breed from the tropical Eastern Coast of Kenya. Therefore, they were more accustomed to warm weather. The Sokoke Cats may not thrive in extreme cold weather for extended periods of time. Although, they may be acclimated to colder temperatures and may not require special housing any more than other short-haired cats.

Sokoke Cat Breed Introduction 

Sokoke Cat is a medium-sized Cat originating from the Arabuko Sokoke rain forest in Lamu, Kenya. It has a classic tabby coat markings with little to no undercoat. They thrive in a controlled environment due to their low immune to New World Cat Illnesses. Therefore, you will often find Sokoke Cats in multi-cat homes and catteries. This is also a naturally occurring breed from the tropical Eastern Coast of Kenya. Therefore, they were more accustomed to warm weather. The Sokoke Cats may not thrive in extreme cold weather for extended periods of time. Although, they may be acclimated to colder temperatures and may not require special housing any more than other short-haired cats.


It is a naturally occurring breed from the Arabuko Forest, in Kenya. The locals call it khadzonzo (meaning looks like a tree bark) because of the unique ring patterns on the sides of the cats. The standardization and development of the breed started in the 1970s. This was after Jeni Slater, a wildlife artist and horse-breeder discovered a litter of domestic cats in her family’s coconut plantation. She noted the cats were unusual and she took a female and male kitten and started raising them with the help of her staff.

As the kittens matured, they remained very distinct from other cats. Jeni decided to export a pair to Europe. Later on fearing for the survival of the breed, she enlisted the help of her friend Gloria Moldrup who took a pair of Sokoke Cats to Denmark to establish the breed there. In Denmark, the first litter was kittened in 1985. To widen the gene pool, Gloria imported three more cats from Kenya in 1990. The Sokoke Cats were recognized in 1993. In Kenya, the breed further developed due to breeder Jeannie Knocker who resided in the Country. She exported the kitties to America and Europe.  


It is a long-lived breed that has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years

Sokoke Cat's Photo
A photo of Sokoke Cat


They have a a short, glossy, and coarse coat that sheds at minimal levels. Brushing the coat once a week will suffice to maintain the glossiness of the coat and remove the loose hair. The Sokoke Cats do a pretty good job of grooming themselves and will only require infrequent bathing using a feline-formulated shampoo and conditioner. If the nails fail to get worn out naturally, clip them every 3 weeks to prevent cracking and overgrowth. Ear cleaning is done once a week using a cotton ball dampened in an ear cleanser solution. Brush the teeth twice a week if not daily to enhance good oral hygiene using a tasty cat toothpaste and toothbrush.


They are minimal shedders all-year round due to little to no undercoat. 


The Sokoke Cat has a single, short, and shiny coat with a coarse texture.


They are not allergy friendly cats although they shed minimally. This is because they produce feline d 1 protein that is present in the urine, saliva, and mucus. This causes inflammation in people who suffer from feline allergies.


They are active cats that bond strongly with their their fellow kittens as well as their owners. Therefore, making re-homing a bit harder on them and may take a long period than expected to adjust to new environment especially in older already bonded kitties and adult cats. Potential owners should hence thrive to take the kitten home from the early age of 8 to 12 weeks. The Sokoke Cats get along well with their fellow felines, dogs, and humans. However, they rarely look forward to snuggling. They would rather follow their owners around or rest alongside their favorite person. Therefore, caution should be taken when introducing them to new people since they are never afraid of lashing out when disrespected or threatened.

Sokoke Cat Characteristics

  • Active.
  • Vocal.
  • Sensitive.
  • Loving.
  • Independent.
  • Intelligent.
  • Affectionate.
  • Playful.
  • Cheerful.
  • Curious.
  • Energetic.


They are active and tireless cats that are fond of active pursuits including aquariums, drawers, and cupboards. Owners should cat-proof the fore-mentioned items. Sokoke Cats will also enjoy interactive play, scratching, and climbing in cat trees. Keep important objects secured since any item may easily become a toy for this kitty. It will entertain itself by scratching or chewing the item.


They are vocal cats that keep conversations with other cats that they live with as well as their human families. A Sokoke Cat has an insistent and high-pitched meows which may be a disturbance.

