
Nebelung Cat Characteristics, Lifespan, Size, and Colors

Nebelung Cat is a large-sized feline that originated in the United States in the 20th century. They closely resemble the Russian Blue Cats due to size and the blue or gray colored coat. However, their coat is medium-length and silkier as opposed to the short coat of the Russian Blues. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as Long-haired Russian Blues. They are mild-mannered cats that do well in a home that has fixed schedules. Rarely, they suffer from separation anxiety if their routine is adhered to. If the feeding schedule is slightly altered this will be a source of stress as they try to navigate towards the new schedule.

Nebelung Cat Breed Introduction

Nebelung Cat is a large-sized feline that originated in the United States in the 20th century. They closely resemble the Russian Blue Cats due to size and the blue or gray colored coat. However, their coat is medium-length and silkier as opposed to the short coat of the Russian Blues. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as Long-haired Russian Blues. They are mild-mannered cats that do well in a home that has fixed schedules. Rarely, they suffer from separation anxiety if their routine is adhered to. If the feeding schedule is slightly altered this will be a source of stress as they try to navigate towards the new schedule.

The Nebulung cats are not outgoing and they are shy of strangers and new places. It is typical for a visitor not to have a glimpse of this cat while in the house depending on their feelings on that day. They are not the most adaptable and flexible cat breed especially adults and seniors that may take sometime before warming up to their new environment. This discourages re-homing. The Nebulung Cats will thrive in a single household pet that has older kids who respect the boundaries of the cat.

Nebulung Cat Origin

The founder breeder of Nebulungs is Cora Cobb from Denver, Colorado, in the USA. She was the owner of two cats, Brunhilde and Siegfried. Cora was impressed by the mesmerizing beauty of her blue-grey cats. The cats looked similar to the Russian Blue Cats even though they had a semi-long coat. She wanted to find out if she could breed the two cats. Therefore, she got in touch with the American Cat Association’s geneticist, Solveig Pfleuger, who said Cora’s cats were best defined as semi-long haired Russian Blue Cats.

Therefore, she wrote a breed standard based on the Russian Blue except for its coat length. However, the breed standard was revised after Russian Blue Breeders from TICA(The International Cat Association) objected it. The Nebulung Cats were first recognized by TICA that also provides its breed standard. this breed gets its name from the German word that is translation for creature of the mist. CFA is yet to recognize the Nebulung Cats.  

Nebelung Cat's Photo
A photo of a Nebelung Cat

Nebelung Cat Lifespan

It is a long-lived cat breed with a lifespan of 16 to 18 years.


They have a soft double coat that is silky and of medium length. It requires three brushings per week to prevent knotting and facilitate the removal of loose hair. During seasonal change, daily brushing is a necessity to keep shedding at bay. They will require occasional baths using a cat shampoo and conditioner.

Overly long nails may cause scratches to you while the cat is sitting on your lap. Using clippers, trim the nails at least once a month. Remove the excess wax buildup and debris from the ears using an ear cleanser solution and cotton balls once a week. If possible, brush your pet’s teeth on a daily basis using a finger toothbrush and a tasty feline toothpaste. 


The silky medium-long coat is double layered and hence will shed moderately throughout the year and heavily while experiencing seasonal change.


The coat grows to its full length when the cat is at the age of two years. Its common for Male Nebulungs to have a ruff around the neck as compared to their female counterparts. The hair on the tail tends to be longer than the rest of the body.

Nebulung Cat Hypoallergenic

They have a molting coat that sheds a bit during seasonal change and in moderate levels all-year round. A coat that molts allows the spread of fur and dander that contains Feline d 1 allergen that causes allergic reaction in people who are intolerant of feline allergies. This allergen is also present in the saliva, mucus, and urine.


The Nebulungs need socialization from an early age and the training should carry on to their adulthood to lower the chances of becoming fearful or shy. This is because they operate well under fixed schedules and are a bit reserved around strangers. Gradually introduce them to new people, places, animals, sights, smell, and sounds while using treats to encourage good behavior. Sometimes they tend to act like dogs in the sense that they may be extremely loyal to their family and owner. They may also be trained to walk on a leash if a proper harness is used. They will also learn how to retrieve items using their mouths due to their playful nature.

Nebelung Characteristics

  • Mild-mannered.
  • Playful.
  • Lively.
  • Affectionate.
  • Reserved with strangers.
  • Good-natured.
  • Intelligent.
  • Gentle.

Cat Intelligence 

They are intelligent cats that will easily grasp canine tricks such as leash walking and playing fetch.


They are shy towards new people and a bit reserved. However, they are not aggressive cats. Early socialization will help the cat to be adaptable to new situations hence being less timid.


Although they are not a demanding breed, they are still active and show their playful side. Keep them entertained and exercised by providing them with interactive toys, tall cat trees for climbing and scratching, as well as leash walking.  


They are vocal cats and good communicators that will let their owners know of any discomfort. The meows are quit frequent since this is a picky breed when it comes to litter cleanliness and the choice of food.

