
Shiloh Shepherd Size, Temperament, Weight, Colors, and Height

Shiloh Shepherd is a giant shepherd dog that originated from the United States by cross-breeding a German Shepherd with several other breeds like the Alaskan Malamute. This dog was developed to be calmer, larger, and more family-friendly than the German Shepherd. It also has the same resemblance to the German Shepherd and a more wolf-like appearance. They are gentle and loving dogs that can serve as therapy dogs or service dogs and make good companion dogs.

Shiloh Shepherd Dog Breed Introduction

Shiloh Shepherd is a giant shepherd dog that originated from the United States by cross-breeding a German Shepherd with several other breeds like the Alaskan Malamute. This dog was developed to be calmer, larger, and more family-friendly than the German Shepherd. It also has the same resemblance to the German Shepherd and a more wolf-like appearance. They are gentle and loving dogs that can serve as therapy dogs or service dogs and make good companion dogs.

These dogs are very intelligent and can carry out a variety of tasks like guide dog, police dog, child companion, search and rescue work, and flock guarding, among others. Shiloh Shepherds require more room to stretch their legs and a lot of exercise for mental and physical stimulation. These dog breeds also love doing activities like carrying backpacks, swimming, and pulling sleds or carts. They have upright triangular ears and hence are not prone to ear infections.


These dogs came into existence through their founder Tina Barber, whose family raised and also trained German Shepherds for many years. Tina developed a passion to get back the temperament, size, and outstanding intelligence of her grandmother’s German Shepherds. This led to the formation of Shiloh Shepherds. Tina was born in Germany in 1947 and later moved to the U.S. when she was only 11 years old. Her passion for making the Shiloh began as a teenager in New York, United States.

In the efforts of turning her idea into reality, Tina dealt with many challenges like how to foresee the results of her breeding program as well as how to conquer health issues such as hip dysplasia. This led her to develop the LMX program to gather health data from various littermates. She came up with the name Shiloh in the 1970s from the bible when she found a new passion in her life which was Christianity. Tina crossbred many breeds including the German Shepherd and the Alaskan Malamute to get Shiloh Shepherds.

Shiloh Shepherds' Photo
Shiloh Shepherds’ Photo

These dogs were later acknowledged in 1990 as a separate breed. Shiloh Shepherds were purposely made to give the qualities of German Shepherds but, with a gentler and easier-to-handle temperament and larger. These dog breeds are presently recognized and registered by various organizations such as the National Kennel Club, American Rare Breed Association, National Shiloh Breed Registry, and American Canine Association. However, Shiloh Shepherds are yet to be acknowledged by the American Kennel Club.


This dog breed can live between 10 to 14 years.


Shiloh Shepherds need frequent brushing of their coat at least five times a week using a de-shedding brush and pin brush or a slicker brush. Brushing your dog’s coat helps to remove all the dirt, loose and dead hair, mats, and tangles, and helps your dog’s hair to look its best. It also promotes good blood circulation. These dogs have quite sensitive skins hence it is not advisable to bathe them frequently and to use harsh shampoo and conditioners. Bath your Shiloh Shepherds at least once or twice a year using a canine-friendly shampoo and conditioner and rinse them thoroughly.

Frequent bathing can cause dermatitis in this dog breed. Dry your dog’s coat properly using a towel or a low-heat drier to protect your dog from various skin conditions like hot spots. For Shiloh Shepherds with hairy paw pads, use an electric clipper to clip the excess hair avoiding the hair between the pads. It is advisable to brush your dog’s teeth every day or at least four times a week using a dog-formulated toothbrush and toothpaste to prevent tartar accumulation, protect your dog from dental issues, and remove plaque.

Ensure that you clip your dog’s nails at least twice every month if not every week using pet nail grinders since long nails can cause pain to your dog. It is important to check your dog’s ears for infections, dirt, wax accumulation, pests, debris, and parasites at least once every week. Clean their ears using suitable dog wipes or clear ear cleanser and cotton balls dipped in the cleanser solution to prevent moisture accumulation that may cause infections.


Shiloh Shepherds shed heavily year-round, mostly those with short coats, and more heavily during summer and spring. During their twice-a-year shedding season, they tend to shed their winter coat which consists of a layer of dense coat underneath their top coat.


Shiloh Shepherds possess a double coat that comes in two types, a smooth and a plush coat. Those with a smooth coat possess a harsh and thick double coat that reclines close to the body. On the other hand, Shiloh Shepherds with plush coats are not as rough but still a little harsh.

Smooth Coat

Some dogs possess smooth coats have a harsh and thick double coat that reclines close to the body.