Sokoke Cat Size 

The Sokoke Cats are medium-sized weighing 6 to 10 pounds ( approx. 2.7 to 4.5 kg )  and are 7 to 8 inches ( approx. 18 to 20 cm ) tall. 


They have a height of 7 to 8 inches ( approx. 18 to 20 cm ).


They weigh 6 to 10 pounds ( approx.2.7 to 4.5 kg ).      

Health Issues

They have a low immune to resist common World cat diseases hence they thrive in a controlled environment. However, they are no any health related issues that are specific to the Sokoke Cats. Parents should schedule regular Vet checkups to ensure the pet is in good health.


Most pet owners find a name for their feline before it joins them home from the breeder or days after the cat stays with them to better understand the personality of a particular cat. They may source names from the Kenyan heritage, coat color and pattern, movies, books, historical figures, and nature. The names chosen should not rhyme with other names in the house to avoid confusion. Some of the Sokoke Cat names include:

  • Simba.
  • Zuri.
  • Adia.
  • Nia.
  • Kofi.
  • Amani.
  • Chui.
  • Zara.
  • Leo.
  • Max.


They will feed on cat food designed for medium-sized cats. Owners my feed them with either a raw diet, wet food, or dry food. Although they should ensure the commercial foods have few carbohydrates and is a good source of ample protein. The Sokoke Cats should feed on food formulated for kittens, adults, and seniors depending on their age and metabolism level. Pet owners who reside in a rural setting are not afraid if they run out of food since Sokoke Cats are great hunters and especially love insects.

Sokoke Cat Colors 

They have a brown tabby color with tabby markings muted by agouti ticking. Some of the colors that are no accepted by registries include black or near black coat, seal lynx point, and blue or grey coat color.

Sokoke Cat Snow 

This is a Siamese albino color that has a beige to light brown pattern on a ivory to an off-white background color and blue eyes. The Snow Sokoke are quit rare.

Rare Sokoke Cat

It is quite a rare breed in Europe and United States since the Sokoke Cats were a naturally occurring breed in Kenya that started to be standardized and developed in 1978. They were later exported to Europe and America but they are yet to gain popularity like the British Shorthair, Persian Cats, Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Munchkin Cat 


They have light-green to amber colored eyes that are usually set in a comparatively small head.


According to the breed’s Standards, Sokoke Cats have a medium-sized body that is generally long and thin with long legs. If a Sokoke Cat is fat it implies it is allowed to free-feed all day long and get more calories from treats than it is supposed to consume hence appears to be fat.

Sokoke Cat Price

Due to its rarity outside Europe and United States, the Sokoke Cats are quiet expensive. The price ranges between $1200 to $1500 per kitten depending on the location of the breeder, pedigree, and age of the cat.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Many Sokoke Cats Are There In The World

According to Animal Planet’s Facebook Page, there were less than 100 Sokoke Cats in the World in 2016. That is more than a half decade since then and there is a possibility they are at least 100 plus cats of this breed in the world. 

How Much Do Sokoke Cats Cost

A Sokoke Kitten goes for $1200 to $1500 because of their rarity, pedigree, age, and the location of the breeder.

Why Are Sokoke Cats Rare

They are a rare breed of cat since they are a few breeders and the cats naturally occurred in the Arabuko Sokoke forest. Currently, the cat population of this breed in the rain forest is almost extinct. Furthermore, the Sokoke breeding pair have one to two litters per year. At times the two litters may be kittened closely together in a row resulting in a longer period of time before further reproduction. Therefore, aspiring parents may stay in the waiting list longer. The Sokoke Cats are not quite popular hence creating no demand for them which partially explains their rarity.

How Much Are Sokoke Cats Worth

They are highly prized cats going for $1200 to $1500 per kitten.

How To Identify A Sokoke Cat 

They are medium-sized cats with longer hind legs than front legs similar to wildcat legs. Due to their longer legs and straighter stifle, Sokoke Cats have a tip-toe gait. They also have a classic brown tabby patterned coat.

Sokoke Cat Quick Facts 

  • It is normal for Tomcats to help the Queen Cats in raising the kittens by getting in the nest box with them.
  • The Sokoke Cats attain their sexual maturity between the age of 8 to 10 months.
  • It is a true indigenous Kenyan Cat that is known as khadzonzo by the locals referring to its mottled coat.
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