Nebelung Cat Size

They are large-sized cats with a length of 14 to 16 inches ( approx. 36 to 41 cm ) when measured from nose to tail. The Nebulungs weigh 7 to 15 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.8 kg ) and stand at a height of 9 to 13 inches tall ( approx. 23 to 33 cm).


They are 9 to 13 inches tall ( approx. 23 to 33 cm).


They have a weight of 7 to 15 pounds ( approx. 3.2 to 6.8 kg ). However, most male cats weigh 14.5 pounds (6.5 kg) and the females weigh 7.1 pounds (3.5 kg).

Female Nebelung Cat 

The female cat is slightly smaller when compared to the male Nebulung. In most cases, the latter has a ruff around the neck as compared to the former.

Nebelung Cat Health Problems 

It is a new breed that has been in existence for four decades plus. Therefore, specific health problems that affect Nebulung Cats have not been determined. Although, around the age of eight or nine years, your pet should be scheduled for an annual bloodwork for heart disease and kidney.

Other Cat breeds include:

Sokoke Cat.

Chartreux Cat.

Singapura Cat.


Norwegian Forest Cat.


They may suffer from atopic dermatitis, skin allergies, food, or contact allergies. The fore-mentioned allergies manifest as sores, gastrointestinal stress, hives, itchiness, excessive scratching, and licking.


Owners will be excited to add a feline member into their family. While preparing to do so, they may find a suitable pet name for the cat before it joins them home or days after it has finally settled to better understand its personality. You may source name inspirations from the American heritage, coat color, length, and texture, favorite food, movies, or book, nature, and historical figures. Some of the names that parents give to their pets include: 

  • Aqua.
  • Aurora.
  • Birdie.
  • April.
  • Berry.
  • Tuna.
  • Cleo.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Iris.
  • Penelope.
  • Lulu.

Nebelung Cat Food 

The Nebulung Cats should feed on high quality dry, wet, or raw diet depending on their preference since this breed is picky. Owners should use elimination method until they find the most suitable food for their kitties. Regardless, the amount of food that the cat eats should be determined by age, activity level, and metabolism. Depending on the age, the pet will consume food formulated for kitties, adults, or seniors. Avoid free-feeding wet food since it may attract bacteria resulting to gastrointestinal stress if left out for long hours. Ensure the Nebulung is well-hydrated by supplying clean fresh water.


They have a signature blue-grey coat with a silky texture that is tipped with silver.

Nebelung Cat Black 

Pure bred Nebulungs have no black colored coat.

White Nebelung Cat

These cats have a solid coat color of blue-grey coat.

Nebelung Tuxedo Cat 

This breed only has a solid coat color that is blue-grey. There exist no bicolored Nebulungs with a white and black or grey and white color that can be described as wearing a tuxedo. 


They have oval-shaped eyes that are either green or yellowish green in color.


The kitties are queened with no teeth. However, the deciduous teeth start growing in from the age of 6 weeks. By the time they are 12 weeks, they loose the milk teeth to pave way for the 32 adult teeth.


They have tufts of fur between the toes in each paw.

Nebelung Cat Kitten

A Kitten attains its full-grown size at the age of two years. If its a male it has a more defined mane than the female cats. Following their birth, Nebulung Kitties exclusively breastfeed on their mother’s milk for three to four weeks before they are gradually introduced to weaning.

Nebelung Price

The cost of a Nebulung Kitty is $800 to $1500 since the breed is quit rare. Other factors that determine the price include age, pedigree, and the location of the breeder.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is A Nebelung Cat 

This is a large-sized cat with a soft double silky coat of medium-length. The breed closely resembles the Russian Blue Cats. They are intelligent, loyal, playful, and affectionate cats. 

How Much Are Nebelung Cats 

A Nebulung kitten goes for $800 to $1500 depending on the breeder, age of the cat, and pedigree.

How Long Do Nebelung Cats Live 

They are long-lived cats with a lifespan of 16 to 18 years.

How Big Do Nebelung Cats Get 

They are large-sized cats with a length of 36 to 41 cm, a height of 23 to 33 cm, and weigh 3.2 to 6.8 kg.

Can Nebelung Cats Be Black 

No. They are only acceptable in a blue-grey coat color.

Are Nebelung Cats Hypoallergenic 

No. Their coat molts at moderate levels throughout the year and heavily while experiencing seasonal change. A molting coats allows the spread of dander and fur which spreads f d 1 protein that aggravates allergies in people.

How Rare Are Nebelung Cats 

They are quit rare since the breed is pretty new and has been in existence for about four decades. Therefore, potential pet owners may have to wait for a long time in the breeders list before they can get a kitten.

Is My Cat A Nebelung 

Its a Nebulung cat if its large sized with oval shaped eyes that are either vivid green or yellowish green. The coat is double coated and blue-grey in color.

Nebulung Cat Facts 

  • It is one of the Cat breed that can be given as a patronous in answer to the the personality test on Pottermore.
  • They are lap cats that enjoy sitting on their owner’s lap to be petted.
  • The fur on the tail is more prominent than that on the body.
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