
Munchkin Cat Life Expectancy, Health Problems, and Names

Munchkin Cat is a small-to medium-sized cat originating from the United States. Their physical distinct characteristic is their extreme short legs as a result of natural genetic mutation as opposed to human selective breeding. The Munchkins are only interbred with other cat breeds of normal size since the gene that causes dwarfism is autosomal dominant. Therefore, the trait is passed on to the offspring whether one or both parents have inherited the copies. If a Munchkin is crossed to another Munchkin, the litter may die while still in the womb. This cat breed got its name from The Wizard of Oz, the short munchkin characters.

Munchkin Cat Breed Introduction

Munchkin Cat is a small-to medium-sized cat originating from the United States. Their physical distinct characteristic is their extreme short legs as a result of natural genetic mutation as opposed to human selective breeding. The Munchkins are only interbred with other cat breeds of normal size since the gene that causes dwarfism is autosomal dominant. Therefore, the trait is passed on to the offspring whether one or both parents have inherited the copies. If a Munchkin is crossed to another Munchkin, the litter may die while still in the womb. This cat breed got its name from The Wizard of Oz, the short munchkin characters.


There is documentation to prove the existence of short-legged cats in the early 20th century. In Britain, there is prove that support existence of four generations of short-legged cats dating back to 1944. Unfortunately, the line disappeared amid World War II but other similar looking cats were spotted in the United States and Russia in 1970s and 1956 respectively.

In the US, the breed was further developed in Rayville, Louisiana by a music teacher, Sandra Hochenedel who discovered two expectant cats hiding under a truck after they were chased by a dog in 1983. Sandra adopted one of the cats and gave her the name Blackberry. After, Kittening, half of her kittens had short legs. Sandra gifted one of the short-legged kitten to her friend in Monroe, Louisiana. The kitten was named Toulouse.

It is from both Toulouse and Blackberry’s litter that the modern Munchkin Cats have been descended. The Breed has been recognized by The International Cat Association (1997), the Australian Cat Federation, the Southern Africa Cat Council, Catz Incorporated, and the World Cat Federation. However, Munchkin Cats are not recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association due to the welfare of the breed and the health uncertainties associated with the abnormal mutation.

Munchkin Cat Photo
Munchkin Cat’s Photo

Munchkin Cat Life Expectancy

The Munchkin Cats have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years if they are well taken care of.


The grooming of this breed depends on the coat variety. Munchkin Cats may have a semi-long silky coat or a medium plush short coat. Once a week brushing will suffice for the short-haired cats. However, the long-haired variety needs brushing at least twice a week to ensure the coat is mat and tangle free. Occasional bathing will do to assist the cat to reach certain areas of their coat that their short legs do not allow them to reach using their tongue.

Use a cat-formulated shampoo and warm water. After a bath, brush the semi-long silky coat to prevent matting. Clip the Munchkin Cats’ nails every 3 to 5 weeks using nail clippers. Get rid of dirt and buildup wax using an ear cleanser solution and cotton balls. Clean the teeth at least twice a week using a finger toothbrush and a feline toothpaste to remove tartar buildup.   


They shed all-year round at moderate levels. Although, shed hair is more noticeable in the long-haired variety. The loose fur from the short-haired variety will easily weave in the furniture, clothes, and carpet.


A Munchkin Cat may either have a semi-long silky coat or a short medium-plush coat.

Long Hair

A long-haired Munchkin has a semi-long silky coat that requires regular brushing.


These cats produce a fair amount of Feline d1 protein that is present in the saliva, urine, dander, and skin. Therefore, Munchkin Cats are not regarded as hypoallergenic since they cause inflammation to people who suffer from cat allergies.


They are intelligent and easygoing cats that are easily trainable. They will understand and retain information on certain canine tricks like walking in a leash and playing fetch. Use positive reinforcement methods such as clicker training and treats to encourage good behaviors. Avoid use of counterproductive methods like yelling when training. Although Munchkin Cats are naturally social, early socialization to other pets, kids, and family members will help in molding a well-rounded feline companion. To avoid boredom, keep the training sessions short and fun. Litter training, crate training, and creating a feeding schedule will come in handy in housebreaking your cat.