Short Haired

Short-haired Shiloh Shepherds can either have smooth or plush coats and tend to shed more with their hair visible on the floor than long-haired Shiloh Shepherds.


These dogs are not hypoallergenic and are not well-suited for people with dog allergies. They are known to shed heavily and also produce dander.


These dogs are very smart and trainable but are quite stubborn and can take on the role of a pack leader if allowed to. Start early training by using gentle but strict and consistent training techniques so that they can know who is the leader. It is also important to form ground rules for your Shiloh Shepherds when they are still puppies to help them better understand what you expect from them.

Socialize your dogs when they are still young to help them grow into well-adjusted, well-mannered dogs. Expose them to various sounds, noises, animals, and people which can also help tame their barking. Use positive reinforcement when training these dogs such as treats, rewards, and praise. Train your dog not to bark unnecessarily by teaching them the Quiet command word and learning why your dog barks. Begin training as soon as you bring them home and start by teaching them simple commands like come, sit, heel, lay, off, no, and yes.

It is advisable to reward your dog now and then when they follow a command to encourage them to do it more often. It is very crucial to teach your dog when they are still young to respect you by interrelating with them in certain ways that promote respect. Housebreaking your dog through crate training is very important since this will also help them learn to potty train in the right places. You can also set a specific time when you can take your dog outside for a pee or poo. Also, have a feeding schedule.

Shiloh Shepherd Temperament

– Calm.

– Intelligent.

– Loving.

– Affectionate.

– Gentle.

– Faithful.

– Steady.

– Empathy.

– Social.

– Protective.

– Confident.

– Outgoing.

– Friendly.

– Quiet.

– Active.

– Energetic.


Shiloh Shepherds are quite athletic dogs that require enough exercise every day for mental and physical stimulation. They need at least 2 hours of exercise every day through hikes, long walks, and backyard play sessions to burn off energy. These dogs also love dog sports like search and rescue, herding, obedience, and agility which help them work out their minds and bodies.


Shiloh Shepherds have a deep and loud bark that cannot be easily ignored when they bark. They tend to bark a lot and need early socialization as well as training not to bark unnecessarily. It is also important as a dog owner/trainer to know what triggers your dog’s barking.

Apart from Shiloh Shepherds, other dog breeds include:

Dutch Shepherd.

Anatolian Shepherd.

Tibetan Mastiff.

Shiloh Shepherd Size

Male Shiloh Shepherds weigh 117 – 159 lbs ( Approx. 53 – 72 kg ) and have a height of 27 – 30 in ( Approx. 69 – 76 cm ). Female Shiloh Shepherds weigh 77 – 119 lbs ( Approx. 35 – 54 kg ) and have a height of 25 – 28 in ( Approx. 64 – 71 cm ).


Male Shiloh Shepherds have a height of 27 – 30 in ( Approx. 69 – 76 cm ) while female Shiloh Shepherds have a height of 25 – 28 in ( Approx. 64 – 71 cm ).


Sire Shiloh Shepherds weigh 117 – 159 lbs ( Approx. 53 – 72 kg ) while dam Shiloh Shepherds weigh 77 – 119 lbs ( Approx. 35 – 54 kg ).

Health Issues

These dogs are more likely to suffer from the same health conditions their German Shepherds ancestors can have which include:

– Hip dysplasia.

– Perianal fistula.

– Elbow dysplasia.

– Panosteitis.

– Megaesophagus.

Bite Force

Shiloh Shepherds have a very strong bite force that is considered one of the strongest among canines. It has a bite force of 400 PSI hence it is advisable to use suitable precautions when handling these dogs.


Shiloh Shepherds’ parents can also give their dogs other names based on their personality, color, appearance, etc like:

– Ace.

– Bruno.

– Keanu.

– Duke.

– Annie.

– Roxie.

– Evita.

– Chloe.

– Katniss.

– Rebel.

– Cort.

– Gunner.

– Kaiser.

– Shadow.

– Tzar.


These dogs grow vigorously on a high-quality diet that is suitable for their age. Shiloh Shepherds puppies grow well on foods made for large dog breeds. This stops them from growing excessively fast and having hip dysplasia issues as they age. Shiloh Shepherds are also at a high risk of having a bloat/twisted stomach due to their deep chests. To prevent this, it is advisable to use food bowls that are meant to slow down their eating and to partition your dog’s food into some meals per day.

