
Nebelung Cat Characteristics, Lifespan, Size, and Colors

Nebelung Cat is a large-sized feline that originated in the United States in the 20th century. They closely resemble the Russian Blue Cats due to size and the blue or gray colored coat. However, their coat is medium-length and silkier as opposed to the short coat of the Russian Blues. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as Long-haired Russian Blues. They are mild-mannered cats that do well in a home that has fixed schedules. Rarely, they suffer from separation anxiety if their routine is adhered to. If the feeding schedule is slightly altered this will be a source of stress as they try to navigate towards the new schedule.

Sokoke Cat Characteristics, Size, Price, and Colors

Sokoke Cat is a medium-sized Cat originating from the Arabuko Sokoke rain forest in Lamu, Kenya. It has a classic tabby coat markings with little to no undercoat. They thrive in a controlled environment due to their low immune to New World Cat Illnesses. Therefore, you will often find Sokoke Cats in multi-cat homes and catteries. This is also a naturally occurring breed from the tropical Eastern Coast of Kenya. Therefore, they were more accustomed to warm weather. The Sokoke Cats may not thrive in extreme cold weather for extended periods of time. Although, they may be acclimated to colder temperatures and may not require special housing any more than other short-haired cats.

Chartreux Cat Characteristics, Lifespan, Colors, and Size

Chartreux is a large-sized cat breed that originated in France. They are known for their distinctive blue or silver-grey double coat that has a wooly undercoat. Chartreux Cats have expressive copper or orange-colored eyes. They are described as smiling cats due to their tapered muzzles and structure of their heads that gives the impression they are all smiley. They are affectionate cats that will tend to bond closely with one member of the family following them up close wherever they are.

Singapura Cat Size, Colors, Lifespan, and Personality

Singapura Cat is a small-sized Cat breed originating from Singapore. It gets its name from the Malay language, Singapura which means Singapore in English. Although small, Singapura Cats are moderately muscular and stocky in appearance. They are popular for their distinct blunt tail, ticked coat, pointed ears, and large rounded eyes. The Singapura Cats enjoy their kittenhood well into their adulthood even after attaining their full-grown size at the age of 2 years. Due to their curiosity, these cats spend little time on the floor as they prefer to be seated on elevated surfaces such as cabinets or even on your shoulder for a better view.

Norwegian Forest Cat Food, Life Expectancy, Size, and Colors

Norwegian Forest Cat is a large-sized long-haired cat originally from Norway. In its native country it is known as skogkatt. In the United States they are affectionately called Wegies by the breed fanciers. A Wegie is adept to climbing due to its strong claws and you will find the cat at the top of any elevated surfaces including shelf, cabinet, and bookcase. Owners should cat-proof unstable shelves, delicate knickknacks and vases as well as crowded cabinet tops.

Munchkin Cat Life Expectancy, Health Problems, and Names

Munchkin Cat is a small-to medium-sized cat originating from the United States. Their physical distinct characteristic is their extreme short legs as a result of natural genetic mutation as opposed to human selective breeding. The Munchkins are only interbred with other cat breeds of normal size since the gene that causes dwarfism is autosomal dominant. Therefore, the trait is passed on to the offspring whether one or both parents have inherited the copies. If a Munchkin is crossed to another Munchkin, the litter may die while still in the womb. This cat breed got its name from The Wizard of Oz, the short munchkin characters.

Ocicat Size, Colors, Hypoallergenic, and Personality

An Ocicat is a domestic cat originally from Michigan, United States that is medium to large-sized. It has a striking resemblance to Ocelot, a wild cat, where its name was derived from. However, it is devoid of any wild cat DNA in its gene pool. It was created by crossing a Siamese with an Abyssinian and then backcrossing the offspring to the Siamese Parent. Later on, American Shorthair was included following an error from CFA ( Cat Fanciers' Association) when registering the breed.

Japanese Bobtail Colors, Characteristics, Lifespan, and Size 

Japanese Bobtail is derived from Japan and is a medium-sized domesticated cat that has an uncommon short tail. These cats are sweet and loving and relate well to other pets, especially their fellow Bobtails. Their short tails can be bent, straight, or kinked and are caused by a natural chromosomal mutation. However, their tails often look like a bunny's bushy tail. These cats have shorthaired and longhaired coats. Japanese Bobtails are quite adaptable and can live in various environments but are best suited as indoor cats because of their well-being and safety. 

Toyger Characteristics, Lifespan, Colors, and Breeding

Toyger is a medium-sized shorthaired cat breed from the United States. These cats are known for their markedly tiger-like looks marked by broken, upright orange and black or brown-bordered stripes. They have a random fur pattern and bear circular markings on their heads. These cats are outgoing and friendly.

Turkish Van Life Expectancy, Characteristics, Colors, and Cost

The Turkish Van, also known as the Turkish cat, is a unique and standardized breed of domestic feline originating in Turkey. It is widely believed that this breed was developed in the United Kingdom, where various cats from various cities in modern Turkey were carefully bred. Turkish cats are rare and are easily distinguished by their striking Van pattern, which is characterized by a color-restricted head and tail, while the rest of the body is pure white.
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