Munchkin Cat Personality 

  • Active.
  • Friendly.
  • Outgoing.
  • Intelligent.
  • Social.
  • Self-assured.
  • Curious.
  • Energetic.
  • Playful.
  • Loving.


They are playful cats and maintain this charm into adulthood. Although they have short legs, they will still climb and hop though not as high as other long-legged cats. Provide a tree to enhance climbing and scratching. Indoor exercise will also meet their exercise needs as long as they have access to running and playing space.


They are overly vocal cats but will only meow when necessary for instance when they are hungry, thirsty, or seeking for attention.

Munchkin Cat Full Grown

A full-grown Munchkin Cat is small to medium sized with a height of 5 to 7 inches ( approx. 13 to 18 cm ) and weighs 4 to 9 pounds ( approx. 1.8 to 4.1 kg ).


They stand at a height of 5 to 7 inches ( approx. 13 to 18 cm ).


Male Munchkin cats have a weight of 6 to 9 pounds ( approx. 2.7 to 4.1 kg) while their female counterparts have a weight of 4 and 8 pounds ( approx. 1.8 and 3.6 kg ) .

Non Standard

A non-standard Munchkin cat refers to an offspring that results when a Munchkin Cat (Mm) is crossed with a normal cat (mm) and produces a long-legged kitten.

Munchkin Cat Compared To Normal Cat 

  • The Normal cat is long-legged while the munchkin cat is short-legged due to its genetic mutation.
  • When a normal cat is interbred with another it will bring forth a viable offspring. On the other hand if a Munchkin is crossed with another, the offspring will not develop to term in the womb.
  • Both Munchkins and Normal cats can jump to elevated surfaces. Although, the latter will jump to more elevated surfaces as compared to the former.

Other Cat breeds include:



American Curl.

Balinese Cat.

Turkish Van.

Munchkin Cat Health Problems

The proponents of the breed show evidence that Munchkins have no health issues specific to the breed while the opponents speculate the breed may suffer from possible dwarfism health problems such as spinal issues. However, this breed is prone to Arthritis, Digestive issues, Hyperthyroidism, Heart problems, Feline lower urinary tract disease, Kidney disease, and Diabetes. 


Although rare, Munchkin cats may suffer from food, environmental, contact, and skin allergies.

Munchkin Cat Names

Naming your feline pet may be fun especially if you have a theme. Some parents may decide to get a name for the pet before they settle home or days after spending time with the pet to better understand the personality of the cat. Some of the names that munchkin cats have include:

  • Sirius.
  • Dobby.
  • Cleo.
  • Misty.
  • Horus.
  • Whiskers.
  • Elsa.
  • Bradley.
  • Mickey.
  • Bobby.


The Munchkin cats cannot be mated with one another since they have a lethal gene. A Normal cat that has not been recognized as a breed can be used to mate with a Munchkin Cat. The resulting offspring will have 50% chance of being long legged and short legged respectively.    


These are intelligent and dog-like cats that will learn to walk on a leash that may be attached to a harness or walking jacket.


The Munchkin cats may feed on a high-quality cat food designed for small to medium-sized cats. The food may either be raw, dry, or wet food. Ensure the water bowls and food dishes have low edges for easy access. 


This breed may have any coat color that is bicolored, solid, calico, tabby, or tortoiseshell. Some of the colors include blue, black, sable, fawn, white, cream, chocolate, orange, silver, etc.


The Munchkins may have a solid black coat or a black coat with patches of white color.


There are two types of Munchkin Cats;  Standard and Non-standard. The Standard has short legs while the non-standard has long legs. The Standard Munchkins may either have a long haired coat or a short-haired coat. 

Munchkin Cat Hairless 

To get a short-legged hairless cat, the Munchkins are crossed with the Sphynx cat. The resulting offspring are hairless and have short legs. They are known as Bambino.


Munchkin Cats have walnut shaped eyes that can be any color.