To save your dog from having bloat, it is best not to feed them instantly before or after any form of strenuous activity. Monitor the amount of food your Shiloh Shepherds take per day to ensure that they maintain a healthy weight. Your dog’s treats should not exceed more than 10% of their daily calories. Feed your Shiloh Shepherds with three cups of dry food every day divided into two meals and give them a clean bowl of fresh water always.

Shiloh Shepherd Colors

These dogs have different color coats including dark brown, golden, black & tan, silver, cream, white, and red.


There are solid black Shiloh Shepherds and those that have a predominantly black color with white patches on their neck, legs, tail, chest, and belly. However, only solid black or those with white hairs on the toes or a small white patch on the chest are allowed.


There are purely white Shiloh Shepherds which are recognized as the standard breed color. However, some have brown or golden color on their back, ears, neck.


There are two types of Shiloh Shepherds which include smooth coated Shiloh Shepherds and push coated Shiloh Shepherds.

Pros And Cons


– These dogs require adequate exercise and mental stimulation.

– Shiloh Shepherds shed heavily, particularly those with short coats therefore one can expect hair falling around the house which needs vacuum cleaning to remove all the fallen hair.

– They need high grooming maintenance due to their long coats that are prone to be tangled and have mats.

– They need a lot of space because of their big size where they can stretch their legs and hence may not fit in an apartment.


– They are calm and very confident dogs.

– Shiloh Shepherds make good companion dogs since they are very loyal to their family and are also friendly dogs.

– They are protective dogs that can also serve as watchdogs, search and rescue dogs, and flock-guarding dogs.

– Shiloh Shepherds are also good with kids and other animals if well socialized from an early age.

Shiloh Shepherd Price

This breed can be quite expensive depending if their parents are disease-free and have minimal chances of having hereditary disease. These dogs can cost between $2,500 to $5000. As a dog owner, you can expect to spend $600 annually for vet bills and $600 per year for treats, food, and toys. In addition, socializing, grooming, and training services for your dog can cost $800 yearly.

Puppies Price

These dog-breed puppies are quite expensive especially if their parents are quite healthy and unlikely to pass hereditary health conditions to their pups. These pups’ prices vary between $1,500 – $3,500.


These dogs can litter between 5 – 12 puppies hence it is advisable to breed Shiloh Shepherds once a year.

Shiloh Shepherd Vs German Shepherd

– Shiloh Shepherds are much bigger than the German Shepherds.

– German Shepherds are mostly used for police and military units globally while Shiloh Shepherds are mostly used as companion dogs.

– German Shepherds has a longer body compared to Shiloh Shepherds.

– Shiloh Shepherds have a more wolf-like appearance than the German Shepherds.

– German Shepherds have bigger triangular ears compared to those of Shiloh Shepherds.

Shiloh Shepherd Vs King Shepherd

– King Shepherds are a bit heavier when compared to Shiloh Shepherds.

– Shiloh Shepherds have medium-length smooth coats and long push coats while King Shepherds mostly have long-haired rough coats and smooth coats.

– White Shiloh Shepherds are regarded as the standard breed color while white King Shepherds are considered faulty.

– King Shepherds’ ears are not described as triangular since they may have rounded a little to pointed tips while Shiloh Shepherds’ ears are described as triangular.

– Shiloh Shepherds have a more wolf-like appearance than the King Shepherds.

– King Shepherds are not known to bark a lot while Shiloh Shepherds are known to bark quite frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long Do Shiloh Shepherds Live

Shiloh Shepherds can live between 10 to 14 years.

What Is A Shiloh Shepherd Mixed With

Shiloh Shepherds were mixed with various breeds like the German Shepherds and the Alaskan Malamutes.

Where To Get A Shiloh Shepherd

If you want to purchase one of these giant, gentle, and calm dog breeds, you can look for a renowned show breeder, who is responsible for breeding Shiloh Shepherds to get the same detailed standard of appearance for these dogs’ show rings. Ensure you also have credible reviews and visit the physical location of the breeder if possible to observe how the dogs are treated and trained.

What Is A Shiloh Shepherd

Shiloh Shepherds are giant, loyal companion dogs that derived from New York, USA, and were developed by Tina Barbra through cross-breeding the Alaskan Malamutes and German Shepherds.

Are Shiloh Shepherds Aggressive

This dog breed is quite affectionate and loving, however, it can become aggressive if someone is in danger or if it was poorly socialized which makes it fearful or aggressive of new stimuli.

Shiloh Shepherd Quick Facts

  • They make good companion dogs and are good with other dogs and kids.
  • Shiloh Shepherds are giant dogs and much bigger than the German Shepherds.
  • They are very gentle and calm dogs but can be aggressive if something seems like a threat to its loved ones.
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