They have pointed triangular shaped ears. 


This breed has a feathery tail.


Kittens are born with no teeth which start growing in from the age of 6 weeks until when they have a total of 26 teeth. Adult Munchkins have a total of 32 teeth.

Munchkin Cat Ragdoll

Although rare, Ragdolls are crossbred with Munchkins to have gentle and sweet tempered cats.

Munchkin Cat Persian

A Persian cat that has brachycephalic face and short legs can be crossbred with a Munchkin to get a Minuet. 

Price Munchkin Cat

The cost of Munchkins depends on the age, breeder, and location. Most munchkins are sold for $1200 to $1800.

Munchkin Cat Kitty

Kitties may either have short legs like the Munchkin parent or long legs like the Normal cat parent.

Frequently Asked Question:

Are Munchkin Cats In Pain 

No. Munchkins enjoy their life like any other breed as long their basic needs including grooming, healthy diet, and regular veterinary visits are adhered to.

Are Munchkin Cats Healthy 

Yes. The proponents of the breed have been able to provide evidence that Munchkins are not predisposed to health problems associated with dwarfism. Although, they suffer from health issues that are also present in other breeds.

What Do Munchkin Cats Look Like 

They are short-legged cats that are small to medium-sized. 

Do Munchkin Cats Have Health Issues 

Yes. They suffer from healthy issues that also affect other cat breeds including heart problems, diabetes, periodontal disease, digestive issues, and arthritis.

How Long Do Munchkin Cats Live 

The Munchkins have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

Is It Bad To Get A Munchkin Cat 

No. It is just like any other cat although it has shorter legs than the normal cat.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Munchkin Cat 

If fed on a proper diet and has regular vet visits, a Munchkin can live up to 15 years.

What Is A Non Standard Munchkin Cat 

This is an offspring that has long legs that results from breeding a Munchkin with a normal cat.

Are Munchkin Cats Hypoallergenic 

No. Munchkins tend to produce more Feline d 1 protein as compared to other breeds hence triggering allergies.

What Is A Munchkin Cat 

It is a small to medium-sized cat that originated from the United States in the 1980s. It is famous for its distinctive short legs.

Do Munchkin Cats Shed 

Yes. Both shorthaired and long-haired munchkins shed moderately all-year round.

Are Munchkin Cats Expensive 

Yes, especially if purchased from a breeder where they go for $1200 to $1800 per cat.

Do Munchkin Cats Shed A Lot 

These cats shed moderately throughout year although the shedding is more noticeable in the long-haired variety.

How Are Munchkin Cats Made 

They are made by interbreeding a Munchkin Cat with a Normal Cat that is preferably of a non-identified breed.

Is My Cat A Munchkin 

Yes. If it is a short-legged cat with a full coat that is either semi-long silky or a short medium-plush coat.

What Do Munchkin Cats Eat 

They thrive on a raw diet, wet food, or dry food formulated for small to medium sized cats.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is A Munchkin 

If it is a short-legged cat with either a short or long coat.

How Big Do Munchkin Cats Get 

The Munchkins have weight of 4 to 9 pounds ( approx. 1.8 to 4.1 kg ) and stand at a height of 5 to 7 inches ( approx. 13 to 18 cm ).

Do Munchkin Cats Stay Small 

No. Although, they have short legs when compared to normal cats, Munchkins do not stay small but grow up to a height of  5 to 7 inches ( approx. 13 to 18 cm ) and weigh 4 to 9 pounds ( approx. 1.8 to 4.1 kg ).

Are Munchkin Cats Friendly 

Yes. The Munchkins are easygoing, friendly, and sociable cats.  

Are Munchkin Cats Rare 

Yes. They are not widely breed outside the United states since many registries around the globe have refused to recognize the Munchkins due to possible health issues associated with dwarfism.

Quick Facts 

  • It is considered to be the initial dwarf cat breed.
  • Munchkins are not interbreed since the kittens will not survive the gestation period.
  • A cross between a Munchkin and another ordinary cat breed may result to both standard and non-standard Munchkins.
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